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About mrtoothpick

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Florida, USA
  1. mrtoothpick

    Thanks for Handcuffing Me, Bandits.

    Haha! This is almost how my first ever encounter with people went. I had logged out in a house. I logged in to see a well geared guy standing right in front of me. I immediately raised my hands, telling him I was friendly. Then I heard another voice behind me. And another from outside. They told me they were going to handcuff me for their safety. After asking if I needed anything, I told them not really. They informed me that they had given me a canteen and a couple cans of food. After chatting for another minute, they unhandcuffed me and ran out of the house, wishing me a safe journey. Sounds like we encountered the same group, or at least very like-minded ones. It was definitely a reprieve after having read all the negativity on this forum.
  2. mrtoothpick

    Zombies Attack Animals and attracted to dead players / animals

    Actually, I really like this idea in general. I especially like the ideas of zombies attacking a bleeding or dead character as their main priority and damaging his or her items. Once more zombies are added, this would curb KoSing for loot in big cities and encourage bandits to do a simple hold up or even take the other player hostage and to a safer location in order to rob them. I also like the idea of having to make life or death choices while being overrun with zombies. They're getting closer... I look over at the guy I had met moments earlier. It's me or him at this point. I fire a round into his leg. He falls to the ground and the hoard begins ripping at his flesh, allowing me just enough time to make it out of the city alive.
  3. mrtoothpick


    It would be awesome if your character's beard grew progressively longer based on the amount of time he has been alive. Razors could also be included and have a couple times use in case you want your character to have that clean, or fresh spawn, look.
  4. mrtoothpick

    40 hours in review with suggestions.

    While I agree, it's also nice to see what people feel should be added or changed, as well as the general players' reactions to those suggestions. I'm sure it's helpful to the dev team even if they're already discussing it or planning it.