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Everything posted by killutch

  1. killutch

    Mouse Control Problems

    This game looks like its going to be a great game but I have an issue I'm hoping has a solution. When looking around with my mouse slow moments make my character look quickly and fast movement barely move my character at all. Its kinda like mouse acceleration but backwards. This makes the game near unplayable. I would like to play with 1:1 no mouse acceleration but i hear that isn't possible. If anyone knows how to get the mouse to respond in a more logical way even if its with normal mouse acceleration that would be greatly appreciated. I have a Logitech G500 Mouse all other games(Battlefield 3, Call of Duty) work normal or as expected.
  2. killutch

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    I came to this conclusion on my own. Noticed it was the opposite of mouse acceleration. I hope it does get fixed because as is this game is unplayable for me. I feel like my character has downs syndrome.