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About Darkshader

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    On the Coast
  1. Darkshader

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    Everything everyone has said is correct. It's an alpha, I forgive it for its blemishes. Bugs to be expected. I won't be gone forever, like one of the posters said, I'll give it some time and find myself coming back to help build the game right. That being said... In the long run, I just hope that these types of things don't happen, far more than I care about additional content being added... Although clearly that is a must. Its not like it takes an hour to get a bunch of good gear and get well situated, it takes a lot of time. A lot of close calls. Near misses. Lucky shots. Hours spent strategically moving from house to house at night. Permadeath wipes all that away. And that takes a certain kind of gamer to handle. And as painful as that may be, I'm ok with that, like I said, if it had been to my own stupidity or the skills of another player. I'm just hoping that in the future, in addition to bugs like this not existing, there be some form of recourse other than tough luck to being screwed over for no good reason. Either that, or this game is only worth short bursts of action like a match of Unreal Tournament. But it can't be worth the dozens of hours of careful survival that its supposed to be, if all that can be taken away like that. I realize in life you can die from some pretty random things, but I think permadeath by itself is already a big leap from casual gamer to hardcore, playing a game where you can suddenly die from a randomly bad pancreas or absessed tooth... Is a little too big a leap, and too bitter for my tastes. Life has enough of that as it is! Anyways, break time for some Total War: Rome II... See you all out there at some point. And as always, /salute rocket.
  2. So I've been playing now for a while and been having an amazing time. Died several times at the beginning till I got the hang of it, but I finally managed to go a very long time without dying and had accumulated some great equipment, mostly in prestine shape, good guns, camo, food, and was in great health. Really starting to enjoy myself and looking for action. Today I logged in and after several hours exploring a remote town for the elusive can-opener, I decided to climb on the top of a big industrial building to get a view of the area for sign of any potential hostiles. After seeing all there was to see I carefully approached the ladder that led back down. Knowing the danger of falls, I carefully waited for the "use" icon to show on the ladder and pressed it. My screen immedietely showed me rapidly plummeting to the ground and then instantly snapped back up to a brief image of my character on the ladder at the top but the screen went black and said "You are dead." So I'm dead now, and I fucking didn't do anything other than be victim to a really stupid bug. And considering the perma-death nature of this game, I don't think I'm interested in playing DayZ any more, maybe months from now or a year. But I put some seriously hard action packed, sneaking, and house pillaging man hours into this character... And was very proud of it. VERY PROUD. Had I died to stupidity, or another players cleverness. That would be ok by me, that's the point afterall. But to die "correctly" using a ladder.... And to have to start back over from scratch because of it. That sir, is the end for me, for now. Best wishes to everyone else. I'll keep my eye on the updates, but won't be returning till that type of thing doesn't happen. :(