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Everything posted by fig0451

  1. fig0451

    Three words. Land. Mine.

    Manually triggered IEDs ought to be fine. I think this was from somewhere in that dev presentation?:
  2. fig0451

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    Catching someone legitimately beating off in DayZ would probably scar me mentally for a few days... EDIT: Wait what can we not talk about that? EDIT2: Welp I guess I should have known. Welcome to the DayZ forums where entire threads of brutal massacres are ok but no masturbation jokes. Hey mom look at all these innocent people I murdered!
  3. fig0451

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    I really really really love this gun :P
  4. fig0451

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    Unlike the concept of somehow banning TS Mumble Vent Skype w/e, this is actually doable. Honestly, I'd be for adding this as a server-side option. Don't force it on everyone, but allow it to be a thing. Also, this isn't completely unheard of. I know at least one game that has this on by default: Intruder. You /can/ turn it off, but a lot of people leave it on, either out of ignorance or immersiveness. Worth noting: Even this wouldn't be fully 'realistic'; I'm pretty sure any headset that costs more than $20 has a mic mute switch on it somewhere.
  5. fig0451

    Balota Book Exchange - Seattle - Hardcore

    How much are the hosting costs? I might be able to help out. Seriously this server is great and it would be really crappy if it shut down :C Added you on steam, ping me sometime.
  6. fig0451

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Yeah, that's pretty much the idea i was going for. More casual clothes for camouflage means you have a bit better chance of not being instantly stereotyped as a bandit. In other news, where the hell do you find hunter backpacks these days? The one I've got is getting pretty beat up, and the sewing kit doesn't seem to do anything to it.
  7. fig0451

    Can perfect strangers become friends and play DayZ together?

    I've made two friends totally in game so far. Unfortunately, one of them seems to have disappeared, haven't seen him online in months.
  8. fig0451

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I'm basically the inverse of The Monk: Also now that I think of it, this guy is pretty old, been alive for a few months now. Stable - Hardcore.
  9. fig0451

    How often do you sever hop?

    I only 'server hop' if I join a server that is somehow night despite the time reading 12:00
  10. fig0451

    What has the standalone become ?

    For what it's worth, I've played 120+ hours and maybe once saw something that /might/ have been a hacker but also could have just been lag. Since November, the game has gotten MUCH more playable. The devs have done a lot to address lag and desync while simultaneously adding on more features that may cause lag and desync. This is how development alpha works. Everything is in motion, so you should expect a basic cycle of +New Features -> Hot Fix to address lag -> +More New Features -> Another hotfix. Remember when you had to wait nearly a full minute for items you just dropped to appear on the ground? Now it's instant, or with a delay of a few seconds maximum. Remember when 75% of the time you couldn't even take out or put away a weapon/item without mashing the button 100 times? Nowadays that happens mabye 10% of the time. Oh here's an easy one: Remember when we didn't have hardcore mode and urban combat was completely retarded? Yeah, we've got hardcore mode now for those who don't want to deal with 3P cam bullshit. Then there's all the new content that's gone in; new gestures, new animations, new weapons, new food, new clothes, tons of new buildings and additions to the map. More recently they've reworked the zombies to be more aggressive, pathfind better, and spawn when you use loud weapons. It's not perfect, but it's certainly a major improvement. Soon we're to be getting even more weapons, and with the completion of the physics model, ragdoll bodies and throwable/projectile weapons. Eventually we'll get proper loot spawning, vehicles, and persistent objects. Really the only major gripe I have with the game so far is that I wish they would make the deviation on the weapons more inline with their real counterparts, and implement more sway based on your stamina and energy. Everything else has been progressing fairly well.
  11. fig0451

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    Voted yes; I want a beard.
  12. Thank god thank god thank god thank god
  13. Dude, I think 3PP is cheap as hell but 1) who cares there is a hardcore mode now 2) really? comparing it to slavery? You're not going to convince anyone of anything with hyperbolic shit like that.
  14. 110 hrs, no hackers so far.
  15. fig0451


    No. What I said was the weapon is more accurate at the maximum engagement range of the PU scope (300m) then near the maximum engagement range of the Long Range Scope (800m) The greater the distance the bullet travels the greater it drifts. Nothing weird there.
  16. fig0451

    Played on a 1st Person server last night...

    If you have TrackIR, you can have more precise control over leaning.
  17. fig0451

    Why is this possible?

    AFAIK, the 'hacks' involving removing trees and other objects from the game, allowing players to walk through walls and buildings, have been fixed. This was caused by the game not actually doing an integrity check to make sure all the required pbo files were actually there, and I believe was fixed with either the latest patch, or the one before that. Regarding posting videos and whether or not that's ok: Honestly, I would think that posting every hack you can actually find to some kind of 'here's a hack' thread would be a great idea, as that would allow the dev team to see those hacks, attempt to use them, and reverse engineer them to find the exact vulnerability that needs fixing.
  18. fig0451

    Warsaw Pact Weapon Attachments

    Excellent compendium of sensible weapon addons/mods. Have my beans!
  19. I agree with this concept completely. Having your weapon in a holster should give you quicker access to it than having it in your backpack.
  20. fig0451

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    Personal opinion? They make literally no sense in this setting and don't belong. If we must have masks then make them masks that might actually be found in the region. (Above post has some examples) At the moment, it doesn't really bug me, as they generally just serve as giant 'shoot me im a bandit' markers. Seriously, who the fuck walks around in a goddamn demented clown mask and has good intentions?
  21. I'd like this a lot. If I recall, ACE actually simulated exactly the effects you're talking about.
  22. fig0451

    Horses, the almost perfect "vehicle"

    It would be awesome if horses were somehow implemented, but dear god animating player directed movement properly in the Arma engine would be a nightmare. You'd also have to implement features required to maintain the horse, keep it fed and hydrated, possibly treat its wounds, etc. All that being said, it would be fucking amazing to ride into a town, shooting zombies with mosins and revolvers blazing :P
  23. The absolute best way to not die is to maximize your situational awareness and avoid players and places where players are likely to be. Head north, loot small towns and wait for them to implement hunting. Also never forget that someone could have just logged in behind you inside that building you just cleared. NOWHERE IS SAFE. If you want to hunt people, or try to help them or whatever, do so knowing that you're 10x more likely to die from someone you didn't expect at all from some angle you thought you had covered.
  24. fig0451

    Do you Think DayZ Should Port to Console?

    No, it should not be ported. Why? Well first reason is usability. Even if you could somehow figure out a decent way to port over all the controls to a scheme that would work on a controller, good luck aiming anywhere near as accurately as you can with a mouse. You're also looking at probably a total rework of the GUI. You'd also be moving with a control stick ... but afaik Arma only gives you 8 different directions of movement (forward/backward, left/right, and diagonals) so movement would be really clunky unless they totally redo that. Second reason is the engine. Arma is notorious for running like shit on computers that can run anything else on super high settings, and its because it uses resources in a totally different way than most other games do, with the bottlenecks being CPU to a ludicrous amount compared to other games, and believe it or not, hard drive read and write speed. Good luck making it work on a completely different console architecture.