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About PV87

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  1. ok, so it is our server and it is still possible to get my character back...thanks for link Advent1 :)
  2. So i am in the clan and i always enjoyed to run around on our server and have some kicks with friends but for the past week the server was down due to clan finances, so i was playing random pubs once in the while waiting until next week for our server. Long story short my server got back up today and i found my self not able to log back in with my character so now i am stuck with a full gears on some shitty server while my clan need my help... I got a feeling it is some kind protection from server jumpers, but what about people like me? i didnt know that it was coming, and in general our server was down... any suggestions?
  3. I was running through the forest and all the sudden i heard the steps behind me, i freaked out pull out my revolver and tryed to turn around as fast as i can and at that second zombie screaming jumped on me. I screamed like a bitch since it was so loud and pulled the trigger while i am still turning and the zombie catched the bullet in the mid air and dropped dead. My thought is he was glitched under the ground and when i passed right over him he pop out, but since then i am always checking it my gun is loaded! :D
  4. PV87

    Sniper Rifles

    Being Russian my self who currently living in US and served my time in US Army as an armorer ( the guy whos in charge of all the weapons) i'll tell you guys that weapons do lay around, in the vaults, you can only imagine what we had there...as a sniper rifles goes it a personal choice how to play the game, some ppl like CQ some ppl like long distance fights. KOS or camping is a part of the game, if somebody preferred one it doesn't mean the whole community should act the same, like if i just feel to snipe your ass for fun, well more power to me since i payed for the game and i am playing for fun, definitely don't care what anybody else opinion about it. Now any weapon is possible in this game as far as i see, the reason is there is NO M4/M16 in Russia so everything is possible, matter of fact zombie apocalypse as it is fictional so no point to argue about realism. Learning how to shoot weapons in real life is quite the same as in the game, it take a while to learn about the bullet drop, rifle power, kick, etc. At the end my opinion that as more stuff in the game as more fun you can get since one kind of play style getting boring after a while...and yes shoot me with .50 cal, cause i would love to find one my self to shoot you back, and yes if you will get shot in ANY part of the body with such a powerfull round you will not survive unless urgent care would right on the spot (been there done that)
  5. PV87

    Up to 100k desync on nearly every server!!!

    no lag here, but i do see lots of ppl being kicked.
  6. PV87

    Hackers teleported me Need help

    Start swimming! lol since there no suicide or even command of button such as "/stuck" theres no way to get out of the situation.
  7. PV87

    Character gone again.

    The character might died NOT when you logged out, but when you logged in, stay by the coast and if it will happen just check the place where you logged out before. Also try to log in and out , to different servers without moving your "new" character as soon as you notice that you respawn as a brand new character. Some times it magically teleport you into the "old" character and he/she alive again...go figure. stick to these two suggestions and you always gonna have you stuff. The only thing to be afraid of is the server reset while you trying to make your way to the body. :) Cheers.
  8. PV87

    Character gone again.

    Character is NOT disappearing, it simply dyes, in other words you can find your body where you loged in/out. My sugestion always stay by the coast this way you gonna be able to get back to your body fast since it vanish after 20 minutes.
  9. ^ you made it, now you are the part of this poll! :)
  10. Would you help/stick together, or kos, or GOD will help him/her? From my personal experience i cant trust no one since the person who need help just might turn on you any second just to get better gear. Vote!!!
  11. lets put it this way, ppl always hating on somebody who not feet their play style, its always been around and its always will be...
  12. PV87

    New 5.0mb patch??

    Since the patch my character walking/spinning/skipping by it self, somehow even managed walk off the roof sideway while i wasnt even touching keyboard (yes on different servers with good ping). Go figure what was in the patch...
  13. Helping people and run'n'gun bandits only fun for so long because of "city campers" aka "M4 gangs". Now i am striking my vengeance upon them by camping chock points where they like to gather and pretend to be a good guys (clans who help you but as soon as u got a gun kos you without worning, you know who you are). BTW Boloto and Airfield are yesterday, only noobs runs there. My personal choise is geting dresses in Zelenogorsk and camping Elektro because of the point i mention above.
  14. PV87

    Forever Alone.

    camping ftw! i got ur a-banditing a-holes, and ur a-loot...