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Everything posted by Sencha

  1. Sencha

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    I voted for things that seemed like they'd realistically appear given the setting. Bolt action hunting rifles, double barreled shotguns, makarov pistols, and for SMG I put P90 without the rails and shit. Because an SMG is military per definition, so you might as well go with the coolest one.
  2. Sencha

    Level of Weaponry Available (Poll)

    Is there any doubt that it should be the third option? Anything else is too easy.
  3. Sencha

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    I think they should force mouse acceleration to get rid of the twich aimers.
  4. I can't be the only one discouraged by the sheer abundance of M4's in the game right now. Even ignoring the obvious problem of server hopping, there are still several barracks in each military base, and on each airfield, and pretty much all of them have guaranteed M4 spawns. On the other side, the Mosin Nagant spawns in random places and can be pretty hard to find at times. The pistol magazines are pretty much nonexistent. So far, in my combined group of friends, we've only ever found two of them. It's not okay that people can just log in, play for an hour, and be running around in full tacticool gear seal clubbing anything they see.
  5. Yeah I fixed it, I got it mixed up with a different story from the mod version.
  6. Sencha

    Rarest Item?

    Pistol magazine, no doubt about it.
  7. My brother and I had been exploring the northwestern area and got disconnected at the airfield. I went to make some food and he hopped onto a different server. After a while he tells me he's handcuffed in the military base south of Vybor and can't break loose no matter how hard he struggles, so he needs me to jump on and come rescue him with my handcuff keys. So I jump on a 37/40 player server, on an airfield, all alone. I equipped my Mosin Nagant just to be prepared. When I exit the hangar and look left, two guys decked out in full tacticool kit are running towards me. I raise my weapon towards them, but don't fire. For some reason I had the idiotic notion that maybe they were friendly. Such a stupid mistake. I lower my weapon and start to back away, they see me, they open fire immediately. About 100 rounds of 7.62mm ammo, a pristine PU scope, and so much food and medicine, all wasted because I thought someone in full military gear might not be a douchebag.