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Everything posted by imperian_man

  1. imperian_man

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    Thanks,altho it was shame I didnt get all dem beans!
  2. imperian_man

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

  3. imperian_man

    Admin Powers or Hacker?

    Admins currently in SA have NO POWERS,that means he is a hacker,report him please,if you took an SS of course!
  4. imperian_man

    How to activate multicore rendering?

    Sorry to break this to you,but dayz will never utilize all cores,but I dont think thats the problem,try unparking your cores!
  5. imperian_man

    Hilarious Hold Up - An Awkward Moment

    Damn,I would have died.....
  6. imperian_man

    russian accent players the worst ?

    Listen here,people from Russia,and the Balkans,are the WORST people,dont even trust them for a second,how I know this(I live there)
  7. imperian_man

    Hands Up

    Well,I am just stating the obvious,I made a counter argument to your suggestion and you mock it,nice
  8. imperian_man

    Hands Up

    So what,I point a gun at you,you raise your hands up,rendering you useless and I kill you and take your gear,its simple.....
  9. imperian_man

    Hands Up

    If you think that this is the problem,you are playing this game wrong,I never put my hands up,either fight or die,you are going to loose your gear anyways,might as well fight for it. BUT I think this should still be added
  10. imperian_man

    I built that puter!

    Just tell me how much money did you spend?
  11. imperian_man

    Helicopter crashsites

    But if everyone just KOS-ed it would not be DayZ,I would be just another CoD game...
  12. imperian_man

    Helicopter crashsites

    I already found a big flaw. "A wild adventurer spots a plane crash on a open field,he runs to it with excitement,boom,get KOS-es(or camped) A sniper can hide in the trees,or somewhere to overlook the heli crash,well,risks are risks
  13. imperian_man

    Dayz gtx 770 1650x1050 fps test (With fps)

    If you are getting that FPS in town,with EVERYTHING maxed,I call bullshit
  14. imperian_man

    Testing out the Anti-Stab vest (Video)

    Same with silencers I guess
  15. imperian_man

    Testing out the Anti-Stab vest (Video)

    So it has no effect what so ever?
  16. imperian_man

    Killed a siren and her minions...

    If you recorded this it would get 500K views for sure,damn thats such an epic event
  17. imperian_man

    New DayZ video intro

    its too long,and what is that abdomination that walks,dear god.........music,music is kinda,weird,IDK. I think you edit good,but just have a wrong idea
  18. imperian_man

    Experimental is awesome

    Ged damnit,looks like this is the "real" update DayZ needed EDIT: Damnit,I want to remake my DayZ trailer now........
  19. Enjoy this new myth http://i.imgur.com/VjN7t5u.jpg Posted by some redditer,he said this is the creepiest thing he saw ingame
  20. imperian_man

    Developers,we need this

    We need some kind of story behind DayZ,I remember when I was active,there was a story about the radio transmitions,then today I read the story about this UZB-76/UVB-76,and I had to investigate,it is so interesting,and has so much potential. Any myth hunter in here,that can give me an update if there is anything in DayZ? Its basicly a Russian signal that has been going off for 30 years,producing a buzzing sound,but very rarely actual transmissions
  21. imperian_man

    Developers,we need this

    Yeah,I heard there was only 1 real transmition,the other guys faked the rest,damnit........ If DayZ had some actual story,people wouldnt just kill each other,it would be super mysterious and creepy,DAMNIT! I want it so bad..........
  22. imperian_man

    The coldest morning in Krasnostav

    So,one morning I logged in to my character,who was not a fresh spawn,but was far from geared,I stumbled upon a city called Krasnostav,I imidiatly noticed 2 military hangars in the distance,but I was keen on finding out what was in the barns/sheds of the little town.As I walked in the first shed I immediately noticed a Mosin on the ground,I decided to ignore it beacuse it was empty and I already had my beloved SKS,I procceded to loot the military base,and head back to the main town,as I was heading out to the same old barns,I notice a rather unusual sight.A poorly geared player was leaving the barn,and in his hands a Mosin,I wanted to greet him,and said "Hello there mate" he quickly replied "Hands up" and pointed his mosin at me! Then I drew my Magnum...NOTE:There was 5 meteres between us. Then complete silence.............he aims the mosin straight at me,and I my Magnum straight at him...................."silence".............................his Mosin goes "click",while my Magnum goes "BAM" Epic shit......
  23. imperian_man

    The coldest morning in Krasnostav

    I just saw one of your videos,what settings do you use,it looks amazing and the FPS is solid :o
  24. imperian_man

    The coldest morning in Krasnostav

    He looked like a COD kid,if you know what I mean.When he said "hands up" he sounded 9 years old...........
  25. imperian_man

    White screen

    When ever I enter the game,my screen is black,and when I want to edit my character,change gender and other stuff its just black and wont show me anything,sometimes its white and sometimes its black,I have been able to change my character first time I got into the game...