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Pain-in-the (DayZ)

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About Pain-in-the (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Some friends and I are starting up our own server. We've been having some general problems and google has been a dry well on a few of the issues. We would really appreciate some general help with admin tools and loading in scripts. Please pm me. Thanks, Pain
  2. I feel that something along this line would make for a great theme song: I've seen several comments about no words, but I completely disagree. Going to some of my favorite game series with great theme songs, The Elder Scrolls themes. Of the three youngest, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, Skyrim is the only one with lyrics, although Oblivion has melodic vocals, and it is the only one the gives me goosebumps. To be quite honest, lyrics and vocals add so much more to a song. I think what's needed is a minimalist song that carries itself well in the low parts yet can really ramp up and obviously have meaningful lyrics.
  3. Pain-in-the (DayZ)


    Simply enough, tranquilizer darts and rifles. It would add a whole new level to banditry and kidnapping.