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About ward

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. ward

    What kind of zombies should be in DayZ

    When has Rocket ever been concerned about delicious tears?
  2. ward

    What kind of zombies should be in DayZ

    Why not both? Zombies start out as enraged, crazy, fast motherfuckers that can die like normal humans. If you put them down but leave the head intact, however, they reanimate in a few hours (days? Timing could change) and come at you in mindless, slow moving, hard as hell to kill hordes.
  3. Well, helmets deflecting rifle rounds/pistol rounds if they're hit at a shitty angle. Straight on, though, should still be a one shot kill.
  4. ward

    Stuff Probably Talked About Already

    I can see how that would work, props.
  5. Like it, but only 1-4 uses for a lighter? What kind of lighter are you using?
  6. I like the police/military vest dynamic, and I agree with it: Police vests should stop pistol/shotgun rounds, and military vests should stop one, maaaaybe 2 rifle rounds (protection from all those snipers out there). Hell, maybe you could find ceramic/steel plates to replace the cracked/broken one that just saved your life. Double hell, maybe you could jury-rig a vest out of a shirt, a plate, and some tape. This idea has massive potential. Rifle rounds (especially the higher caliber rounds) should have a chance to sit you on your ass, though. And regarding helmets, I can see them stopping pistol caliber rounds and deflecting rifle rounds (deflection's already in arma, ever seen a tracer ricochet off the ground into the air?). But much like vests, they should degrade/be destroyed if they take enough punishment.
  7. ward

    Stuff Probably Talked About Already

    Technically, backpack-like vests are already implemented. How else do you thing your character stores things in his gear menu?
  8. I just recently watched the interview Rocket gave where he gave IGN a preview of the new "dog" patch, and he mentioned that in the stand-alone there would be more finding 5.56 rounds and less finding full STANAG mags. He also mentioned that mags would be commonly made from combing these loose rounds you find, rather than finding the mags themselves. This is a decent idea, but I feel it's lacking something. Just because you have 30 5.56 rounds shouldn't mean you automatically have a metal/plastic magazine to place them in. Could we have magazines also be a loot-able item, with chances of them having no rounds in them? Maybe have rifles/guns you find include a single magazine by default, and finding more magazines in the world would allow you to quickly reload and continue firing, whereas having on mag but many loose rounds would mean a longer reload time as your character has to manually load the mag. Maybe allow a single round to be thrown into the chamber so you're not completely defenseless while you're hand loading?
  9. it's actually hard to not dupe tents when placing them
  10. I use 1.5 for height with the dmr, only works when zoomed however.
  11. A center-fire "high-velocity"rifle bullet, if it traverses only elastic tissue, such as skeletal muscle, does not yaw significantly, does not fragment or deform and does not hit a major blood vessel or nerve. It usually causes a fairly minor wound. only elastic tissue, such as skeletal muscle only elastic tissue. Other than the abdominal region (and you STILL have to deal with the spine there), where in the body is there ONLY elastic tissue? You get hit anywhere else at the very least it's going to break a bone, and then you'll get the yawing action that causes massive wound channels. Hell, if you get hit in the arm it will have more than enough kinetic energy (yeah, I said kinetic energy, because, ya know, it APPLIES) to potentially take the arm off. The moral of the story is that if you get hit with a .50, you're going to have some serious issues. Is getting hit in the foot and insta-dying realistic? No, but as of yet they don't have permanent crippling injuries modeled in ArmA 2, so it's a stand in. Deal with it. Edited for grammar.
  12. Damn, any word on getting reimbursed?
  13. Well I got shot but I'm fairly sure I'm still alive, I dc'd right after I was shot. Any chance of someone meeting me in the trade area to patch me up quickly?
  14. ward

    Stuck on loading screen.

    I just use sixupdater for the downloads, but i'm sure that a quick google search will get you what you need. As for checking which patch you have, it'll be in your arma2 combined ops folder, under beta
  15. ward

    Stuck on loading screen.
