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Everything posted by cheekychimp

  1. not me, but just watched this on youtube....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6o8x67ApM8 takes about a minute to get going but worth a watch
  2. cheekychimp

    i have learning difficulties

    (im sorry if this is posted in the wrong place) i am a player with learning difficulties and in all honesty i find the bug reports just a wall of illegible text... i feel a little silly but could someone simplify it a bit for me or literally show me 'baby's first bug report?'
  3. cheekychimp

    i have learning difficulties

    cheers buddy
  4. cheekychimp

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    i really hope this is a troll thread... however just in case...... double tap shift *vomits*
  5. cheekychimp

    Somethings need to change

    so basically what we all hope for is more shit to do.... which i am 100% sure will be delivered as the alpha develops. You know what i think would help? being able to learn skills out of all those books that seem to spawn, then being able to pass on that knowledge in some form
  6. cheekychimp

    Somethings need to change

    agreed but might work in the future...
  7. cheekychimp

    Somethings need to change

    would be cool if you could stick up wanted posters or something, that had information such as 'last seen wearing' or 'last seen in.....' and the information would update through people tagging the bandit when seen or something like that Could stick them up in supermarkets, or churches
  8. cheekychimp

    Possible map expansion ?

    I'd love for them to expand the map and introduce farming or settlement development (make the map big enough that it would be a bit harder for others to find your farm)