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About goDecapS

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  1. goDecapS

    To the guy who combat logged...

    So it's a problem if they combat log and it's a problem if they don't??? i'm confused and my brain hurts!!!!!
  2. umm yeah maybe back in the 1900's, today the AED do all the work, even an 8 year old can handle it, the AED do all the heart monitoring all you have to do is place the pads as the picture says and press the button to chock when it tells you to, hell it even tells you to do CPR.
  3. goDecapS

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    Easier and faster solution : stay on 1pp hardcore hive.. Your problem solved in 3 seconds... Youre welcome.
  4. goDecapS

    Sound of Flies round dead bodies.

    it's enough with the 24/7 buzzing flies allready, dont need more...
  5. goDecapS

    Can't wait to go on hunting trips up north!

    No, don't go to the North West, there is nothing there, nothing at all, stay in the East it's much much better....!! super serious!! Just don't com... i mean don't go there....
  6. goDecapS

    What do you think about TRUST ind DayZ ?

    Trust??? after hard learned lesson's, anything that is able to move is an enemy.
  7. goDecapS

    30 seconds is a joke, make it 5 MINUTES!

    I love this new logout timer, no reason to run to cities to find loot as new spawn, just run throug coast forrest and your fully equipped..
  8. same ping as i'm getting from denmark, i can't even get the server to show up in my list with ping set to show below 300 :) you have the IP and port for it??
  9. then by doing this much work just to do an ambush, i would just call it a cool death and he can have all my bean for 3 lives :)
  10. can you get me the IP and Port? it don't appear on my server list....
  11. Using Bjurrsson's video with the Morse code, ran it through a morse code listener and got this very interresting information out of it. http://imgur.com/MmMFqJs if anyone knows a good screen recording program, i will make a video where it decodes it's so you can see i don't write it myself. :) or you can get the program yourself here : http://www.dxsoft.com/en/products/cwget/ regards. by the way. most important... what server where you on Bjurrsson????
  12. goDecapS

    Character crossing hives

    I experienced that a week ago and logged instantly, next time i logged in to Hardcore it was an freshspawn and old character on regular, so guess it might be a glitch. //edit It was the first time i logged into Hardcore server after hive split...
  13. This is 3 images from the North West corner of the map, as you all can see, there is not much, maybe something planned for adding later??
  14. goDecapS

    Damp ? Wut ?

    I got the same on a holster for the fnx.. probally gonna have a meaning later on in the game.