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Everything posted by Sencha

  1. Sencha

    Electro Murder Fun Time! [Video]

    Please don't upload stuff like this to the interwebz again. There is enough inane bullshit and call of duty fragvids on there as is. We don't need any more pointless garbage.
  2. Sencha

    Found a book: Russian Cheat Sheet.

    I found Heart of Darkness. Awesome book.
  3. Sencha

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    No, it would make the game too easy. There's no morality in this game. No one would care that they're eating manflesh. It's just a game. So no one that wasn't roleplaying would ever bother finding something else to eat, they'd just shoot another player and get their grub on, alternatively visit the little cliff outside of Kamyshovo and eat the people who suicided there to get a better spawn. Realism has to take the backseat to gameplay balance in this case.
  4. Any and all military gear.
  5. Sencha

    Drinking seawater.

    I have several reasons for this actually. Not just to get a better spawn. You could have gear to distill seawater to get potable water, we already have the portable stove, so just add a tube, and some bottles and you could easily distill seawater to remove the salt. Then you could use the salt when cooking rice! Also, filling a water bottle with seawater, and then laughing from beyond the grave as whoever killed you tries to drink it and gets dehydrated. Imagine it. Some random player is on the verge of dying of thirst, so they kill the first player they see in order to steal their water, and it's saltwater, and they die! Hah! Instant karma, right there.
  6. Sencha

    Drinking seawater.

    I did, but all I found was for the mod version. Since this suggestion forum was added recently, I didn't see the harm in making a new thread.
  7. Sencha

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    Brighter nights, more colourful nights, and reduce a day to 8 hours with a summertime type cycle. 3/4th daytime, 1/4th nighttime. 6 hours of daytime, 2 hours of nighttime. Make nights more like this:
  8. Sencha

    Why won't you fix the mouse?

    There are sliders to change the individual X Y sensitivity. Fix it yourself.
  9. Sencha

    Clothing suggestion.

    I kinda think it balances itself out, as anyone wearing camo gear will be shot on sight by anyone else with a firearm. Wearing civilian clothing might not offer as many slots to carry stuff (as if they're all necessary anyway) but it decreases your apparent threat level to other players, so you're more likely to survive an encounter with another person.
  10. Sencha

    Describe your first kill

    Balota airfield. Me and my little brother were playing, running around in the first or second day of playing the game. We didn't know anything about anything, so we were happily standing around Balota airfield without a care in the world. I go to check one of the barracks, and as I enter the door, right in front of me there's just a guy standing in the hallway looking at me. With a military helmet, combat vest, camo clothing, and a clown mask. M4 and fire axe on the back. I only had a fire axe, and so did my brother. So I was like "Shit, there's a dude!" and drew my axe and started backing out, he drew his and started chasing me. So I ran out and got hit once in the back, I bolted to the left of the barracks and ran around them to come up right back at the door, basically just doing a lap around the building, all the while yelling at my brother that "THERE'S A GUY, HELP! GET YOUR AXE!" When I come around to the entrance again, my brother is waiting around the corner with his axe drawn, I bolt past him, and as the other guy follows me my brother lands a blow on him, he falls down for some reason, maybe he got hit in the legs, and both of us just run up and start chopping away at him lying there on the ground. We tried looting him, he had a bunch of ammo and stuff for his M4, but he quit immediately so his body sunk into the ground. Such a sore loser.
  11. Definitely craftable only with penalties for wearing it. We don't want the game to be full of wookiees.
  12. Sencha

    character animation transition

    I agree about the prone dive. Equipping items while running is already in the game, although granted it's fairly bugged. If I just run straight forwards, no strafing, I can equip my axe or rifle in mid run without stopping. You can also already jump over things easily, you just have to time the jump so you hit V before you run into the obstacle. It's fairly unintuitive, since pretty much every command in the game has this ridiculous delay. But it's fine, since you don't actually have to jump over the obstacle. Jumping and vaulting in this game just means your character does a little animation and clips through the obstacle, so as long as you get the jump to start before the obstacle, even if you land ontop of it, you'll pass through it.
  13. Sencha


    You can fill bottles and canteens at water pumps.
  14. Sencha

    To those who complain about spawn killers.

    I disagree with OP. You should not have to metagame and research how to avoid being spawnkilled in any game. That's fucking bullshit. I also don't think PvE only servers should exist, since the tension of not knowing whether to trust or not to trust another human being is part of the experience. Being robbed, getting into a stand-off with someone, stealing someone's gear. That's all part of the post-apocalyptic survival this game provides. But killing fresh spawns at the beaches isn't a feature. That's just a handfull of people acting like cunts because they're on a powertrip and think ruining other people's fun somehow proves that their existence matters. But really, they're just internet tough guys, and the entire thing only proves how immature and pathetic they are.
  15. Sencha

    Should beards be in DayZ?

    Oh gods yes. Beards for everyone!
  16. Sencha

    how to check FPS

    Use FRAPS.
  17. I got my brother into it, he hasn't played the mod. He thinks it's fun. Argument disproved.
  18. Sencha

    Please for the love of god don't add "Sanity."

    Sanity doesn't work, because it's very subjective. What might cause a break in sanity for one person, could be completely fine for another. So in order to implement it, it would assume everyone is the same, which is not cool. If we could assign weaknesses and strengths to our characters that define what kind of behaviour goes against their inner morality and causes them to loose sanity, that might be interesting for roleplaying purposes. But that's a different story.
  19. What I do is I camp Balota airfield, and when a kitted out player runs up to a noobspawn and tries to rob him. I kill the kitted out player with my mosin, and let the noobspawn take his stuff. It feels good.
  20. Sencha


    There are a couple of medieval ruins in the game that have absolutely zero worthwile loot. Wouldn't it be grand if they spawned swords and chainmail and fun things like that? :D
  21. Sencha

    In Game IFF (Friend or Foe) System

    I could get behind that. If you could use a bandana or your starting T-shirt and tear it up and wrap a rag around your arm.
  22. Sprinting should have an exponentially increasing impact on energy and water loss. Sprinting away from someone trying to kill you for 20-30 seconds won't really exhaust anyone. But if you keep sprinting, that's should have an impact. And this impact of course needs to be something that doesn't immediately go down to zero as soon as you stop sprinting, but has more of a slow cooldown effect, to prevent people from abusing it. Your heart rate increases, you're exhausted, panting like a dog, and your aim gets all wobbly. Stuff like that. People should be jogging everywhere, not sprinting.
  23. Sencha

    Add more weapons!

    What I'm seeing here is the AN-94, the AK-74u [sic] and then a bunch of foreign military weapons. We don't need more overpowered military weapons, we have too many as it is. What we need is more civilian weapons. Hunting rifles, hunting shotguns, low caliber pistols etc. etc.
  24. Sencha

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Because it's alpher. The game is not even close to being finished. Get used to seeing shit that has no purpose, like gas stoves, and firewood. It'll all be implemented eventually.
  25. Sencha

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    It doesn't really fit the setting, but I wouldn't mind seeing an M1 Garand.