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About WierdBeard

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Coming from behind
  • Interests
    Grammar, hair products

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    Yes, it's misspelled
  1. WierdBeard

    buying DAYZ

    Never played the Mod, but even I would suggest going that route if you want immediate content. Don't get me wrong, I like the SA, but after a few respawns the survival aspect gets fairly simple. Then it's the ample KOS vs Pure Survival Camping, arguments you find all over the forums.
  2. WierdBeard

    So I combat logged XD

    Ahh more moral handwringing by the DayZ forum patrol. Now I understand why Dean is quitting.
  3. WierdBeard

    marriage family house farm community

    I blushingly accept your proposal my dear! You've made me the happiest gender neutral digital being on the server! I cannot wait to be waddling to the grocery store, gravid with your survivor spawn! Of course we'll have to purchase some gold farming orphans to play our children. But think of it! We'll have dozens of little we's, running about and scavenging nearby towns, running our berry plantation. Maybe someday we can open a post apocalyptic jam and preserves stand that will one day become an enormous theme park, famous for it's fried chicken dinners! :thumbsup:
  4. WierdBeard

    Are there any noob friendly servers?

    The most newb friendly server is a low pop server. They're perfect if you're wanting to learn the game mechanics, explore the coast line a bit to make newspawning less stressful and get a chance to try out some of the goodies. Then armed with a basic understanding of the game mechanics, you can then join up in the higher pop servers and have roughly similar experiences to your original ones. If you're looking for total immersion of course, you can follow all of the above good advice.
  5. WierdBeard

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    My girlfriend understands ancient Greek, if that helps.
  6. WierdBeard

    Forced to kill

    Someponies just want to watch the barn burn...
  7. WierdBeard

    refreshing server list knocks me offline

    Same here
  8. WierdBeard

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    SOOOOO many cheaters crying about not cheating in this thread. A sin is a sin and TS ain't real life in the zombie apocalypse. All this crying about game breaking exploits, and yet you can jabber with someone who JUST DIED! Witchcraft! Unclean! False adherents to our Lord Dean! Drive them from the temple and take their language from them that they might groan as the bunnies do!
  9. WierdBeard

    Gear and item storage?

    That would then make me wonder if they'll go with server locked characters. Picture setting up a camp on a low pop server in the same geographical location as your enemies' on another server, so you can stargate back and forth with fresh supplies.
  10. I'm waiting for the Etherimp/CrazyandLazy slashfic thread to start up. There are some strong feelings here that can obviously only be resolved with intense snuggling.
  11. WierdBeard

    NWAF Tents

    Jesus Serverhopping Christ! Buncha handwringing holier than thou crybabies. I bet you snitch on jaywalkers and sold out Grandma to the IRS too! Buncha middle children up in the DayZ! On topic, on the hardcore servers I've seen a decent amount of loot in the 2-door NWAF tents. Scopes, bottles, a clip or two and a vest. Not the previous smorgasbord of a few weeks ago, but there was stuff to loot. The 1 door tents were devoid of goodies as normal.
  12. WierdBeard

    Gear and item storage?

    So here's a question about the tents. Once you've built one, will it only be "live" when you're online and at a specific server? Or would it exist across the entire hive 24/7?
  13. WierdBeard

    [solved] Remove quick slot items.

    Or drag the hotkey item out of it's box and back in. Poof!
  14. Mmmm. The butthurt in this thread is delicious. It's always fun to see how a statement of preferred play style will drag every cry baby out of the woodwork. I doff my hat to the OP.