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Everything posted by djkling

  1. I think that zombies should populate as they do now (when you get near town) but should not spawn after the initial until you leave the town and it is unoccupied. Loot should do the same. Theoretically you could clear a town to loot it (though you'd use a lot of ammo) or at least not have to worry about Zeds spawning all up in your business all day...
  2. djkling

    IF this was an actual game...

    Studio Developed, Single payment for purchase. NO IN GAME PURCHASES (then only people with money get the good stuff, this has killed many-a-games from an enjoyment standpoint). Kickstarter? Hell yes, unless you already have backing and funding to do what you want. Alternatively you could rent out server space if you have access to it. That would get you the monthly fees but has a HUGE startup cost (unless you ally with a server provision company). Finally moving forward with a proper venture... I like it!
  3. "who's shooting in Cherno? friendly? i dont need side chat, I know whats being said...
  4. its only enabled if they have not updated. As far as I know Rocket will be removing those since they do not conform to the requirements of servers to be up-to-date
  5. djkling

    haha way to piss off a douchebag

    hahaha, I'm going to do that next time... use up all my ammo, flares, make noise, etc... what a funny bit! He may have called you a noob, but that move was pro...
  6. djkling

    Focus of the game?

    Youre arguing rational thought and discussion while these folks are arguing emotionally, usually after a gaming session ends suddenly. But I'm in full agreement with yrou above post. I'd like to see more logic and less whine.
  7. I'm playing 1-2 hours most of the time. In that time I usually raid ONE town, get some gear, retreat, and then get someplace safe to rest, eat, drink, and bandage if needed. any more and i get the jitters
  8. djkling

    Too many watches, not enough compasses

    In a true post apocalypse you'd be more likely to find a military firearm than a compass. You'd now be more likely to find a GPS as well! My house we have firearms, compass, and a GPS (to just name a few). You go to my neighbour and he does not have a compass and doesnt know how to use a map without a GPS unit (sad... very sad...). Anyhow, we have about 20 watches between us and our spouses. I think a lot of watches and a rare compass is accurate. I'd like to see more GPS units honestly.
  9. djkling

    Did I have a heart attack?

    Could also just be a bug... alpha builds may have mechanics that go haywire. Otherwise, "I've fallen and I can't get up!" applies
  10. I laughed so hard at the "How do i get up there" and response "I press W". Nicely played Anyhow, on a more serious note. I died of thirst last night. Yes, its hard. You should download a map first. Then when you spawn try and figure out where you are. You want to make it REALLY easy? Go ahead and play a regular Arma2 mission in multiplayer in Cherno. I usually go into Warfare, BE. I get a truck, drive the coast and look around. My theory on why this is not cheating is that IF i were a survivor I'd have some basic idea of roughly where I am. I follow roads (but not on the roads) and when i see zeds.... i wait. I watch. I look for an opening. I crawl slowly to the places then loot. After looting i crawl OUT. If something is in a building (looks like 40% cance in most places) I simply move on by or throw a can on the road to drive them out. YES, it takes time and patience, but I have found that it actually gets easier once you sort out your raiding ability and trying to NOT meet the zeds...
  11. djkling

    Surviving Dayz 101

    The best weapon in my opinion is now the hatchet. I try and never engage zeds anyhow, so its good if one aggroes on me without having to aggro the rest with all the facking noise. WHy should you sneak around early? 2 reasons 1) It gets you used to the mechanic and ready them for the future towns they need to enter 2) Its a simulator of sorts. Pretend its you life. Its much more intense.
  12. I think this game provided a nice relief from the "more of the usual" zombie shooters. Now that I can find weapons my bigger issue is... uh... finding WATER and FOOD... all these damn empty cans... weapons are the least of our worry now...
  13. Yep, most of this observation was undertaken today when I was just about to raid a little seaside town. First person through runs (UPRIGHT!) into a building, grabs a pistol (dunno how he wasnt seen) and on his way out elects to shoot a zed thats not even facing him or responding to him! ah! I yelled at him though local but probably I was too far. Bunch of shots, now a bunch of zeds home in on him. I got to loot some of town due to that. THen on my way out I realise I'm in a pinch and am waiting in a bush to the zeds to give me an aveue of escape, only to have ANOTHER noob run into town and aggro all the zeds who then eat him. I got back to the hill, drank some pepsi, and watched someone go from spawn directly into town (at least he was crouched) and not even survey the area. he came around a house right into a zed. I couldnt watch any more so I just left..
  14. If it happens when i'm home... a few M4's, a shotgun, a .308 rifle, few handguns, couple suppressors.. and a lot of ammo. I'm more worried about humans, but zombies would not appreciate my house much ;) But I dont think we should start like that...
  15. Again, if they survived beyond the infection, they probably have some ability to carry things. A backpack is one of the more benign and expected things (flashlight, water carrier, some food, imprvised weapons would be the other)
  16. djkling

    why o why..

