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Everything posted by Koehler

  1. Koehler

    Bored? Try this new play style.

    Get a sniper rifle, survive.
  2. Koehler

    M4 spawn?

    Most common firearm out there.
  3. Koehler

    WTF is this place.

    You wanna know what that is? Exactly.
  4. Koehler

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Bolt Rifles, yes.
  5. Alright I'm a new player, bought this like 3-4 hours ago. Is RP possible in this game? Or if it is not, will any RP features be implemented such as /me and /do?
  6. Koehler

    Roleplaying in DayZ (RP)

    In SA or Mod?
  7. Koehler

    Removing all loot, adding 3k+ zombies

    Sir, you are either ironic here. Or retarded. I suppose you are just plain retarded.
  8. Koehler

    Roleplaying in DayZ (RP)

    That's RPG, I'm talking about pure RP here.
  9. Hello, I'm a new player and the title says it all. I'm looking for some people to play with, not necessarely a clan. Thank you!
  10. Koehler

    Looking for someone to make a cinematic intro

    I suggest you learn how to use Final Cut Pro.
  11. Koehler


    RPG and RP elements are always welcome to such games. At least that's how I see things.
  12. Koehler

    Okay here's the problem : Gear Hoarding

    As others said it before, it is Alpha. You were warned before buying that shit like this might happen what the f**k is your problem?
  13. Koehler

    Character Stats

    Yes sir, best idea!
  14. Koehler

    Possible Gamemode Suggestion

    Are you braindead son? 20 mil in 14 days, ain't this appealing enough for you? LOL
  15. It was Christmas, now it's New Year's Eve for fuck's sake. Calm your tits down and wait for this period to pass. And yeah, I like licking dev ass. It's my new flavor.
  16. Koehler

    Character Stats

    I'd like to see that map only if some stat named "Tracking" would be implemented. The bigger the "Tracking" the more accurate the tracks on the map are. Just like in Mount and Blade.
  17. Koehler

    Roleplaying in DayZ (RP)

    As far as I can see it's for the Mod not for the SA one.
  18. Koehler

    Roleplaying in DayZ (RP)

    Checked it, I'm not into that theme when it comes to games. I like either realism (SA:MP) or Survival (DayZ)
  19. Koehler

    Roleplaying in DayZ (RP)

    I'd love to see that. I've RPed a lot on one of the biggest SA:MP servers out there and I still am, so seeing dedicated RP servers here would just make me like this game even more.
  20. Koehler

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    That's what survival is, watching your back, checking the corners. Just imagine our world being like the DayZ one, people would only care about themselves, people would get killed for ammo, food and other supplies. You don't like it, fine. Nobody forces you to stay, my friend.
  21. Koehler

    Roleplaying in DayZ (RP)

    Because I like creating my own character, I like character development and because such games provide an exceptional RP environment.
  22. Koehler

    Roleplaying in DayZ (RP)

    Then don't. Nobody forces you to RP. If any RP features would be implemented you wouldn't be forced to use them.
  23. Koehler

    The reason I kill 90% of new spawns...

    Just kill them all, it's you who must survive after all right?