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Everything posted by pager187

  1. Just installed the game. I'm at the title screen and it says nothing about hacks, so I'm pretty sure there's no hacks whatsoever. Confirmed.
  2. A2 was a broken game that got lucky it had someone creative enough to mod it into something better than a coffee coaster. That's the truth. You guys were still patching that game into functional long after it came out. One of your guys said they supported it long after release. I think what would be more accurate is that you were still fixing it long after release. I only worry that DayZ will end up being the same.
  3. Planetside 2 is a good game. Played it since beta. It was a good game then. So actually I look forward to what Sony is going to bring to the table. What you really should look at are the failures of BI's releases. The Arma series is a good indication to what kind of game DayZ is going to be. I haven't played one BI game that wasn't clunky and full of glitches. They have had enough time to work on this game, that now you have big companies starting to completely bite the idea. We can crow about it being in Alpha all day, but I don't see anyone asking why it's still in Alpha when it's been in development this long. BI should have given Rocket a team a long time ago. It took millions of copies being sold before they took him seriously.They should have looked at how many people bought ARMA just because of the mod. Trust me it wasn't because ARMA II was a great game.
  4. I hear a lot of people comparing BF4's release, but what they are not comparing it to is BI's past releases in the ARMA series. Nobody can tell me that those were not flawed releases.
  5. pager187

    Whats the problem with zombies?

    Stopped playing and started reading the forums, because you couldn't take it. Sounds strong. Maybe you should just forget the game exists and go play Lego Starwars
  6. pager187

    Thread in defense of banditry

    Actually I agree with you. I think they should only have melee weapons and pistols on the coast. They should make military weapons extremely rare and only at spots that take a very long time to get to. As it sits you spawn pretty close to NEAF, and regardless you can find military gear in the city you spawn in if it is underpopulated. To the person who said there is no imagination among bandits you are wrong. I capture people and do a lot of funny things to them to amuse myself. Shooting people constantly gets boring for almost everyone. You want to see bad KoS go play Nether. That's where they have lack of imagination. Most people I have teamed up with I met in game, even being an asshole. You guys make this KoS out to be way worse than what it is. These threads are nothing but ragefests from people who hug pixels and can't take losing gear.
  7. pager187

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    No I believe you on that one. That is nothing to boast about though. 400 hours without a kill is not skill it's cowardice. I said bullshit that it's difficult to find friendlies. I died one time and spawned in front of a player. He immediately gave me a rifle, food, and water. This is after I died from shooting at a group for no reason other than to get in a big firefight. Even people I rob tell me where to rob other players they passed by. I'm not saying it's fucking canada in chenarus, but you really have to be introverted not to run into friendlies in 400+ hours if I can run into them in 100 being a complete fuckwad. Maybe you should jump on hardcore. Maybe normal mode has a lot of grass snipers, but where I'm playing there's plenty of non-KoS encounters.
  8. pager187

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    Bullshit. I have played standalone only 130 hours (mod 2 years) and I encountered friendlies even being a complete douche bag. Yesterday I was robbing someone and told him to kick rocks because he had nothing I wanted. When I went to peak around a corner to find someone else this guy hit me in the head with a fire extinguisher. BOOM. He dropped. This guy came up and asked if I was OK, he said he heard the guy trying to rob me and came to save my life. Little did he know I was the one robbing. I ran around only five minutes with this hero helping him shoot bandits (Hey why not. I have no side really) and we found another armed player who surrendered at gunpoint and decided to also join us. I have tortured players and other players came and joined in. I shot players in a group and let the other one live and they joined me. If you can't find someone to tag along with it's on you. Even a complete bastard like me can make friends in this game.
  9. pager187

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    Maybe you shouldn't be running across a runway like a complete noob. I would've shot you on principal for being so sloppy. Do you really want to play on some PvE server with the zombies being this bad? Seriously there are way better survival zombie games out there without PvP. People play this because of the adrenaline rush they get when they go to grab some loot. Every item you pick up might end with a BANG and black screen if you are not careful enough. The faster and sloppier you are looting, the more chance you have of getting smoked. If you are solo I suggest crawling and using cover. Assume every good loot spot is being camped and you are a burglar. Think splinter cell.
  10. pager187

    Thread in defense of banditry

    Sounds realistic enough to me. Add a corpse to the pile for me, friend.
  11. pager187

