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About koffiekip42

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Twente, Netherlands
  • Interests
  1. koffiekip42

    Will I be able to take suicide in DayZ?

    people allready jumped of tall buildings to kill them selfes so why make an option to do it ?
  2. koffiekip42

    The Wipe is upon us

    when the wipe occurs the forum will be flooded with people crying about that their char is wiped.
  3. koffiekip42

    Zombies running through walls?

    Besidea the common bugs, do the zeds still run as fast as usain bolt? (Or how do you write that guys name)
  4. koffiekip42


    6 zeds. Wow. Eventhough they increased the speed of those zeds ut is still easy enough to outrun them. Try dayz epoch. 20+ zeds on balota airfield. Sniping freshspawns is still lame to do and i think you have the right to be mad about that. But coming hete whining about be killed by agro zeds isn't a smart move. My advice. Play a bit longer than 20 minutes. You'll get used to zed behaviour and learn some hotspots where decent can spawn and where possible threats are. If you dont want to "learn" the gamr now than you'll have a hard time learning the game when it is released. Good luck.
  5. koffiekip42

    I would like to get drunk...

    It could be used as a cheap form of morphine with big drawbacks like vomitting and maybe liver failure in the end. Morphine can become harder to find and vodka/whiskey/beer easier.
  6. koffiekip42

    nvm then

    The players create their own bandut skins atm. Like the payday masks and such. Ofcourse not everyone wuyh a payday mask is a bandit and not every bandit wears one but most of the time that is an indicator. Cimmunity based stuff like "bandit skins" or currency is better i think.
  7. An answer to the last point. All servers are public which means that you have the right ti join any server you can find. Sincr there are no private servers people who want to play with ftiends only or use the server as a loot farm place mostly "join = kick, KOS=kick, join = drleted char, and that kind of stuff in the title to discourage other players to join the server. These servers are against the rules of hosting a dayz server and can be reported to the hosting company (i think). Oh yeah about the zombies running through walls. It's *bleep* annoying but you'll get used to it.
  8. koffiekip42

    Target Practice

    What i like to do is setting up a practice area in the Arma 2 map editor. Just some low end soldiers and a guy with a lee enfield or m4a1 is a playable char. Than i like to kills those soldiers at different distances. Stationary or moving depends on "the reaction" of those bots. It helped me alot understanding zeroing and how to shoot when a guy runs in a straight line.
  9. koffiekip42

    omg in rage new player!

    If you have noticed yhe warnings, its says its in alpha. That's the whole problem. Dont know if this is a bug or sometimes else but you can report it. Happy hunting abd loot safe :) Koffie.
  10. koffiekip42

    Why I'm a Bandit..

    No banditry just simple murder. Try to understand the difference. Bandits hold you up and handcuff you while taking your stuff( a small change to be left alive). Murderers just simply kill you and let your body rot.
  11. koffiekip42

    dayz crash

    Hi all, After not playing for a couple of weeks i started again. Started the game and joined a server. After 5 minutes the games crashed. Tried again and the game crashes after a minute of 2. the third time i tried the game crashed after 3 minutes of playing. Specs of my laptop (i know, laptops arent perfect) CPU: Intel i5-3210M @ 2,50GHz RAM: 4 GB GPU: intel hd graphics 4000 Ati Radeon hd 7670M (which is enabled when playing games) OS: Win 7 HDD: 500 GB I dont know if it is the server which caused the game to crash or my system.
  12. koffiekip42


    Isnt there beer in dayz, rasputin kvass? Adding a drunk effect after an amount of beers could be funny. Also could have other effects like faster dehydration, slower walking, the need of food (kebab :p) and possibly vomitting. Imagine yourself and your crew running around drunk and trying to loot a supermarket :p.
  13. koffiekip42

    Third Person Fix

    All settings that can be adjusted by the player can be used as an exploit. Take the fov setting as an example. If you look through a scope and you adjust the fov you can see much further than not adjusting it. To "fix" the whole 3pp thing they have to make a fixed fov. But OP, if you play 3pp than you'll catch yourself looking over walls in no time. Why? Because you can. I always said to myself I will not do it but i have caught myself doing it multiple times. Like i said. Player adjustible settings will lead to so called "exploits".
  14. Dont know if it is been called here but what about the FN FAL. I know it is in Arma 2. Dont know what ammo it takes and how it feels holding one(damn you dutch weapon law) but my dad used one when he was in the army and said it was a decent weapon.