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Orgy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Orgy (DayZ)

  1. Orgy (DayZ)


    Except that your logic is flawed. For you to see the items in the backpack, you still have to go into your inventory and open your bag. You may as well be able to grab the items straight from the opened, bag, too, rather than moving them into your pockets and such first.
  2. Most bandits like to loot their victims, right? Right. Sure, some don't care to, but I believe this might help stop bandits that do, and WITHOUT giving them an unfair disadvantage. Check it: I'm sure many bandits, when looting their victim, will simply sprint up the corpse. Less time in the open, less time wasted. This of course attracts zombies and aggros the hell out of them, making it hard to loot the corpse. *POOF!* They log out, and the zombies disappear. They log back in and the zombies don't. No risk from the zombies while they loot. They sprint back out of the area, and repeat. What if, when a character disconnects, the amount of zombies that are aggroed on the character gets saved, as well as their position, so that when they log back in, they're still there and ready to eat? I believe this will also cut down on average survival time, as well. Thoughts?
  3. Orgy (DayZ)

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    Good news! Looks like it'll be fixed in 1.7.2 6 minutes in
  4. Orgy (DayZ)

    Seattle 68 Mass Kill

    Just happened again. And cherno is on fire
  5. Orgy (DayZ)

    Removing stuff off-map

    What?! Sorry' date=' man, but I have to sleep for at [i']least a few hours a day.
  6. Orgy (DayZ)

    Seattle 68 Mass Kill

    Vouch. I managed to log out in time once I saw the screen start flashing to the ocean, and so I lived. My other friend lived as well, but all of his gear disappeared. I have access to the Seattle 68 logs if anyone can tell me what to look for to find the hacker's GUID.
  7. Orgy (DayZ)

    Whats the deal with CRAFTING

    Well it only would add to the realism. If you had a torn up cloth and needed a bandage, I see no reason why you couldn't turn it into a bandage. I don't see the need to make your own bows, as most people wouldn't know how to do that in real life, anyway. Additionally, when I first started the game, I actually picked up a tin can thinking I'd be able to fill it with water or something.
  8. Orgy (DayZ)

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    Call me whatever you want. Your ridiculous labels are as empty as all the facts you put forth as evidence in your misguided quest against PvP in this game. I've murdered ~5 people in the last month. Roughly one per week. I suppose you can call me a "griefer" if it really makes you feel better and though "pathetic" is a bit harsh I'll let you have that one too because I really don't give a shit anyway. So just so we're clear you are saying that Survivors can't Survive because Bandits make it too hard to Survive? Is that REALLY your argument? That it's no fun to survive because there are people who try to make it hard to survive? And you want us to have a serious discussion with you about the future of the game? I try so hard to remain civil in these discussions but at some point it just becomes so easy to say a bunch of nasty things about how ass-backwards your logic is and leave it at that. Bandits make it hard to survive. If you want a challenging survival game' date=' you should thank the bandits[/b']. But, you don't. You don't actually want a survival challenge. You want predictable enemies. You want certainty. You want DEFINED safety and security. No more of this not sure what lurks around the corner for you. You want RED NAMES over bandits heads so you can go the other direction and pick flowers or some ridiculous shit. You are free to avoid it. If you cannot figure out how to avoid people who want to kill you then you are not a very good survivor. So, get better at surviving and earn the name for once. You're absolutely right. Bandits make it a challenge and fun. However, too many bandits make people not want to play it. I don't mind running into the occasional bandit and being forced to make some diversion so that I can either escape or get a good shot on him. That's fun. But I'd also like to be able to run into other players without immediately having to shoot them if they've seen me out of fear that they'll shoot me. You know what I mean?
  9. Orgy (DayZ)

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    Extremely valid point.
  10. Orgy (DayZ)

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    Wrong again. I'm not crying' date=' nor am I trying to shove my playstyle down your throats. If that were true, then why would rocket be trying to add a way to identify bandits? Why do you think he added in the heartbeat? Think before communicating. Perhaps in the beginning, sure. Until idiots like you die out and we're left with the useful people. Aside from all that, it also fixes an exploit that I'm going to go ahead and guess you use. Logging out to avoid zombie mobs.
  11. Orgy (DayZ)

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    Perhaps a combination of both. A dead player nearby should attract zombies for a feast, but the zombies should also lock to players that draw aggro. If you're not going to contribute' date=' then stay out. We [i']do need to cut down on bandits, because it's ruining the community. I'm not crying about bandits. In fact, I've taken to banditry sometimes, myself. What we really need is people to stop entering threads with "hurr stop crying lets just leave the game exactly like it is and not improve it at all". Get over yourself, kid. If this happened in real life, you wouldn't say to yourself "oh shit another person! quick shoot him before he shoots us!" You'd try to preserve ammunition and hope you can work together with them. Think about it. In a world where everything's gone to hell and you're constantly worried about getting eaten by zombies, do you really think you'd just shoot every real human being on sight? No. Grow up.
  12. Orgy (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Is there a certain time/day that this is open? Wanted to check it out, but it was empty.
  13. Honestly, one of the best things I can think of doing for server hoppers is this: If you log out in a city or a normal loot spot, next time you log in you should get moved to a random spot about 200m out of the area. This means that users will be unable to camp a single spot waiting for server hoppers, and it means that server hoppers will be forced to re-enter the area each time, thus risking their life to snipers in the area. Done and done.
  14. Orgy (DayZ)

    The problem with PvP in DayZ

    Yeah, give them the better chance of finding good loot so that bandits will have a better reason to kill them. No. What you're forgetting is that the survivors still have an objective: survive. You don't have to kill people to survive. Avoiding them, however, is recommended.
  15. Orgy (DayZ)


    Not sure why so many people are trying to tell these guys to get new forum software. In my experience (I do have quite a bit, or so I'd like to think), MyBB is one of the best there is. It's free and still very, very secure. It's administration panel is very easy to use and navigate, as well as it's user control panel. The plugin system makes it very easy to develop your own plugins for it or just implement other's plugins. Stick with MyBB. You won't regret it.
  16. Wherever you happen to be. I haven't been south in awhile, but last time I was there it was covered in barbed wire. The elektro powerplant fire station had a damn path in it to force players into being in the open area of it where a guy was just camping under the stairs waiting. Oh >.> I maaay have hit it up earlier then. I logged in, checked the power plant fire station, and it was completely clean. Well then I thank you for your services.
  17. Wherever you happen to be. I haven't been south in awhile, but last time I was there it was covered in barbed wire. The elektro powerplant fire station had a damn path in it to force players into being in the open area of it where a guy was just camping under the stairs waiting.
  18. Seattle 68, pretty please.
  19. Orgy (DayZ)

    DayZ without bandits

    I get into large firefights on a regular basis. I normally don't move into normal loot spots without the rest of my squad. We normally only pick off a few stragglers, but oftentimes we run into other squads at the air field or in Stary and get into a nice firefight. We have a few guys with LMGs to lay down suppressing fire while our snipers find a better spot to pick off the other squads.
  20. Orgy (DayZ)

    Rocket, Review your own game.

    Is he not giving feedback, which is what Rocket needs right now? Quit being fanboys that constantly preach "dudezz this is alpha stop the qq rofl" and realize that this thread is necessary because this is alpha.