    Thread in defense of banditry

    I like how you tell me that 'go play little big planet' is a strawman arguement and without skipping a beat you repeat the same ol cliche strawman arguement 'go play call of duty'. If I could cause you carebears to lose an hour of your time and send you back to start on call of duty I would play it. As it sits this is a post apocalyptic simulator and people like me would be gunning down you weak cry babies all day when law and order breaks down. If you don't like it maybe you should go play CoD. At least when you die ypu wouldn't be flooding this forum with qq threads.
  12. pager187

    Thread in defense of banditry

    You're wrong. If it's part of the game it's valid. If it's a cheat or exploit, it's not. This is the way Dayz was intended to play. Your make-it-up-as-you-go along morals are not valid in this game whatsoever, because you didn't develop the game you are just playing it. This isn't CoD, but it isn't Little Big Planet either. If I want to shoot every living person I see and do awful things to them it's valid.I'm risking my stuff and using skill to get them just like you heroes are to protect people. Whether I lie in wait for a victim or whether you lie in wait for a bandit doesn't matter. We all choose a side and we all die in pain in the end.
  13. Thank you, someone gets it. Us bandits don't play CoD, because despite you bambis and your retard thinking CoD could never be this game. You can't respawn in 10 seconds full geared in this game. That is CoD. You die and have to get all of your shit back which might take an hour or two. We get off on that. It gives us a big boner to ruin your day.
  14. pager187

    Feeling bad after first kos

    Now that you got your cherry popped keep going. Find out how far down the rabbit hole goes my son. Leave the guilt behind you because the road ahead is nothing but lulz.
  15. pager187

    Have people in this game gone insane?

    Yah we have gone insane. with the ability to torment our fellow survivors with impunity why not curse at them and make them feel humiliated. It's one of the fun parts of the game. Player interaction.
  16. pager187

    Thread in defense of banditry

    Typical hero talk. You carebears don't get it. We shoot people armed and unarmed alike, because it's funny to see them lose all that progress they made. We kill on sight because you clumsy looters like to run out in the middle of the street making a bunch of noise. We dump bleach down people's throats to see if they make a gurgle sound (spoiler:no gurgles). You can't do that in COD or the other bullshit games you mentioned. You guys think you have more skill than us because you scrounge around buildings looking for loot like a bunch of roaches, crying to each other for bloodbags, rides, etc. It takes more skill to be the hated scumbags we are than to be some noble hero. Without bandits this game would be complete shit and always would have been. If heroes disappeared nobody would even notice. great thing about being a bandit is you can find just find an axe or an empty gun and the road to robbing, murder, and torture begins.
  17. pager187

    @ rocket: Humanity / Sanity issues

    This is a stupid idea. If you want realism you won't get social cues in real life from murderers who are psychopaths.They won't walk up to you shaking around like Don Knotts with their eyes twitching. They charm and manipulate you to be their friend, then they use you or stab you in the back. Just like DayZ is now. Psychopaths are not the only murderers in reality either. When there are situations involving law and order breaking down otherwise normal folk turn into complete animals. You won't twitch around, you will become an even better killer after the first. If you wanted to make it real it would actually be bambis and do gooder heroes who would have the shakes when they kill someone. To people who find taking someone's life distasteful murder can cause post traumatic stress. To someone who's become accustomed to butchery, killing another human being is nothing more than squishing a cockroach. Just like in real life you need to use your own judgement based on how the person reacts and talks to you. That mechanic is already in the game (prox chat). I've never been betrayed in the mod or this game. Not once. The reason why is that I don't run around looking to jump in the lap of every human I encounter. I make a few good comrades, and a lot of them I met by sticking a gun in their back. The rest get the bleach or a bullet to the back of the head. Someone above said "Please don't turn this game into a sim". Thought that was pretty funny considering this game has always been a sim, and the entire concept has been based on realism. Why do you think they built it on a military sim engine that they sell to governments to train their troops on. Go play WarZ if you want to dumb this game down. Threads like this are common in full loot open world pvp games. People get laid out doing something retarded like running through the street in the open or trusting the wrong survivor, then they come on the forum and come up with rage concepts. Concepts that protect the weak, and penalize the strong. Get in where you fit in you pathetic bambi.