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Everything posted by Mabrothrax

  1. Mabrothrax

    Be nice

    Well, it is frustrating but hell, this is a game right? Everyone plays the way they see fit. Im often geting sniped etc but i never turned my back on some loner without suplies. If i can, i feed them, heal them and carry on - even if such person tries to kill me im not getting mad. If it's the way they think they should play, then let them think that way. There's allways a better shooter out there :) And karma is a bitch.
  2. Mabrothrax

    Simple ingame fix to KOS

    I guess the lack of zombies is why people are bored and shoot everyone. Today i met a guy who said to me to be carefull around these parts because people are shooting everyone on sight, i said to him that i am gratefull for the advice. Then he just shot me in the face. Not to mention i was a fresh spawn, with only can of beans lol.
  3. Mabrothrax

    Simple ingame fix to KOS

    There is a solution for KoS - shitload of zombies everywhere.