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About Nashtanir

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  1. Are there both EU and US experimental servers by the way? Just wondering are Europeans able to test it when it comes out.
  2. Nashtanir

    News and Developer Updates from external sources

    Hicks at his Twitter: "Prepping for patch notes and experimental branch update."
  3. Nashtanir

    Sick of this already

    Problem is that most people have never played alphas and they have no idea what is such a "basic thing" and what is not. Since you surely have no idea what game developement is like, stay away from alphas (and maybe even betas) and only buy complete games now on. ;)
  4. Nashtanir

    Change in-game name?

    No, there is not built-in in game map. The only way to look at map in game is to find one. I think after you have found it you can view it using the M key by default. And what it comes to locating yourself, there are not many different spawn points so after a while you will start recognizing places on your own. ;)
  5. True, currently may people will kill you on sight. However, people don't really know how to approach players correctly; if they used voice chat and showed up without a weapon they probably wouldn't be killed so often. It is also weird why people are so scared of dying, it's half of this game. Moreover, it takes like 30 minutes to gear up again on the current version so I don't see why dying would be that big of a deal. You will never meet friendly people if you are not trying to be friendly by yourself. You will probably die by doing this but you will also find pretty cool people play hang around with.
  6. No, it's not punishable but as I said many people disapprove it. Server hopping will probably be prevented on upcoming updates so then you probably must learn to gear on any server anyways. I trust me, after you have played a while you don't even want to gear up on empty servers. It is just freaking thrilling to meet other people!
  7. Nashtanir

    Change in-game name?

    Like previous messages stated, changing your Steam name changes your name in game. However, some users have reported that it may also reset your character. Althought I think we don't have a confirmation on this. There is a map in game that you can find but many people use online resources to navigate in Chenarus. This map for example.
  8. Well it's totally up to you decide. Currently server hopping (and gearing on empty servers) is possible and thus not punishable. Many people disaaprove it though. I personally think that finding loot and interacting with other players is the absolutely most exciting thing in this game. Since there is not much to do in the current version of the standalone, I feel that losing the threat of other players makes the game really boring. Do you really feel that you have earned the gear you will loot on empty servers or with server hopping?
  9. Nashtanir

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    If you have your Steam on, it should update DayZ automatically when the update comes out.
  10. Nashtanir

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    This patch is basically fixing the unplayability that is occuring right now. Don't know why people are so angry all the time. Devs could just ignore the rubber banding and work on some new core features but instead of that they are going to make the game at least playable again. Please be patient and don't forget, you didn't pay for the game, you paid for the journey - be happy that you can be part of developing DayZ. On a side note, does anyone have an ETA for this patch arriving on Steam?
  11. If I create a character with my computer A and continue playing with the same Steam account on computer B, will I be able to use the same character? If not, will I have two separate characters for both computers or will the computer B erase computer A's character?