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Everything posted by aa777nx

  1. I made a horrible statement, and you made several horrible paragraphs. At least they were entertaining, though. And you might wanna stay true to those words. I can keep up this wonderful conversation all day if you want.
  2. I couldn't care less if I had no support, or if you want to hit me. But if your only reason to reply is to make petty threats, then maybe you're the one trolling.
  3. God I love this community. I'm laughing my ass off right now. I haven't had this much fun in an argument in a while. Take an anger management session or two, buddy. You sound like you need it.
  4. Once again with the unwarranted insults. You're the only one who seems like a 15 year old. But you're probably just going to reply with another completely stupid assumption, so I think I'm just going to ignore you for now. Was fun seeing just how uncivilized such an oh-so-great-parent can be, though. Maybe you should also learn to be more civilized before telling others to grow up. And if you would bother to read, then you would know it's far too late for cutting off my genitals to accomplish anything.
  5. Yay, more of your close-minded, judgmental BS. Once again, YOU are the one that needs to grow up. And it seems to me like you're the one getting butt-hurt and throwing around the insults just because someone shares different views than you.
  6. Making harsh judgements and assumptions and calling me a troll for pretty much no reason? I think you're the one who should grow up. Not everyone shares the same values as you. Deal with it.
  7. You make it seem like having children is some sort of universal pleasure. I can assure you (from experience) that it's not. While the majority might enjoy it, I can safely say that I will never again let any child into my life for an extended amount of time. Not being able to fully enjoy what I loved doing most (partying all night, going on road trips for weeks with friends, traveling to other countries) was an extremely depressing experience for me.
  8. Just because we're here for one purpose, doesn't mean we have to fulfill that purpose or enjoy doing it. And I honestly hope I die long before I end up in a retirement home, slowly rotting away with nothing to look forward to but death.
  9. aa777nx

    How to convince a friend to get dayz

    How about you be a good friend and not try to force someone to get a game that they clearly don't want.
  10. aa777nx

    getting infected by a Zomb...

    From what I've heard, the "Zombies" in this game are basically just people with some weird form of rabies.
  11. aa777nx

    Glock 18 just out of curiosity

    We're not just talking about any Glock. We're talking about a Glock 18. That thing is anything but universal.
  12. aa777nx

    Show Off Your Current Character!

    At least it's not as boring as the dozens of people who use camo gear and a ballistic helmet & gas mask combo.
  13. aa777nx

    Do you combat log?

    I only combat log when I encounter someone who's obviously hacking. If they won't play fair, neither will I.
  14. aa777nx

    Rarest loot currently in game?

    I've heard from a lot of places that the shotgun isn't in the game yet.
  15. aa777nx

    Less gun porn

    That sounds like a horrible idea.
  16. aa777nx


    That's assuming that they died because of a mistake. What if someone randomly breaks their leg for seemingly no reason and is eaten by a pack of zombies? Is it really fair that they have to wait an hour due to a mistake in the coding?
  17. aa777nx

    Do you have a home yet?

    I like to use green mountain as a home. It's got a little bit of military loot, and not many people stop by. It also only has one entrance, so it's easy to defend from the occasional bandit.
  18. aa777nx

    Killing People In Cherno! Video

    I gave you beans just so I could take them back.
  19. aa777nx

    Tents...when are they coming?

    But you can't stash all of your extra gear in houses.
  20. The shotgun isn't in the game yet, so that's why you haven't seen one. As for the Mosin... I haven't seen one either.
  21. aa777nx

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/124345459/Military_Surplus_Czech_M10M_Gas_Mask_with.jpg_250x250.jpg The filters are the 2 pads in the bottom left of the picture. I think they are placed along the inside of the mask. EDIT: Found a video explaining how to attach the filters.
  22. aa777nx

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    I believe the model in the game is the Czech M10M. Also, as far as I can tell, the in-game one DOES have filters.