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Everything posted by fnal

  1. I think it would be cool to have character skills and information about their life before the apocalypse. Gives more immersion into the game. So for example, let's say you spawned and your character was a mechanic. This gives you a slight increase in repair speeds and the ability to perform major repairs (engine replacement) without needing to "level up" in experience first like the other survivors. This could possibly promote team work and less KOS. For example, a group of 3 survivors is trying to get a car up and running. Neither of them are mechanics so they could only do basic repairs on the vehicle. Instead of waiting until they have enough experience to be able to perform the major repair, they go searching for a mechanic, capture him, and force him to make the repair. Now the issue comes when the mechanic has made the repair, would you shoot him or use his skills at another time? Certainly there are some flaws with this model but it's a cool idea to think about. This could be done with doctors who can only perform certain medical procedures, construction workers who can build bases quicker and more advanced structures, an armorer who can repair damaged weapons, or an ex-con who is very good at banditry tactics (whatever those may be). Biggest thing I don't like is how it can force you into a certain role in the game.
  2. Exploring the new areas and features of the map. A lot more changes in elevation and landscape than I had thought. Love the somewhat dried river beds strewn about. Good time to scout out any location for a camp site before those items get added.
  3. fnal

    DayZ SA - Which headset do you use ?

    ATH-M50s with a cheap mic attached to it.
  4. fnal

    Next patch: a big one?

    Dean said it himself that he doesn't plan to hit beta until the end of 2014 so I wouldn't expect to see huge updates and patches every week or so.
  5. fnal

    possible solution to 3PP imbalance?

    If people like 3rd person and play on 3rd person servers, how is that insanely game breaking?
  6. fnal

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    I remember running in the M40 and then switching to the M50. M50 was like a dream!
  7. If this were a true apocalypse scenario, you wouldn't just wake up from a coma in some random location. You would know where you were before the apocalypse happened and that should carry into DayZ.
  8. I like your idea and did some visuals in paint. However, an issue I can see is that if the camera is simply rotated on its own axis, when close to a wall, you could still use it to see around the wall since the camera is behind the person. A possible solution would be for the camera to get close to the person the more you rotate the camera. For example, if you are looking 90 degrees to the left, the right side of the camera will be at your characters head/back. I'll have to boot up 3ds Max and make a mock animation with this camera setup and see how it works out. Current setup: Proposed solution:
  9. I guess I should have said "Would be a foolish move to disappoint a large majority of their customers."
  10. Wasn't worried in the first place. Bohemia Interactive is a business. Would be a foolish move to disappoint 85% of their customers.
  11. fnal

    Character resets

    I'm not sure you quite understand how programming works. Do you program by any chance? Just because a game has prompts doesn't mean any prompt you want to add will be cake. And it is the very function of the prompt that would take time to code, which could also lead to other issues that aren't important right now. Nevertheless, the developers have their hands full and the best thing to do would be to submit a report in the feedback tracker with as much relevant information that you can give.
  12. fnal

    Character resets

    Because the developers would have to set aside a lot of time to code in this prompt feature when there are more pressing issues to address.
  13. fnal

    Bohemia interactive PLEASE READ

    Since not many on this forum appear to have ever coded anything in their life, they would never understand how difficult it can be to fix a bug that can not be readily reproduced on command. Many underestimate the sheer complexity of what goes into video game production.
  14. fnal

    possible solution to 3PP imbalance?

    You missed some key things in my post that I should have specified more. I was saying FOV is useless because that is an argument some use against 3rd person, saying you can adjust your FOV in 1st person and everything will be fine, which in reality, it doesn't. As far as the difference in FOV between 1st and 3rd, it isn't much, but it's the fact that I can see my character's entire body enables me more freedom or movement and visibility. Otherwise I am stuck with holding alt and having to look around, very clunky and awkward if you don't have the latest and greatest trackIR (still not very natural). And whether Gears is an arcade shooter has nothing to do with the 3PP argument, all of the problems about DayZ exist in Gears but you don't hear any flak about it in the Gears community. Also not sure how your opinion about Gears has any merit on this conversation including why you think mulitplayer added to a game is a bad thing. I'm very very confused.
  15. fnal

    possible solution to 3PP imbalance?

    Love how when you play in 3rd person you aren't a "real man". I still find 1st person clunky, annoying, unrealistic, and nauseating at times. FOV only distorts your image and doesn't fix the issue. Funny how a game like Gears of War which only has 3rd person doesn't generate this much bullshit about the perspective..... Until technology advances and electronics get cheaper, we can't all have multiple monitor setups and virtual reality headgear to match the field of view of the human eye.
  16. fnal

    Is a Hive necessary ?

    Having one character per server totally defeats the purpose behind this game: Survival. You won't make decisions based on life or death, you'll make the riskier move because you have 5 other characters and it won't matter if this one is killed.
  17. You have to realize that Bohemia Interactive is a business and the decisions they make is based on that, not necessarily what the customer wants. Hiring a sound development team isn't cheap. Consider their salaries, new building to house a studio, overhead, all the equipment they need, licensing for sounds, we are talking some serious money. Yes, they are making millions off current Alpha sales but let the CEO decide what he wants to do with his company. There may be more important areas he wants the money to go. IE paying off some debt, upgrading buildings, improving employee wellfare etc... I know it is easy to get frustrated over seemingly simple things, I fall victim to it as well, but I'm willing to bet Bohemmia Interactive is doing the best they can to satisfy their business and customer needs.
  18. Not too sure about this one. If say an M4 is damaged, the only thing you could do is replace components (upper and lower receivers, bolt and bolt carrier group). Besides, these parts dont get very worn or damaged unless they have 10s of thousands of rounds through them. Rust would be the biggest factor on weapon condition. CLP, patches, punch rods, AP brush, and rags should all be necessary to fully clean a weapon. It forces the player to maintain their weapon, which is first priority in the field.
  19. I agree that it is too cumbersome to use the compass now. Judging by the comments in this topic, not many have ever used a lensatic compass, let alone using it for land navigation. You can either hold it up to your cheek or use both or one hand to hold the compass on your chest. USMC land nav manuals recommend keeping a compass 1/2 meter away from a rifle (19.5 inches). A weapon doesn't need to be "holstered" on the back, you can lower it with your left hand, grab your compass with the right hand (which is dummy corded to your gear), get your bearings, shoot an azimuth, find a landmark on that azimuth and walk to it. It should only take 2 seconds to have the compass ready and less than a second to drop the compass and pick your weapon back up. Since the needle will certainly bounce while running, you should have to make the decision to stop or walk to get an accurate reading. If you are in a situation where you need to run, you could still get a read, it just won't be down to the degree.