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Everything posted by Sencha

  1. Sencha


    Tobacco is a drug. Just like alcohol is a drug. Just because they're legal doesn't change that they're drugs. Also, pretty sure they've already confirmed that smoking will be added to the game at some point.
  2. Sencha

    Outfit testing menu

    Since gear is a major part of DayZ, it would be nice if we had a menu where we could pick our character, and try on all of the different kinds of gear to find cool outfit combinations, without having to go find everything in game.
  3. Sencha

    Outfit testing menu

    Yet ghillie suits are in the game.
  4. Sencha

    Outfit testing menu

    There are a lot of things in DayZ that add to the game without necessarily adding to the gameplay. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
  5. Sencha

    Outfit testing menu

    What do you mean "don't know even exists"? I know every item in the game. I've played the game a lot, and whenever something new is added, it's in the fucking patch notes. You're not getting ANY new information out of a system like this, the only difference from how it is now, is that you can actually see how the gear combination will look, as opposed to having to imagine it. That's it. No other difference, no impact on gameplay. It's completely harmless.
  6. Sencha

    Outfit testing menu

    Why would it? Does it spoil the excitement of finding something when the devs release pictures of stuff, or when you read the patch notes? You're not getting any of the gear just because you see that it exists. Besides which, we all already know all of the gear in the game. No more immersion breaking than any of the other options menus. Actually less, since this won't be accessible ingame, just from the start menu. And you don't have to use it if you don't want to. If I was suggesting adding a store ingame where you could go to try on clothing, that would be immersion breaking, but this is basically just a model viewer.
  7. Sencha

    Please Revert back to the old running animations

    The new animations make you look like a monkey.
  8. Sencha

    Corpse wound identification.

    Right now we can check the pulse of a body, and whether or not the corpse is warm or cold, we can guess if another player might be nearby. What would be a great addition to this system is if you could check for what kinds of wounds a body has suffered. So you get another option saying "Inspect Body" for instance, and when you use it you get text saying "This person has several deep gashes." which would tell you they were killed by an axe, or a machete. "This person has suffered a multitude of slashes and stabs." if it's a knife, or "This person has X number of bullet wounds." which tells you they got shot. And so and so on for all the different types of weapons. After this, if they got shot, you can use your knife to dig out the bullet. This would let you identify what kind of weapon killed them, which lets you know what kind of weapon the other player has. Or, if it's multiple types of bullets, that it's more than one player, or that they switched weapons mid-fight.
  9. Sencha

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Ghillie suits and golden guns are both things that mainly appeal to the call of duty kiddies. Chernarus isn't freezing, it has a temperate climate. And yes, you'll overheat in a temperate climate. And good job showing a picture of a far less extreme ghillie suit than the one we get in game. What the fuck does it matter if you would or wouldn't overheat in that particular suit, if that isn't the suit we have in the game? This is what we get, and you would overheat running around in this:
  10. Sencha

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    First of all, this isn't experimental, this is stable. Second of all, lol no, a ghillie suit is not something anyone could make pretty easily. And they're very heavy, and very hot. There's a reason every soldier isn't equipped with one. Even in a climate like in Chernarus, you're easily hitting over 50 degrees celsius in that thing. That's hot as fuck.
  11. Sencha

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Ghillie for the scrublords, great. Next up we get to pimp our guns with gold camo.
  12. Sencha


    It would literally be stupid not to add beards.
  13. I want a Garand. Don't care if it doesn't make sense in the game, I want it. Add it.
  14. Sencha

    Pistol Quick Draw

    I think pistols should be faster to equip and use than rifles. Another thing that would make pistols actually viable in the game.
  15. Please, for the love of rasputin kvass, remove all of the ambient noises without proper ingame sources from the game. This is supposed to be a survival game. If I hear birds chirping, I want actual birds to be there. If I hear the sound of a fence shaking, I want that to be because someone just ran into the fence, etc. etc. All of these extra noises that just appear out of nowhere, serve no purpose but to distract you from what's going on around you.
  16. There's a significant lack of incentive for using pistols at the moment. You can't just put them on your back like a rifle, so you either have to have them in your inventory, or use a pistol holster, which means you can't use a vest. They aren't as effective in combat as rifles, even in close quarters where a rifle would be unwieldy, because the game doesn't consider such things, and lets you stick the barrel of your rifle through walls. But most of all, it's the lack of pistol magazines that makes them so useless. They are just too rare. And the more pistols there are in the game, the less likely you are to find one that fits the pistol you have. There is no reason why a pistol would not have a magazine in it by default. It would be as unlikely that someone took the empty magazine and wandered off with it, as if someone took the drum of a revolver and wandered off with that. For the sake of making pistols more viable, they should spawn with an empty magazine. I think that's a fair compromise for having to use 4 inventory slots to carry them.
  17. Sencha

    Get rid of the ambient sounds.

    This is Alpha, where we're SUPPOSED to complain about mistakes. That's sort of why we're here. Going "Meh, Alpher" and waiting for the full release before complaining is doing it wrong.
  18. Sencha

    Pistols spawn with magazines.

    Let's discuss it again until it's added.
  19. Sencha

    Just some Ideas about Hypothermia

    And the walking ghost phase of radiation poisoning makes you "feel" better as well, but you're still dying just as quickly.
  20. Sencha

    Using the wallet to identify players/hackers

    I don't know how to get rid of all hackers, but I do know how to get rid of most hackers. Just change the game into two separate clients; one for Russia, and one for everywhere else.
  21. Sencha

    Get rid of the ambient sounds.

    But the birds are still there, even if you don't see them. If I hear a bird singing, there should be a bird nearby. I should be able to tell where the sound is coming from, go over and find it, kill it, and eat it. And if there aren't any birds nearby, there shouldn't be any bird singing. In a game like DayZ where you're expected to rely on logic to figure things out, the world needs to strictly adhere to this logic. If there's a sound, there should be a source for the sound.
  22. Sencha

    Backpack tandem carrying

    Sure, why not? But if you're wearing a backpack on your chest, you can't really use rifles. At least not effectively. So a pentalty to steadiness and recoil is in order. And if you get shot in the leg and fall over, you have to remove the frontpack before you can stand up again.
  23. Sencha

    Why is everyone so shifty?

  24. Sencha

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    100% serious. Sometimes pants just become ruined for no reason. You're just looking at them in the inventory and BAM they become ruined, breaking everything inside, and if you're really unlucky, your legs go with them. It has nothing to do with being attacked. For me, I was running on top of a police station and all of a sudden my character just lay down and I got the broken legs message, when I looked in my inventory my legs were broken. I was the only one on the server so no one shot me, and there were no zombies around. The pants just exploded.
  25. Sencha

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Another victim falls prey to the deadliest killer in all of DayZ. Spontaneous trouser combustion. Or STC as the kids call it. Damn kids, get off of my lawn! I can't even count how many times my pants have just exploded all of a sudden. It's a serious issue. Any word on when this might be fixed?