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Timmymachine109 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Timmymachine109 (DayZ)

  1. Three times today I've died by crouching down (X key) in small spaces, usually by shelves (like in the shelve room of the blue med centre building). Never had this before so not sure if it's something to do with the exp update! Also....500 posts! Taken me since June 2012 to get to that!!

    • Like 2

  2. You could also just quit playing with an out-of-game map, then the ingame one would become useful.

    I see absolutely no reason to add a magical GPS to the game.


    This, it's completely against what DayZ is trying to be (realism etc).

  3. This works really well in the ACE mod for ArmA 2. That mod also simulates pressure when firing as well so your vision gets a bit distorted when you are near the end of a barrel of a gun, which is realistic too. Would love to see little things like this added :) Good shout OP :)

  4. Would you really want to sit and watch your character do nothing (or play a little animation) for 15 minutes while it guts something? Yes it would make it more realistic but it is way too far. If you could manually skin the animal with the knife in some way it might be OK but having your character sat there still for 15 mins doing nothing would just be stupid

    • Like 4

  5. I think the melee combat system does need reworking, not denying that but I don't think a quick time system would fit the game (They are trying to remove all UI and a big "Press Y now" wouldn't make sense at all). 

  6. quick time events are a cancer in gameplay mechanics. i'd rather gouge my eyes out with rusty sponns than advocate such abominations


    This! DayZ is not meant to be an arcade game and adding a mechanic like this in would ruin it completely!

    • Like 1

  7. The reason why Balota was a deathmatch was because of military spawns - which should never be on the coast in the first place (again, great idea).

    Now half the map is crawling with DM hungry noobs, previously contained to the coast.

    Furthermore, Berezino has the only hospital in the North. It's kinda a big deal.


    This, putting a military base right next to the spawn point was a retarded move. They should be nowhere near the coast to force people all over the map. 

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  8. Isn't this totally obvious? I mean it was already in the mod (even if buggy) and when they fix the zombies it will work again? The only thing we should concern is the balance between how far they can hear and how far they can see. But jeah the idea with the slowly walking zeds due to quiet sounds is kinda old, but still a must have :)

    I think the OP was more talking about zombies hearing you from like 1km away, which didn't happen in the mod (only like up to 100m or something). Totally plausible though, the sound of an assault rifle going off can easily be heard 1km away

  9. The main problem I have with night time in DayZ is the time doesn't seem to be synced with the server. If you log off and back on the time will go back a few hours and you can see again. So people who join the server after you are able to see for longer, which puts you at a complete disadvantage.


    Another is the fact that the lights go through the walls but I guess that is being worked on

  10. I think a lot of the things you've mentioned are actually planned/in development right now.


    Things that defo are planned:


    Proper temperature

    Melee for weapons (Bayonets are in game but don't work yet)

    More zombies

    Farming/Food from the ground
