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About ChangoSoup

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. More/better Zombies will probably make these wells less OP. Maybe some kind of rare more dangerous zombies will tend to spawn around wells (zombie brute/hulk?)... Heck even something like the smoker from left 4 dead would be scary for some one drinking at a well and not paying attention and also make the gas mask useful.
  2. ChangoSoup

    'No Disconnect Zone'

    A simple 30 second timer over a logging players head would be easier, maybe even a chat notification for people close by "so and so is attempting to log". For people who alt f4 out make their character remain in the world for 1 min with an LD sign over their head. Very similar stuff to what MMOs do
  3. ChangoSoup

    I feel nauseous

    Yeah I turned down the the post processing when I first started, could not play with that thing cranked up. I'm no where near to new to PC gaming so getting a headache from one is very rare, only game ever made me feel bad was mirrors edge but I was able to push though that one. It's the saturation/brightness that's bothering me with low blood. I see the devs decision to have no HUD but how about a status in the inventory instead that says "low/extremely low blood"
  4. ChangoSoup

    I feel nauseous

    Literally, when ever my blood goes low and the screen becomes saturated my eyes feel like they are gonna bleed. Combine that with an un even FPS and I can't even play while it's like this cuz my head starts killing me, I've turned down the brightness but it just delays the on setting headache, starting to think about just killing myself than keep going. I know there isn't any solution to this other than don't go low on blood or hope the devs change how it works. Just feel like voicing this issue and seeing if anyone else feels the same. Now I'm gonna go loot my restroom and hope I find some Advils.