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Everything posted by SurvivalKitten

  1. SurvivalKitten

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    May game doesn't even start. I have just a black screen. :(
  2. I have been playing this game since 31th december now. I got killed so many times by other players because of my lack of experience in this type of game. I killed nobody so far. Either I had not the chance to protect myself from an attacker or I just didn't feel it was right to kill a player who isn't a threat for me. So I learned one important thing so far: Don't trust anyone! But... wait. How am I able to make friends in this game, if I can't trust anyone? I know, it's quite easy to play together with friends you know in real life. If they betray you.... you still know where they are living! :rolleyes: So I slowly realize it's quite a challenge to make friends out of strangers. And as we know, friends are essential if you want to survive for a longer time in this game. It's all about trustworthy teamplay. I already watched groups, who go together and got their tactics. They didn't even see me as a threat, because I had no gun and I was alone. Therefore they accepted me, said "Hello" and just moved on. Thats how I like the game.... thats how I want to play the game. Don't trist anyone but your friends, and always accept others until they are a threat to you. So please, experienced players, tell your stories how you sucessfully made friends in this game. I want to make friends, too. I want to learn... I want to survive. :)
  3. Thanks for you motivational (and interesting!) posts. =) I guess I will look for a clan, sounds like the best plan for now. Edit: Where is the best place to watch out for clans? :/