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Everything posted by Zollicoffer

  1. Server admins can broadcast server-wide. I heard a dog barking at me while I was looting an airfield.
  2. Zollicoffer

    There can only be one yellow jacket

    There are better ones out there.
  3. Zollicoffer

    10 Man Squad getting Ghosted On?...

    Zeet, knowing when and where to pick your fights is a valuable skill. The sensible thing to do right now would be to leave the thread without saying another word. And on topic: no, ghosting is not an acceptable tactic to use against groups. It's abusing the server system. There's nothing wrong with grouping up.
  4. Zollicoffer

    Fell to my death

    I don't understand this. I was doing some "testing" and had to jump off of a four story building six times before I died.
  5. Zollicoffer

    let's talk about being able to SMELL

    I really doubt it would be too complicated to code. In the corpse smell example I gave, they already have the indoor/outdoor variable, that they use for temperature. Other than that, it would mostly just be radius area & timer to object, execute message x on enter. I could be wrong though, I'm not at all familiar with the engine's inner workings.
  6. Zollicoffer

    let's talk about being able to SMELL

    I mentioned something like this earlier, off of someone else's suggestion for an "intuition" system (that was basically a morality system but we'll not get into that). After a certain amount of time (say ~1 hour), if a corpse is indoors or within a certain radius outdoors, on entering you will get a message that says something about it. The messages could be used for other things as well. Any kind of detail that wouldn't make sense to render a graphic for, but mostly smell. Campfires, vehicles, etc. This way it would take advantage of a mechanic that already exists for other things.
  7. Zollicoffer

    What The Hell Is With The Slowdown Period For Zombies?

    Common usage. These are living infected humans, commonly known as zombies. I am ready to verbally destroy anyone who argues otherwise. On topic; it is odd, but perhaps the zombies have stamina? ...and normal people don't. I think we'll just have to wait and see how they act when zombie physics and behavior has been added in.
  8. Zollicoffer

    SA Encounters - Alotta Guns Airfield Doorway ambush

    Pretty sure that was me.
  9. Zollicoffer


    DayZ isn't supposed to be realistic, the word Dean uses to describe it over and over again is authentic. From what I can gather he means, is that the game isn't meant to be realistic per say, it's just supposed to put players in situations where the emotions are real. It's more about evoking reactions from players through complex scenarios of their own making, which involves using things people understand-- real things. So realism is a tool, not a goal.
  10. Zollicoffer


  11. This is life, there are people will complain about everything. More specifically, this is the internet. Where everybody complains about everything.
  12. Zollicoffer

    Do you combat log?

  13. I could be wrong, but I don't think there will be arrows. Only bolts.
  14. Zollicoffer

    BattlEye Bans?

    I mean this in the nicest way possible, but every time you post I imagine a big hairy Italian-Ukrainian speaking very emphatically while pounding a table with his fist.
  15. Zollicoffer

    All guns one shot kill = more authentic

    Off topic: getting shot in the gut is not a fucking joke.
  16. Zollicoffer

    All guns one shot kill = more authentic

    No need to be jerks, guys. Keep it civil. I wonder what Dean actually meant when he said "authentic." It doesn't really seem to have a clear definition.
  17. Zollicoffer

    Character Screenshots!

    Bayonets are only good at lowering accuracy.
  18. Zollicoffer

    What i accomplished today on dayz, Outfits!

    What's wrong with playing dress up?
  19. Zollicoffer

    Combat Logging -,-

    Oh my God don't say things like that. No, it's not. I'm fairly certain Dean has already talked about this, he just hasn't implemented the system yet.
  20. Zollicoffer

    Betrayal stories, please!

    Two-fer: Fresh spawned, ran to the Berezino school to find a weapon, but found nothing. Walked downstairs and ran into a guy coming in, with a Mosin. We chatted for awhile, wiggled a bit, then I axed him in the face. Turns out, he had no ammo, and neither did I. Found a geared guy two minutes later, just a little bit north, got the drop on him, and held him up at gunpoint with an empty rifle. Took his weapons, then told him about my fib. Stockholm syndrome set in, and we had a decent run together laughing and dancing over some sniper corpses at the NEAF. We were chatting and eating in the woods, when he draws a magnum and points it at me and tells me not to move and to drop my things. I drop my rifle and magnum, then take a few steps back. As he's picking them up, I pull an FNX out of my pack and put a few rounds in his head. I found out when looting his body that his magnum was empty.
  21. Zollicoffer

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    This thread is making me hungry.
  22. Fairly certain these were already confirmed.
  23. Zollicoffer

    An ode to updates

    Don't be a jackass.
  24. Zollicoffer

    For those complaining about development pace

    You have the right to demand anything you want, and we have the right to ridicule you for it. Doubling the staff might bump up the release date by a month or two.