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About daniels

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    Hi I'm WillPocalypse. You should know one thing about me, I'm lethal, deadly, logical, a thinker, and stealthy, but I use those powers to be a hero over a bandit. I have never shot the first bullet or thrown the first punch in a fight. Nobody is threatening to me until I have approached, they are not a threat from 4,000 meters away on a hill. I am also a lover of mysteries, give me something legit, a lead, easteregg, etc.. and I will look into it. Owner of ApGa and COI group.
  1. daniels

    DayZ Shotgun Suicide Animation

    You can commit suicide with a can opener, works just like the knife, except it doesn't come in contact with your throat. Can't find the video atm because DayZTV is being DDosed.
  2. daniels

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    How does persistence work at the moment, I want to make a camp in a house but everytime I place down anything that can store items (i.e backpacks, cooking stoves/pots) all the stuff inside disappears, I've put a camp fire and some other stuff on the ground up in the woods but I haven't checked on it, its been about 5 hours, like 2 restarts when I was on cuz server was bugging a bit, probably more.
  3. daniels

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    So tents spawn in Deer Stands now? Or the regular food shacks, if they spawn in deer stands HOORAY!
  4. daniels

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Did you plant those crops? Or just find them u little trell...
  5. daniels

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Go to pustoshka, found so many cows, easy to get stuff for a fire, especially on experimental since their are so many books and lots of tress around
  6. daniels

    Things DayZ Needs to do Before Beta

    Did you read it, I am expecting, at the end of the game, some kind of large backstory and possibly some very rare hard to get AI missions, to have these, you would need some actual human Ai, well depending on the backstory, I said for testing, put them at heli crashes and see how good they are, perfect them and don't put them in stable so that people have to deal with horribly broken AI until they're ready, or make a zone harder to get to, like when the Balota tents are moved, make an AI or two at their location, ideas my friend, ideas, also because i've been working a lot to develop a good backstory in an historical fiction genre standpoint, and yes, there are some AI in it, or there will be, of course im going to send this to the dev team and theyre gonna completely ignore it most likely but it still lets me pump out my creativity and gives me a challenge to do since i never have really scripted before
  7. daniels