    try running away from towns right off and getting the hell out of dodge. Then find some stands, wait for the zeds to walk around a bit, and sneak in. Guns, food, run away. Not really hard, sometimes its a little trial and error. Have you ever played Arma2 Warfare? You can spend 10 seconds and get sniped near your base, or you can spent 25 minutes in a truck to have it blown up a mile from your destination.. or worse, you die when you get out because you're ambushed. Its a sim, not a shooter... expect to die... a lot...
  17. no, you can not. Much like IRL, the optics are VERY specialized and can only display thermal images
  18. djkling

    Is Survival enough of a goal?

    kill all zeds in town, no more spawns (zeds OR loot) and you'd have payer defined towns. Maybe trading posts. But without loot spawns people will need to branch out for food, ammo, etc. You could even have occasional events where Zeds come and try to retake the town. This happens in warfare mods in multiplayer...
  19. I like the system except a few things... I feel like there should be loot outside of town for "junk" (cans, bottles, etc). I think any way you cut it, if you were to survive until the whole world was infected with some serious disease.... you'd at LEAST have something to carry water in. The lack of water carrying is a major hindrance... A gun? I hate to say it but having a gun is just as much a liability as tool. Maybe a melee weapon (I'd like to see "wood 2x4" or "Metal pipe" items...makeshift weapons. This is how real people survive.
  20. djkling

    Is Survival enough of a goal?

    Well, as a sandbox I'd like to see them use the Arma2 mechanics to allow taking of towns to stop Zed respawns (at least within the town), and this should also stop the loot spawns. This would give bases of operation, but you'd still need to go and find stuffs, rearm, food, water, etc... it could be a nice little bit of fun, and would encourage joining up with eachother :)
  21. djkling

    Possible improvements to hunger/thirst

    Visual aids are a normal part of simulations since you cant make the player FEEL thirsty. This would be like not indicating a bone is broken, that youre bleeding, etc. As a physician I can say that the average person can go a MINIMUM of 2 days before their hunger really starts making them make poor decisions. But after a day you become less effective, you run slower, your aim CERTAINLY would be worse. It could be a fun mechanic. As for water... if you can fix the ability to just drink from ponds or puddles I'd sugguest a SHORTER duration of thirst (maybe 2 hours MAX... you are, in fact, moving a lot in this game!). If you can't fix that mechanic... it would be pretty hard to start out with that short of a timer.
  22. Average time alive slowly ticking down?
  23. djkling

    Anyone notice...

    I hate to say it, but I'd like to see them pay more attention to this, it shouldnt be that low, that means a LOT of people are dying really soon when others are on for days... kinda sad. I dont feel as much like i'm surviving as just preparing to die...
  24. OK... I will play both sides of this coin: 1) Fast Zombies. Rocket had said this was more 28-days than Romero; its his mod we should accept that. He will tweak speeds and aggression and numbers to keep it challenging though not impossible. I would LOVE a random chance of a building NOT spawning some zeds so that there isnt an expectation of a zed every building but a bit of uncertainty. I'd love to see the ability to clear whole towns before the respawn to give you stuff to do and objectives, but fast or slow it doesnt matter. The fast is a challenge,and you need less of them to really wreck shop. An isolated zed is a danger in this game 2) Slow zombies: It would PROBABLY be too easy unless you are REALLY dumb. If you notice in Romero movies, zombies number in the THOUSANDS usually. Look at Walking Dead when they entered Atlanta. THOUSANDS. That would cause a lot of server lag and the only real way to up the tension in this is to have them all over the place in HUGE numbers and we'd need mechanics for barricading, makeshift weapons, etc. As much as i hate being eaten by zeds, the reality is that the way they have it works, it just needs some tweaks!
  25. djkling


    I havent been on in a few weeks but if what i recall frm Arma2 is still correct you need to be in "Direct" chat and within... 20m? They took out side chat so people cant chat all over the map. It slows down the "Who's shooting in Cherno" calls and yes, using Mumble with some friends is the best way, otherwise TRUST NOBODY!