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Everything posted by MystoganXIX

  1. Once our characters start feeling fatigue and can't run indefinitely (I'm sure this will be added in a future update) then cars will pretty much be a necessity. This is a huge ass map and some people (fortunately not me) are limited to maybe just 1 or 2 hours of playing a day. I'm fairly certain they don't want to spend that time walking 20 miles through a forest because their character can't run marathons without getting tired anymore. Most of my time ingame is already spent doing infinite sprints from town to town. I wouldn't even bother if I couldn't at least sprint all the way from place to place.
  2. MystoganXIX

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Read my post before you start spewing nonsense and try to insult me kid. Read my post. Admins use their own servers to get gear then go on other servers to use that gear. Please show me where I mentioned that admins were using "godmode" to massacre players? You read the words on the screen, but I believe you only see what you want to see. Only one of your so-called "FACT"s is actually a fact. (Underlined so you won't bust a blood vessle trying to figure out which one.) But it is a pointless fact seeing as how I never said any admin was running around in godmode or whatever invincible gear you invisioned since you obviously have literacy issues. The first "FACT" is arguable, you don't know what people can manage to do with their servers. You failed to mention they have the ability to restart the server btw. They can restart the server at any time, kick anyone who joins, enjoy risk free military loot, win, etc. Third "FACT" is not true because even if it is impossible for a server admin to teleport via server commands/exploits, they can just use hacks and teleport worry free. Their only worry is VAC banning them since they can just kick everyone else as soon as they join. An admin is likely not to ban themselves for hacking. Fourth "FACT" is not true because you are not basing your arguements on logic and research, you are basing them on your own myopic opinion. And then you proceed to be immature and state another one of your "convulted, whiny, accusatory" opinions. (Nice choice of words btw, they describe what you posted quite accurately.)
  3. MystoganXIX

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    They're using the PUBLIC server hive. When they get their own damn hive, they can do what they well please with it. Why should they have the option to pay monthly to run a server only so they can cheat themselves all their items instantly then hop onto another server and massacre people? Even if they get killed themselves, they just go back on their own server, teleport their character, give themselves full gear again, and hop to another server.. Not to mention if other people are able to join their server, admin abuse may result in negative effects to that player. They're using the PUBLIC server hive, not the admin's private server hive, so the admin should have no ability to affect that player. Nobody is forcing you to pay monthly to rent a server right now. The people that do must agree to the rules set in place since they are using the public server hive. If they want full control over their server and the right to do whatever they please (abuse) with it, they need to wait for private servers to be implemented.
  4. MystoganXIX

    40 hours in review with suggestions.

    People don't realize that pressing the spacebar while in 1st person will raise the compass. Should probably put that in the description of the compass... I like the suggestions but once again, I am completely against changing the mechanics in order to punish "KoS". Your reasoning is that people would be mentally scarred in some form or another by killing another human being. This kind of thinking comes from the way you were raised in a civilized society, but people in say 3rd world/deadly countries are not phased by this as much as you would think. History also has plenty of situations in which people are killing eachother, even by the masses at times and there is no mention of negative psychological influences afterwards. This is because it is their way of life, it is not something so rare and unheard of as it is in our society. Our characters have no previous background from what I've read. This would also mean they do not have the influence that we have thus the mental/emotional issues from killing others would not make sense.
  5. I'd prefer not. Apparently cannibalism is to be added in a future update, so I'd rather if my food didn't get up and try to eat me. I was also under the assumption that us "survivors" are immune to the infection due to the fact that we can get hit by zombies and not become one of them shortly after. This game would also be unbearably frustrating if we did happen to die or become one of the infected after a single hit from a zombie.
  6. MystoganXIX

    My opinion on Killing on sight...

    I have lost track on how many KoS threads I've read which describe why people do it. It is common sense as to why people KoS eachother, it Should also be common sense after playing this game for a while that if you want a buddy to play with, you either find one via communication outside of this game or you play with the friends you may or may not already have.
  7. MystoganXIX

    Is Dayz finally lag free?

    But when reading, he mentions "drop in fps" which will put those who read it under the assumption that he is talking about fps lag, not internet lag.
  8. MystoganXIX

    Is Dayz finally lag free?

