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About thewolfpack

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  1. thewolfpack

    Don't kill combat loggers / server hoppers...

    That works... ? I was so happy as I managed to do it the first time. (break leg)
  2. ... if you get the chance, just break there legs. ^_^ Have fun with your gear bro.
  3. thewolfpack

    Friendly Alpha Experiance

    This is vid is in my opinion one of the best I saw: Random friendly gameplay. So nice.
  4. thewolfpack

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    I would really like to see a G3, its a very rugged, stable, high power / high recoil fireing platform. Feels great if you shot it! 7.62 NATO You can see it as some kind of middleground between a sniper and a assault rifle.
  5. thewolfpack

    Why DayZ needs an RPG part.

    I didn't mean to offent, it was just a idea to fix certain problems.
  6. thewolfpack

    Why DayZ needs an RPG part.

    True. How to improve it?
  7. thewolfpack

    Why DayZ needs an RPG part.

    Greetings fellow Survivors! DayZ is currently about the gear and not about the charater you play. - It doesn't matter if you die and you are a member of a large group, because they can just guard your corpse / loot you can equip your respawed char back. - New spawned chars just suicide attack, because they have nothing to lose, because they got no gear. Gear defines every ability you got in this game! --- A system like "survivor points" could prevent the gear / respawn problem by making it even more unattractive to die. Core system points: - You don't get survivor points by acting in the game, your char gets them by playtime like 1 point for every day you survived. With these survior points you can unlock "perks" for you char like for example: (just basic ideas) Iron Stomage - Decreased chance of getting ill by eating rotten stuff. (like -5%) Hardened - Decreased effects of thirst / starvation etc. So, with time you char gets slightly stronger, should be very slight bonus stuff ofc. --- How does that help? When you die you lose "survior points" - like 10% to 50% and some ramdom perks you unlocked. That means, you can't just suicide attack others, because you would not want to lose more points. On the other hand, you want your char to stay alive, because again you want to gather points. Server hopping would also be prevented, at least a bit, because there is a high chance you get killed and lose your survivor points. --- Level System: To unlock a perk you need like 7 points to unlock to first one and every perk you got, the points you need double: 14 28 52... If you get killed and you got 52 points, you would lose 26 and therefor you lose 2 random perks you unlocked / selected. Its a reward / punishment system. What do you think? Hate it / Love it? Tell me your ideas and feelings about this. Happy new year, thewolfpack
  8. thewolfpack

    Why DayZ needs an RPG part.

    Greetings fellow Survivors! DayZ is currently about the gear and not about the charater you play. - It doesn't matter if you die and you are a member of a large group, because they can just guard your corpse / loot you can equip your respawed char back. - New spawned chars just suicide attack, because they have nothing to lose, because they got no gear. Gear defines every ability you got in this game! --- A system like "survivor points" could prevent the gear / respawn problem by making it even more unattractive to die. Core system points: - You don't get survivor points by acting in the game, your char gets them by playtime like 1 point for every day you survived. With these survior points you can unlock "perks" for you char like for example: (just basic ideas) Iron Stomage - Decreased chance of getting ill by eating rotten stuff. (like -5%) Hardened - Decreased effects of thirst / starvation etc. So, with time you char gets slightly stronger, should be very slight bonus stuff ofc. --- How does that help? When you die you lose "survior points" - like 10% to 50% and some ramdom perks you unlocked. That means, you can't just suicide attack others, because you would not want to lose more points. On the other hand, you want your char to stay alive, because again you want to gather points. Server hopping would also be prevented, at least a bit, because there is a high chance you get killed and lose your survivor points. --- Level System: To unlock a perk you need like 7 points to unlock to first one and every perk you got, the points you need double: 14 28 52... If you get killed and you got 52 points, you would lose 26 and therefor you lose 2 random perks you unlocked / selected. Its a reward / punishment system. What do you think? Hate it / Love it? Tell me your ideas and feelings about this. Happy new year, thewolfpack
  9. thewolfpack

    Is there a date given for the last char.wipe?

    Thank you! Oh and just a quick one, is there any kind of RPG character gain planed? Like cooking+++
  10. Greetings fellow Zombie Apokolypse Survivours! My name is thewolfpack, you may know me from MWO or WoT. I just wanted to ask if there is a date that is set for the last character wipes? Also a friend of mine ask me, if there is a possibility for a PVE server in the full release - He just want to wander around with me and doesn't want to get shot by other players, just surviving Zombie stuff. Thank you for all your infos and effort in advance! thewolfpack :)