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About shea2152

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. shea2152

    Green/Amber UI?

    Yes, very much so. When you try to bandage, or anything that involves a right click, it usually moves the action button behind the Gear screen, causing you to have to move the gear screen to access it. Also the backpack screen is just BLARHGH. This is purely my experience, I cannot talk for anyone else. EDIT: Also just then noticed no HDR support... :(
  2. shea2152

    Green/Amber UI?

    Hey all! Any way to specify which UI to use when you boot the game? I'll boot OA and sometimes (as in 95%)it will still use the original ARMA green UI. Which sucks because it's much clunkier, and ugly. Am I alone in this? I'll love anyone with any fix for me.
  3. shea2152

    Upgrade to find worse FPS...

    Windows 7 32Bit. heres a CPU Validation http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2404608 for extra info. No, I haven't reinstalled the OS, lost my disk T_T. But It runs all other games as it should with 0 problems. Starcraft 2, Diablo 3. I know they arent hardware intensive but i should have problems in those games also no..?
  4. shea2152

    Upgrade to find worse FPS...

    Hate to nag, but BUMP. Hoping a staff member or something sees this, because as it stands I upgraded and cannot play. T_T
  5. Hey all. More problems! As the title implies, I switched my hardware out. I had a Phenom x4 955 @3.0Ghz, M4A77T Mobo, AMD 6870 Switched for a Phenom x4 940, (smaller I know but I have this cranked to 3.8Ghz) BIOstar TA890FXE mobo. Not much of an Up, i guess. But 900Mhz speed wise and a mobo with a better chipset. = quarter the frames? I used to be able to max this game no problem, now when I sign in it's a slideshow. I've tried multiple servers, re boot, have all drivers Downloaded... I'm at a loss here.. :/ Does the ARMA engine recognize your hardware and you need to re install to upgrade or something? PS: Not much of an upgrade proc wise, my 955 died. BUT, the difference between the 940 and the 955 is minimal, and I have the 940 cranked to almost 4Ghz, where as i couldn't OC the 955. That's why I call this an upgrade. Even if it's not an upgrade it isn't a downgrade, i shouldn't lose ANY frames..