    I am running an i3 2.10 GHz processor and a PoS intel HD graphics card. By following the many FPS increase guides, I am able to play this game at pretty good FPS rates. (No FPS lag at all outside of cities, some lag but really not even a problem in cities/towns) If you're willing to sacrifice this game's graphics for decent FPS, just look through all the guides people have posted. Some of the key things I have noticed to decrease lag is: In the DAYZPROFILE configuration sceneComplexity=40000; After changing settings like this, make sure you make the config file "Read Only". DayZ likes to change these values around and send you back to your old laggy settings otherwise.
  9. I see no point in actually "cooperating" with people who are mugging you if you are unarmed/no firearm unless they are in a decently sized group. 1v1, you actually stand a decent chance of murdering/knocking them down, stealing their weapons, and turning the tables. Of course if they're in an extremely large group, while your chances of survival are nil... you stand a high chance to cause them alot of problems. Since bullet dispersion is so high in this game, you can make your muggers shoot eachother in the confusion. Obviously not many people like being robbed. So why not cause your robbers some frustration before possibly dying? Not only will they be injured/dead, but your gear will likely be damaged so it is not as useful to them. There are no real incentives to keep living in this game after loosing your gear. Dying and respawning will put you in almost the same position as being robbed and not killed.
  10. MystoganXIX

    [SUGGESTION] Reduce Fall Damage

    Well this will leave desire for a new item in the future. "Auto-Deployable Parachute" or maybe even "Boots of Springheel Jak" for a one-time use item.
  11. MystoganXIX

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    My vote would have gone to decreasing/temporarily removing the fuckin penalties for falling if it was there. The options of fix combat logging and add in more to stop the KoS mentality are likely to be related. People are less likely to shoot someone they planned on robbing if that person doesn't have the option to instantly escape anymore.
  12. MystoganXIX

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    I'd really like if they increased pretty much all weapon accuracy while substituting in additional mechanics that make aiming more difficult. Seeing as how this game is going for a more "realistic" approach, simply giving weapons more dispersion is not the way to proceed here. The hard part of shooting a weapon should be Aiming, not praying that even if you have a perfectly aimed shot your bullet will not fly off heavily to the side due to shitty gun accuracy. Decrease of military aspects should translate into decrease in a player's ability to handle weapons. Not a decrease in weapon performance themselves.
  13. MystoganXIX

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Obviously raging about the game and its bugs is not something you should post on the forums. Discussing a common bug however is something that I believe should take place on forums after it has already been reported. You never know if others have already found a solution that actually reduce the problems that you are encountering from the bug. It can be hard sometimes to distinguish between a raging OP bitching about their game problems and someone bringing up a specific bug for discussion and possibly creating a thread that will later have some tips and solutions to the problems people may be facing. The "omg its alfa sdfu dud" posts really don't help anyone and either take up unnecessary room in a constructive thread or cause a bad situation (rage thread) to become worse.
  14. It is a little difficult to make much sense out of your nonsense, but it seems you're not really stating anything other than your opinion. Calling me a hyprocrite, a carebear, smart (sarcastically), or saying people can stop using it but not really pointing out why in a logical sense does not help whatever your arguement is. I'm fully supportive of playing this game however you wish. This is why I have recommended waiting for PvP disabled private servers for certain playstyles in a different thread. I'm simply pointing out that certain playstyles in the game as is will result in some fairly common consequences.
  15. MystoganXIX

    Dayz Standalone DDoS attacks

    Boo hoo, some people just can't live on when they have to go without playing a videogame for a day? That is a disgrace to the human race. If kids can really get "a program that they didnt create" and cause this many problems so easily, that is a disgrace to the people who are being targetted by the problem.
  16. MystoganXIX

    Dayz Standalone DDoS attacks

    I applaude these assholes. Because that is what they are and they are proud of it. Maybe I'm just one of the few that thinks things like this are hilarious, but these guys deserve money or something. They're causing frustration by ruining people's entertainment. (In turn, entertaining themselves.) This seems like a very unreasonable punishment for internet asshatery. Of course if they get caught, they deserve the punishment since they failed to cover their tracks. If they don't, they get to live on knowing that they caused frustration and "lulz" among the masses.
  17. MystoganXIX