    Things DayZ Needs to do Before Beta

    I said before beta... :3 ;)
  8. *There might be some ideas in here already and this of course has the stuff everyone wants and some smaller stuff, plz add on too ~Daniels* 1. Perfect persistence, AI for zombies and animals, weather, hyper/hypothermia, any lag what so ever, farming, loot 2. Add some different kinds of tents in, maybe once vehicles are in (which cargo ones would come after beta) you can find big military tents and strap them to your car 3. Add barricading in, little by little, next update (yes next one, 0.50) you could definitely accomplish a working ladder that you can carry around and place down, add some things to lock doors or basically make windows bullet proof, for a while, make fencing available, heck, have it to where you can build a well of some sort depending on a location 4. Make some human AI, never put them in stable until they have a purpose, but have it to where they are GREAT, make them spawn at heli crashes on exp servers and keep perfecting them, then once there is a nice good purpose for them put them in and they won't be broken, this is the most important thing that you have to have perfect on your initial stable launch because if its not, everybody riots because they cannot avoid them 5. Like stated before, perfect the loot spawning system, really try and balance it, like #4, every exp branch, add a new/fixed loot system that's balanced and that most players like and whenever you get what you and the community feels like is the right one add it in 6. Finish the northern road (which i'm pretty sure you guys are good with that) 7. Add some backstory, you could do it in (chapters) and have some cool things you could find and then once more stuff comes in some people are already ahead, i've ported the C+ map to ArmA 3 and i;ve been doing some scripting and actually working on a backstory for this, just started and still brainstorming, but it would really have to be right, good, juicy, like a cock almost 8. Small vehicles, bike, motorbike, some ladas, maybe even a small pickup 9. More animals, with a perfected AI there could of course be wolf packs, but all the stuff placeholder needs to be updated to not placeholder 10. Get some new engine stuff in 11. NEW BACKPACKS, im sooooo happy about the smersh combination and the other new backpack (insert name here) that might be coming to 0.49 but you need more, definitely get the coyote backpack back, i think its very nice looking and with a little bit different color and model it could be good, also, please, add in a black, grey, dark grey, dark blue, and dark green mountain backpack, i cant stay camouflaged with a giant light green thing on my back 12. Make the tools useful, the hammer, screw driver etc, these can be accomplished with the barricading etc (Ill add on later, gonna play now :D) Add-On 13. Improve the fatigue system, haven't heard much about this but have weight being a big factor, the heat and cold of course (already helping), also have throwing up being a consequence 14. Add some more character creation, start off basic, just having some different mouths, noses, eyes and eye colors, hair styles (not to tacky) and maybe eventually make the clothes you start off with changeable, to an extent, when it will be hard to survive from heat and cold make it to where you can have some bigger clothes to start with, but it will be hard to avoid the heat, also add a weight factor like in number 13, height and weight, the more you weigh the harder it is, possibly even loosing weight 0.0! Also... beards and shaving bitches. 10/10
  9. I was thinking that instead of adding on to Chernarus or porting/remastering old maps to just make a full new one, with its own special features and rare places that are good hotspots. Having a place that is related to the US would be nice, somewhere like in The Walking Dead, somewhere Georgia based, like having a big country area, a couple of smaller cities, and a couple of bigger cities. Say, as a hotspot, there was a farm area with its own unique buildings nowhere else on the map, kind of like Herschel's farm, and in one part of the farm there was a enclosed area that spawns a lot of chickens or something. Another hotspot like a national park, it has a couple of ranger stations and is also full of deer, foxes, and bears. Maybe in some of the bigger towns there are, of course, a lot of zombies, a lot, but... there is also quite a few new apartment buildings with alley ways that keep you from being spotted and there is an evac/military camp that was overrun in the middle with plenty of weapons and military gear and maybe, if and when they are in, this is one of the places a broken chopper could spawn that you could fix up. I was thinking it could of course, still be in a russian area so there would have to be some optimizations and this would be something to come very later on. Plz consider devs, praise lord dean rocket hall, nerf dat fagit, lord gaben, holla dolla bbys
  10. daniels

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Thx bro i luv u for that one, Some comments on this patch: I like the new police car random spawns and all the new wrecks with loot I am very happy that they are adding some towns near the North-west, once you add 1 or 2 more to that region, then some on the middle, resume spawns along the whole coast please! This patch was only on stable for like what, a day or two, and it has a lot of bugs in it that are known, not complaining, especially since they aren't dirty bugs, but I think you should've waited a bit longer to release it Is loot respawn in, I see the tables have changed but is it finally in? It seemed fine to me, a couple tweaks to improve it but thats all. Also if it is in, if anyone knows, how does the respawning actually work.
  11. daniels

    Secrets of DayZ in the Last 4 Months

    Finally someone who isn't so negative saying "Oh this is isn't real" or "Rocket will never put this in" etc but most people on this thread have been positive and I'm very grateful for that. That's what were thinking will happen, Rocket talked about underground bases and I believe that Green Mountain was actually a secret lab that had a radio station on it just incase anything happened, therefore, patient zero would actually be the green mountain mystery, which I think he is and there are many explanations, like the map on this post that explain how green mountain could've been the outbreak and patient zero's location.
  12. daniels

    Secrets of DayZ in the Last 4 Months

    Accidently posted this one again
  13. daniels

    Secrets of DayZ in the Last 4 Months

    Switching to experimental because radios can transmit around the whole map in 0.45 so once I find one I'll try and be on 87.8 24/7 if I have enough batteries. Server Name - DayZ Dal 0-2 (Experimental/Testing) IGN - Director Daniels Location - Berezino Outskirts
  14. daniels

    Secrets of DayZ in the Last 4 Months

    Well I'm on DayZ SA Stable and I'm heading to Green Mountain after I find a radio, hopefully I don't get killed, if anyone would like to meet up here's a server and I'm at Berezino, I'll meet you at the house above the first Elektro fire station at 105 - 126, I'm taking a leap of faith and hope you aren't a CoD kid wanker :P Anyways to Green Mountain, some have said they confirmed this message but no one has disproved it. Only thing disproved was one Elektro transmission that someone made himself, there is still another one.