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Everything posted by Brenelael

  1. Brenelael

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Although the Arma 3 engine would be adequate I hope that it will use it's own 'DayZ' engine. Even if it's a highly modified version of the Arma 3 engine. If they use the Arma 3 engine right out of the box they will start to run into a lot of the same issues they are having now with the Arma 2 engine. As great as the Arma 3 engine is it's still not really designed for a game like DayZ. I hope if it is used they give Rocket free reign to modify it as he sees fit. Otherwise it may as well just be a mod for Arma 3.
  2. Brenelael

    Found Vodnick (BPPU) - Hacked?

    Yes, There are no armored vehicles in DayZ.
  3. Brenelael

    Zomb... uhm... Priest Invasion?

    Yeah, It's a new Hacker ploy. There are several videos on Youtube about this already. The OP didn't hack it's someone else hacking in the NPCs and making random people their "Squad Leader". The last video I saw about this earlier today everyone on the server got 2 little old ladies following them around out of nowhere. This is Hackers messing with regular players to get their lulz. Don't be so quick to accuse people of hacking in the future Bottlerocket... it just makes you look like an ass.
  4. One other tip I don't see mentioned because it's trivial to most of us. Don't eat or drink until the indicators are flashing! Supplies can be hard to find when you are just starting out and this will maximize their benefits.
  5. Brenelael

    Weird Encounter, ghosts in game?!?

    I never ever thought I would say this but if this guy is a hacker please don't ban him!!! This is hacking with style... LOL
  6. Everyone new to Arma 2 should play through the "Boot Camp" missions at least once before jumping into DayZ. This will give you a tutorial on how all the major game play mechanics work. I highly recommend it.
  7. Brenelael

    cooking game meat.please help.

    You need to use a Hunting Knife on the animal after you shoot it to harvest the meat.
  8. Ian from PC Gamer is loading into DayZ with Rocket and some other BIS Devs at their Twitch TV Live Stream. Check it out! http://www.twitch.tv/pcgamer :D
  9. Brenelael

    Well, that was awkward....

    I've heard of a Smoke Grenade glitch that does massive damage to buildings as well but if several buildings were leveled I'd put my money on a hacker.
  10. Brenelael

    You know what grinds my gears?

    The gear interface is also one of the things that Rocket would most like to change according to what he said in the PC Gamer live stream with him yesterday. Give him time people. Rome wasn't built in a day you know.
  11. Brenelael

    Content request: Evil Wizard skin

    I'd be happy with a 70's style polyester white leisure suit or a 70's style pimp suit with cane. Of course the pimp suit would also have to have a pimped out pink Cadillac to go with it. Mess wid ma bitches you gonna die mother f**ker!!
  12. Brenelael

    Please confirm if real rocket or not

    Yeah, it's him but so what? This is old news at this point and with a new major update pending it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that he hasn't given up by a long shot. He was very emotional after the first major wave of hackers and who wouldn't be? If some total fucktard strangers were trying to kill something you've worked very hard on just for the "lulz" you'd be emotional too. To answer your questions... No, Rocket hasn't given up on DayZ and no, hackers will not be the death of this mod.
  13. Brenelael

    Rocket Disciplined for 1.7.1

    It's actually Winter in New Zealand... Just sayin. :cool:
  14. There were other people on the server. In fact they got attacked in one of the small towns and one of their teammates got killed before they killed the aggressors. Maybe you should have actually watched the stream because they actually ran into a few other players as well but that one encounter was the only one that turned ugly.
  15. Oh and he has also stated that he wants more enterable buildings, harvestable pumpkin patches, takeable towns and more ways for players to try to rebuild civilization. Lots of good info so far.
  16. He has also stated early on that he is aware of the Hacking issues and he has implemented changes in 1.7.2 to help combat them. He also stated that these changes won't be in the patch notes for obvious reasons. He has also said that 1.7.2 is mainly designed around improving performance to make way for more sandbox elements down the road like Base Building. (Yes he actually mentioned this and that he definitely wants to implement it at some point!) Also on a side note he's a big Xcom and X3 fan because of their highly complex gameplay and the fact that players are kind of thrown into the world and left to figure things out for themselves. This is the thing he wants to accomplish with DayZ.
  17. When he did the TotalBiscuit interview they played on one of the Prague servers. I don't see why this would be any different. They will be on a public server for sure.
  18. Brenelael


    No... He's BATMAN! ;)
  19. Brenelael

    Moar Wepanz!

    The only other weapon I'd like to see is a Compound Bow. That would be much more useful than the crappy Crossbow we have now. Also have the ammo in Quivers of like 5-10 arrows each with about half of the refire time of the Crossbow. This would put it more in line with other weapons (Magazines). I do love all of the people who want grenade, mortar and missile launchers. Why don't you just ask Rocket for an "I Win!!!" button while your at it?
  20. Brenelael

    Worth the money?

    Yeah... Buy the game for the game itself and not just for DayZ. While I personally think DayZ is great you may not think so once you try it. ArmA 2 on the other hand is a great game in itself. There is no other game with the game play ArmA 2 offers. DayZ is just icing on the ArmA 2 cake. You have to also consider that DayZ is very much a work in progress. The DayZ we are playing right now could be drastically different than the DayZ we will be playing in the coming months. This mod will change drastically before it's done.
  21. Brenelael

    Social incentives needed

    Rocket is aware of this and has stated numerous times that eventually he will put in more of an "End Game" to encourage cooperation between survivors. I wouldn't however expect any drastic changes to the PvP system already in place. This is a PvP survival game and both go hand in hand. What he wants to implement is more along the lines of things that people would have to do together like building an encampment, fixing a power station or even controlling a town. I think he even mentioned some sort of trade system somewhere along the way. These things will take a lot of time to implement and this mod is still in it's infancy right now so we all have to be patient. Right now what is driving the "Deathmatch" atmosphere is once you get geared up there isn't a whole lot to do but PvP. That will change slowly over time. Give Rocket a chance to show us what he has in store for us. Rome wasn't built in a day you know.
  22. Brenelael

    Hopping Bandits WTF

    Yeah, Rocket already tried the cool down on log out fix. What happened is you would get disconnected, log back in, freak out because someone was standing next to you, you would shoot them and fall over dead. You would be shooting yourself because you were still standing there when you logged back in. It was hilarious but not a good fix... LOL He needs to figure out some way around that before he can implement it again. I'm sure he's working on it.