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Everything posted by djkling

  1. djkling


    I agree eating is too closely spaced together. A normal human can go a LONG time without eating. I also think you should be able to forrage for food and water (drink from ponds, for example). But, alas, the best way to do it is have a big backpack, knife, and fire gear... make your own food as you go...
  2. djkling

    Did I just screw myself?

    You only screwed yourself by getting attached to you gear ;)
  3. djkling

    A real Populated town?

    yeah, but if a mechanic is put out to take towns you can easily do this, and people will be encouraged to help eachother. People would form communities for sure...
  4. I like making it optional, though this would not work since everyone will have the "main" skin, so the only way you can tell someone apart is if they choose a bandit skin. Plus, those other skins are REALLY easy to spot on the field... But the ideas are good, hopefully they will get noticed
  5. djkling

    Lee Enfield has to be cursed

    ^^^ thats like a boss...
  6. I dunno then... It's been working great on games from Arma2, F1-2012, DCS:a10 and most everything else I throw at it. Now that I've used it I hate playing without it.
  7. Again, please look at the Origin PC's (originpc.com) and you can EASILY find a laptop to run the game on Ultra. Resolution would be the only question, but my Origin runs it fine with everything maxed. I use a tower normally but when i travel I can take it with me (though I dont use TrackIR on my laptop)
  8. It may cost you a few bucks, but using TrackIR has been awesome for me. The facial recog is ok but using a trackIR with the IR lights on my headphones has been WAY better
  9. I guess the options would be to make all servers private and have people apply to play on specific servers, thus making it so everyone is known, if one server has a ton of hacks they can look at that userbase and sort it out just an idea, I have no problem with requiring registration to play...
  10. djkling

    Why bash Eve-Online players?

    If there is a mechanic to abuse or a way to hack SOMONE will figure it out. I do play EVE and there is a lot of scum in there, but the developers keep squashing it so thats OK. Here, yeah the hacking sucks, but I'm sure Rocket has a plan for it to work it out. Maybe with Arma3 and the mod running in it they will have this sorted out. Don't bash ALL EVE players, bash the losers who ruin it for the rest of us and... Jack is spot on...
  11. djkling

    Car Binding System Discussion

    hmm... I would have to say no, but its a well thought out point.
  12. Kinda shitty for all the people stuck in a debug forest now. This kinda stuff is making people walk away from the mod. Its 2 hours running or hope you spawn in the debug forest to get to play the game again. Respawning and losing all your gear sucks. Uh, seriously? You are ALPHA TESTING. This should be expected. if you paid $50 for the game you can complain, otherwise come up with some bugs you find and be constructive. DONT GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR. DONT EXPECT THE GAME WILL RUN SMOOTHLY AND BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES ugh, people should have to read and sign an Alpha disclaimer (READ and sign) before starting so they understand. Maybe google "alpha test definition" and see if you understand the concept.
  13. I will send you my bill for 1 Lee Enfield, one hatchet, hunting knife, watch, 6 clips for the Lee, 2 cans of beans and 4 pepsis. In all seriousness, though... its more fun FINDING the stuff than using it so... thanks for your hard work and no harm with the loss of gear. Anyone who is complaining about losing gear probably deserves to lose it... it means you had too much ;)
  14. My Origin laptop plays it on ultra just fine. I got it when they still had sli mobile setups so it's a dual 580 with n i7 chip, ssd's, 12gb of ram and all over locked. Fast but NOT cheap
  15. ^^^ if this guy is serious about registering every BM, he should probably play The Sims and let us get back to the game...
  16. djkling

    Can't find any way to defend myself

    Or, just go south of Balotta airfield, there are FOUR deer stands. I tend to avoid the big coastal cities other than to grab a coke and some beans and head to check out various barns. My last barn jaunt yielded a Lee Enfield with 5 "clips" (I think LE uses clips, not magazines). Then I ended up at the airfield and had to choose between an AKM and my Lee... the weapons are out there. Hell, every supermarket i've been to have a M1911, and same with most churches. i'm with thorgold... the hatchet is my FAV weapon of them all though...
  17. The DayZ mod only works within the Arma engine, and its being ported to Arma3 so my guess is popping to another vendor will only result in BI being pretty upset. Also, you sed it to Vavle or EA they are going to change it to their demographic. We'll have COD-like DayZ Its good how it is and getting better. You can go pitch your idea to EA or Valve if you like... see how it goes.
  18. djkling

