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About dibbleg

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  1. At the very least.. 2012. The FNX .45 was released by FNH USA in October of 2012
  2. Here's a little constructive criticism.. I would start by working on your modeling skills. You've got one image of a box, 3 images of cylinders and an extruded sub-compact glock outline with a chamfer and a few other details with many wasted polys. Work on simplifying that glock model and see where you can use normal maps and how to implement them. Look at actual photos and their wear patterns and add those into your texture maps..along with specular and bump maps, Get many reference images to see all views of said object so you can see exactly how the object is formed. Better yet (depending on what country you're in) buy a replica or model and try to recreate it. Look at other models in the game or other games that you like to play and build models that look like they belong in that world. If you're looking for a position at BI, study the models in their games. Build new objects that you want to see in the game. Try and make contact with some of their team or mod teams for other games to get feedback or gain experience to work on modern game models. The only way you're going to get there is by working your ass off and meeting the right people. Best of luck!
  3. dibbleg

    Winning a gunfight [TIPS]

    Shoot and maneuver. Knowing the difference between cover and concealment helps tremendously. Be aggressive
  4. dibbleg

    Glitching walls.

    Happened to me no more than 5 minutes ago. Two guys glitched inside of the ATC at NE airfield. Very frustrated..
  5. dibbleg

    Digestive System?

    You mean something along the lines of dipping your ammo or arrows in it and when a player gets hit, they die from a massive infection? Or maybe tainting a stream or other water supply.. or sabotaging opened cans of food and water bottles, leaving them for other players to consume? I'm totally for it..
  6. dibbleg

    Grenades in DayZ,what you think?

    for real.. alcohol, rags and matches.
  7. dibbleg

    VOIP issue plus a noob question

    Funny, I would have thought you could find sticks in the 200 sq km of forests and not just in towns ;)
  8. dibbleg

    What is the Next Big Patch?

    How about a bicycle..