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Everything posted by Legalese03

  1. Legalese03

    Crafting Weapons

    Crafting of limited use improvised weapons and modifications would be useful such as duck taping a knife to the barrel of a rifle to create a limited use weapon, or taping a torch to another item (such as a rifle) for better night visibility. limited use may be gauged perhaps by the number of times used in the instance of a crafted bayonet (as it would not be expected to be the same strength as a specifically designed attachment). in the instances of a torch the limited use may be upon firing of the weapon as the heat generated from the rifle barrel may be expected to affect the adhesive capability of the tape. please feel free to comment on such ideas and share your own. in the spirit of survival.
  2. Legalese03

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    mask = assumption of bandit = death. i like them, allows for the creation of a stereotype. i dont wear masks because i feel that is something a bandit would do. i just cruise with my sunnies and cap.
  3. Legalese03

    Crafting Weapons

    thanks for your contribution. just to clarify i referred to limited use re taping a knife to a rifle as a bayonet as it would be expected that after using it a few times that bond would deteriorate. i really like your suggestion Draco122 thank you
  4. Legalese03

    Banned For Nothing? [Global Ban]

    seen a few of these pop up lately
  5. Legalese03

    Ttsko Pants/jacket

    bring me some hunter pants and you can have mine. they are pristine
  6. wouldn't a 10 min clean period raise that concern? if you stumble across a body, especially in a town, then you can almost surely bet your ass that the killer is still lurking around.
  7. Legalese03

    More than 1 Character?

    i think being able to use more than one character would be good. im currently in a predicament where i play with a friend and while it is fun trying to locate each other i would prefer to have a fresh spawn that i could designate as a character i can play alone with so that my existing character remains in proximity to mu friend fro when we net play together.
  8. Legalese03

    Faster uphill running!

    run backwards
  9. Leave the mental component of the game to the players. everyone gets hungry, thirsty, sick and injured but mental state varies and is unmeasurable that is what makes this game what it is and abundance of different personalities interacting. the implementation of a system that alters mental state in accordance with a players actions will only lead to a bunch of drones roaming the map and take away from the diversity of personalities and varied interactions.
  10. Legalese03

    Player activated environment sounds

    i agree here. concern would arise where the sound which would normally play randomly was followed up by further sounds that would be indicative of deliberate movement therefore making a natural or "random" sound distinguishable from sound arising from player movement.
  11. Legalese03

    Framerate problems i dunno why...

    check to see what your cpu is doing my brother had similar issue, we reduced strain on cpu and problem fixed
  12. Legalese03

    FPS issue in Dayz

    my brother had a sudden lag issue in his fps. discovered that it was a cpu issue. sorted it and game runs smoothly again.
  13. Legalese03

    NW Airfield

    its one hell of a walk from the east coast :)
  14. My personal opinion is that allowing characters to kick in combat would be a useful feature. Beginning as a fresh spawn especially i think this would be a good feature as it would allow the player to stun an attacker or knock an attacker down and provide an opportunity for escape. The feature was effective in Dead Island although i do not propose that it operates with the same dynamic but legs and feet are effective combat tools.
  15. Legalese03

    Adding the ability for a character to kick

    its a survival game. if i have to use my fists and feet over a gun to survive then hell i will kick the ever loving shit out of the threat.
  16. Legalese03

    Adding the ability for a character to kick

    i think that could work for sure. at least adds another element and provides new spawn players with a chance
  17. Legalese03

    NW Airfield

    so true, but exciting at the same time. i go with the face on the ground bag in front of you approach. i put stuff in their bag if they need it then disappear into the distance
  18. Legalese03

    Name of the game: Survival.

    i think this is a great idea. i keep a record of days myself at the moment but error easily arises when i miss a day of play or two.
  19. Legalese03

    Unarmed combat

  20. Legalese03

    Should they bring back General chat?

    No, general chat is awful. Take Rust for example. The constant streaming of rubbish is distracting and annoying. if this was a route to be taken then an option to disable should also be provided. Loneliness isn't so bad
  21. Legalese03


    i think any system that monitors morals is a bad idea for a post apocalyptic scenario which is sought to have elements of realism (more than not). in a post apocalyptic world there are no laws or rules so why should we be measuring a players actions by todays standards. the moral actions of a player should be left entirely up to the individual. any system that ranks and defines a character karma/actions removes the tension developed during those moments that one player comes across another and those decisions that follow. besides perma-death makes any system pointless as each new spawn is a new person (even though the player doesn't change) the way in which the player interacts with the world from spawn to spawn may vary therefore why should they continue to be tarnished. i love being on the edge of my seat with each interaction with the world, pushing the boundaries of right and wrong and justifying my in-game actions. that creates the thriller of Dayz.
  22. Legalese03

    Trade with others

    link the ability to search other players backpack whilst still on their back with the F2 command.
  23. Legalese03

    Regeneration just won't start

    a mate and i found that saline bags recovered colour in his sight after being injured quite severely.