    An idea on solving PVP

    If we are trying to make a sim, as i've said in the past, the NORMAL human response is band together. You should have a morale meter. It goes up when you are near people, down when you are near zombies and when you kill someone. Obviously some people will be bandits so I think THOSE people (once they pass a threshold of kills and dump their morale so low) should get BONUSES for kills and their morale goes DOWN if they DONT kill. Bandits would be unaffected by morale from being around people... only killing. There is a curve so that you have to push your punishment first then get benefit. Most people who survive can thus kill people but will NEED to band together, Bandits will avoid eachother and have to make kills to avoid whatever penalty The world is not full of sociopathic killers, and to MAKE someone a killer takes a certain stimulus. This is pretty similar. Make a person so broken that they hate everyone! The rest of the people should be encouraged to band together
  19. I left an AK with 2 mags for an Enfield with 5 mags in a shed in... I think it was Bor... enjoy :)
  20. Hunger cues in real life arent "stomach grumbling", thats absurd. Most people FEEL hungry, their brain TELLS THEM they are hungry. The Icon is essentially your feeling in game. Unless you can hook up a stimulator to my brain which will adjust hormone levels to signal hunger, I'm not in with removing them. Also, no matter how good you are, your volume will never be entirely accurate, and its nice to know you can tell how loud you are being around zeds. Same with water. Blood could be left out as the sole issue, leaving in the shaking and blurry vision. But bleeding... i'm sorry, is there a way you can make my computer instill pain into me and maybe throw some warm red liquid that clots on my lap? This argument is absurd. as for the gripes on the Arma2 engine... this is probably the single most realistic engine out there, but remember we are still working at a computer. Otherwie you have to go find a real gun, go run in the woods, and find zombies in towns... wtf? Oh, and if you want realism and removal of icons and assists taht are diluting (not deluding) the experience, I hope you have a treadmill with a cold shower overhead to immerse you in realism. The engine isnt perfect, but its the best we got. If youre not into it, go design one and send it over to Rocket, I'm sure he'd have a look
  21. djkling

    Hacking won't stop you from being sh!t

    I hope they can find a way to remove the ability to hack the game. The good players are at a horrible disadvantage (the good players dont need hacks, we love the challenge!) becuase of these morons who just wanna run around and ruin our experience. PvP is a game mechanic, hacking is not.
  22. OK, So I was having one HELL of a time getting started mostly because I would get just enough gear and get hosed by some pK'ing bandit. I believe banditry is good, because it IS part of the game, and I'm sure in the future there will be some penalty for banditry... but until then, new players may want to consider starting on a SMALLER server. Why? on a 50 person server that I was playing on this morning, I was forced to kill several people who shot at me in about 20 minutes of gameplay. I'm a survivor, not a bandit, so I was not looking for a fight, but with SO many people, when you are on the coast you are near many other folks. Lets face it, the coast is a cluster of people. if you have 20 people on a server its much different than 50. Unfortunately, I found that running inland to small towns and learning how to deal with the zeds alone was the best starting point, but then you have to realize that dealing with PvP combat (or at least interplayer agreements and cooperation) is a HUGE part of the fun and challenge. So, if youre getting hosed, try a smaller server, or even a night server (less people playing in the dark) and see how it goes!
  23. djkling

    An idea for NEW players

    The only reason I put this out there is because right now there are a lot of players with a lot of experience and gear, who are out there looking for a kill. This is OK, in my opinion, but to be new and having to learn BOTH the zombie AND player mechanics it can be daunting. I spent a little time when I was frustrated with the game on an empty server crawling around towns and figuring out what I can and can not do to [try and] stay alive. Now I look for high population servers and love the chase :) I think new players will enjoy small servers, but they will get REALLY bored once they are decent enough to forrage and they will migrate to busier servers.
  24. djkling

    Am I missing something?

    Options: Loot major towns, loot airfields, look for barns Barns (and also deer stands) have been the BEST loot so far, I have a Lee Enfield rifle with more ammo than I will ever need. Now what is hard to find is food and drink!
  25. djkling

    What means "Zeroing"?

    firearms do not have a truly flat trajectory and depending on the velocity and weight of the bullet some firearms will have more rise than others. It also depends on range. If you zero at 500m there will usually be more rise than 300m; similarly, a slow, heavy round will also need more rise over smaller and lighter rounds.