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About Inkmouse

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Inkmouse

    an idea...

    I think the biggest problem right now is the number of zombie in the standalone. The number of zombies in a town really isn't scary at all. So what if I pop off a couple of rounds and kill someone there what, 2 zombies at most that will come after me for it? It was a little more questionable to do so in the Mod version. Zombies would run all the way up onto a hill in elektro if you fired shots
  2. Inkmouse

    No bullets at military bases

    as have I, yet you link me a video as if I don't have a clue as to what i'm talking about. This is an alpha, meaning problems and imbalances are meant to be voiced here. Most server's are set to 4 hour restarts if not longer. Average server size hold's between 30 to 40 players max. lets say the average player plays about 2 hours max maybe on just one server (which is probably a high estimation considering the amount of people that hop around). So you have about 10 coastal cities not including smaller in-between random shacks that can be found and about another 10 mid coast villages behind them. I don't know about you but In my experience I can go through and loot a good quarter of a major city in less then an hours time if not more. So lets reflect on these numbers in 4 hours time (and there are servers that have much higher restart timers then this) you have anywhere between 80 players or more spawning and looting the shores and mid shore towns. Obviously not everyone out of those 40 people averaging in at 2 hours play time are fresh spawns however you have to account for the players that are dieing and then fresh spawning multiple times in that 4 hour window before that server restarts. So your argument is, during PEAK hours of that day when the server are at constant full levels that more then 80 people in a 4 hour window can't possibly consume all the food along the coast line and slightly further in and were just all horrible players........
  3. Inkmouse

    No bullets at military bases

    I'm well aware of all the above, problem is loot doesn't re-spawn aka server's don't restart as fast as people are taking it. All the door's are already open and all the food has been looted. If they don't want military loot re-spawning on interval timers that's fine. but the stuff near the shore line everyone is continuously spawning and looting needs to be fixed.
  4. Inkmouse

    No bullets at military bases

    think they need to work on stuff re spawning period before considering where to place ammo. As of right now during peak hours where all the servers are near full it's hard just to survive with lack of food. especially if your a new spawn. every town and every building has been opened and looted with nothing left. now in normal circumstances maybe this loot would just be re circulating as people kill each other but that's not the case. people log in loot or play for a short period of time and log out and switch servers. played with a few friends tonight and honestly the whole experience was just boring and not fun to continually die to hunger as you search every building in each town only to find it's all gone.
  5. Inkmouse

    Possible Character Reset Fix

    More like a work around lol. Looking through the bug reports this seems to be one of the most complained about topics hopefully they'll address it soon.