    [SUGGESTION] Reduce Fall Damage

    I would definitely support completely disabling fall damage for now. Yes it is unrealistic to fall off the top of the largest building in the game and play it off as if nothing happened. But this is also very convenient. At the moment, other players and I seem to have problems with both dying from falling stupidly small distances and glitching through the walls/ladder failure on tall buildings and falling to our deaths. This case is both unrealistic and extremely frustrating. It does not help out with alpha testing because people who loot while going north probably die from these kind of situations before actually exploring all the areas and possibly finding other unreported bugs. I like looting buildings. I also liked looting those huge buildings that have many many floors and some of them just have a ladder right at the bottom that takes you up 10 levels to loot. I don't enter them anymore due to the fact that I always manage to glitch through a wall to the outside, lag out of a window, try to use a ladder but either lag and overrun it or use the ladder but still fall anyways.
  18. MystoganXIX

    The dumbest things you've ever done in DayZ.

    Dumbest thing I've ever done was within the first 30 seconds of playing this game. Thought I could win a fistfight with a zombie... Even though players have the power of Mike Tyson, zombies have the durability of a crackhead. (They also attack players because they believe our flesh is made out of cocaine)
  19. MystoganXIX

    Zombies should have MUCH more HP than humans

    Umm... not zombies? Check this out http://steamcommunity.com/games/221100/announcements/detail/1495491571550201802 The first line in that list reads: "Config: added anim hooks for zombie feeding(should allow for zombie to deal damage to unconscious players)" Edit: it is also here on these forums, posted by Rocket himself http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155922-rolling-update-rev-030113860/
  20. MystoganXIX

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    cross platform may not be welcomed by the console communities. I'm willing to bet within the first day of that happening, tons and tons of complaining people will storm the internet saying how PC vs Console is not fair due to a keyboard and a mouse having an arguably significant advantage over controllers. I believe a while ago, microsoft conducted a cross platforming test in an FPS styled game. Result was Mouse/Keyboard users "destroyed" gamepad users.
  21. MystoganXIX

    DayZ Is Officially Ruined(Player Wise)

    Still not seeing why people complain about KoS. It is going to happen... even if the devs decided to somehow punish people for doing it, you will still randomly keel over and die instantly after hearing a gunshot. I know this because I actively played many games where Open PvP is allowed. Even in games like dekaron and wushu that would punish player killing, you would gain infamy after killing people and be sent to jail afterwards if you died, possibly having to stay logged in afk for days. The result? Massive groups of people would slaughter every single person in an area and control that place until they got bored. The "bandits" became the "law". We don't want this game to end up like runescape. That game was actually good way back when... the wilderness was actually wild and you could kill people/steal their gear. Because of all the stupid kids and people complaining about PvP, they removed it, removing one of the greatest joys of endgame.
  22. MystoganXIX

    Please undo today's patch asap

    I see no where in the forum rules where it is prohibited from discussing bugs. When someone complains about a certain bug causing alot of problems, it can lead to helpful information since another person may have found a way to reduce the problems that occur due to said bug. But I guess you have a problem with that huh?
  23. MystoganXIX

    These actions will only encourage to people KOS.

    That's just like, your opinion, man Combat logging is a valid excuse for KoS because one of the natures of this game is to be competitive for loot in order to survive. If I don't KoS you while combat logging is still possible, I take a huge risk in losing my newly found loot. We can't instantly take your stuff without killing you. We can't take your stuff slowly because it runs a high risk of combat log. Hence, until new features get implimented, you will die as soon as we see you. By KoSing players, we are "dealing with it until it's fixed." This way we stop you from cheating whenever we try to take your stuff.
  24. MystoganXIX

    Please undo today's patch asap

    You people really need to quit posting that crap, it helps nobody and only makes you look like you have less than average intelligence. He's complaining that a recent game change has impacted the game in a negative way and needs to be reverted and refined. I'm guessing the OP may have opted into the beta testing since the pending patch has not affected any of the normal servers yet.
  25. MystoganXIX

    Anyone seen an M4 lately?

    M4's suck anyways. For player killing, I much prefer Mosin/Magnum. For general looting/zombie defense, FNX45 is more than enough atm.