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Everything posted by jan3sobieski
are people trying to make the SA to friendly?
jan3sobieski replied to dgeesio's topic in General Discussion
I think this is what you WANT the game to be, We'll see if that's how it turns out in the end. Yes, it was in the mod and we can see how that is doing. I think what ultimately is going to happen is people like you will go back to playing the mod and people who want more out of the game will stay here. Win/Win -
are people trying to make the SA to friendly?
jan3sobieski replied to dgeesio's topic in General Discussion
I think it is what it is right now, because it's still in alpha. It doesn't mean that that's what the designer intended it to be. Adding more survival-ism, better zombie AI, more z's will definitely turn the game around. I just hate it when people blatantly announce that this is what the game is about: just KoS'ing and "deal with it because i like it that way" attitude. -
are people trying to make the SA to friendly?
jan3sobieski replied to dgeesio's topic in General Discussion
Again, this is what YOU think the game is about. Just because you like it that way, doesn't mean it should be that way, nor that it was designed to be this way. It's how it is NOW because it's still in alpha. -
are people trying to make the SA to friendly?
jan3sobieski replied to dgeesio's topic in General Discussion
Stop with this rhetoric. Anyone can reply the same to you. "There are other games where KoS is a necessity, like COD/Quake/Doom/UT, whatever." Yet you think that's all that DayZ is about. Stop this nonsense. Says who? YOU? I don't see anything on the DayZ web page or any of Rocket's interviews/forum posts that that's what the game is about. Stop pulling $hit out of your a$$. -
are people trying to make the SA to friendly?
jan3sobieski replied to dgeesio's topic in General Discussion
I hope you were being sarcastic -
are people trying to make the SA to friendly?
jan3sobieski replied to dgeesio's topic in General Discussion
I think we agree with each other more or less. I'm not sure of all the suggestions that were thrown out to to fix this. I was agreeing with the suggestion of having PvE and PvP servers separately, where one can choose what type of gameplay they want. PvP servers will be the same as they are now, so how are they getting punished? Options, all we want are options. Right now there is only one, the KoS way or the highway and when KoS'ers use arguments like this (i'm not saying you're one): it just infuriates us because it tries to assert that the KoS'ers know better because that's how the game is now in its alpha stage. Or because they played the mod and that's how it was there too. And because it was released like that then that's how it should be. Like if they were privy to some secret knowledge passed on to them from Rocket himself that that's his vision. That this is the final design. It's not, at least I don't think it is. The game is, can be, and will be so much better. In my opinion the mod did not turn out the way he wanted and this was one of the reasons he created this, based on the original design but better. -
are people trying to make the SA to friendly?
jan3sobieski replied to dgeesio's topic in General Discussion
Right now the game is only fun for KOS'ers and others who don't see a problem. I don't get why KoS'ers think people who want options infringe on their game. Nobody is taking kos'ing away from you, you'll still be able to kill everything you want to your heart's content. But not everyone wants to play the game like you do. So the idea is to give others some options. Right now, the only option is to play the game they way YOU want them to. I agree. Not only that but who is a KoS'er to tell me how I should or shouldn't play the game. We all paid for it, why does it only have to be fun for you? Can I also have fun? And not on your terms? Not the way you think I should have fun? Just because KoS'ing is the thing now doesn't mean that's what the designer had in mind and that's how the game will be in the end. That's what YOU think it should be because you like it that way. -
Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008
jan3sobieski replied to Hicks_206 (DayZ)'s topic in News & Announcements
I don't mind the logout timer but please don't make it 30 seconds. That's way too much. The reason for a timer is so that ppl don't combat log but most logouts occur not when in combat so I don't see why people who don't combat log should be punished. 10 seconds is more like it. -
Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953
jan3sobieski replied to Hicks_206 (DayZ)'s topic in News & Announcements
Opposite for me actually, had no rubberbanding issues before, now rubberbanding all over the place. Weird. -
I'm afraid this game is going to die quickly because casuals will see no point in playing and the hardcore players, the "bandits" that shoot everything on sight will eventually run out of fresh meat and only hunt each other. And eventually they'll get bored of it and quit too. If all you want is to kill other players you should go play other games more suited for this than this one. I hear the other side of the story too though. I get the point. It's a simulator game, you should have free will whether you want to play friendly or not. I don't know if this is possible but wouldn't it be just easier to have someone "declare" at the character creation screen whether or not you will play a survivor or a bandit? Then: If I'm playing a survivor and kill another survivor, my karma (or conscience, or whatever) goes down eventually killing me. (like if I kill 3-4 survivors)If I'm playing a survivor and kill a bandit my karma stays the same (or if I have killed a survivor by a mistake, killing a bunch of bandits would slowly, VERY slowly grow my karma back, sort of as redemption)If I'm playing a bandit, I don't have karma BUT, whenever a survivor comes within, I dunno 500m radius of me, they'll get a warning, a message that "bandits are roaming the area." This would give survivors a chance to run the hell away and go somewhere else.If I'm playing a bandit and enter an area where there are other bandits or survivors, I don't get that same warning. No change there from current game.Also, and this is tricky (but necessary), survivors would not be able to loot anyone, other survivors or bandits. They would only be able to find loot or take loot that was given/dropped for them from other survivors (not bandits). This would be to prevent "false" survivors. Ones that choose to play as a survivor yet go on a rampage to kill everyone. (Kill a couple survivors then mitigate karma by killing bandits) [edit] this might not be necessary as the karma system would be enough to discourage killing more than, let's say 4 survivors, however, there would have to be a way to make sure "false" survivors don't go on a rampage killing bandits with a 500m warning advantage. Honestly though, I'm for the original idea. I don't care about looting others, I'm a survivor, I like to find things on my own and share with others if they need my help. The biggest issue in my opinion is that when an encounter happens (when 2 ppl run into each other) there is really not a lot of time for decisions, talking or trying to figure out if the other one is friendly or not. That's why most ppl just kos. This system would eliminate the need to guess. Also, bandits would most likely stay near the coastal, military, airstrip areas. If you're a survivor and want to risk getting better weapons and such and want to go there, you do so at your own risk. [edit] I should edit this, the system wouldn't completely eliminate guessing but it would help A tiny piece of this is somehow already implemented, it just doesn't work since to hear the bandit's heartbeat you really have to get close to him which by that time is too late anyways. I think the range is like 10-20m. That's completely useless. I don't see how it would take away from the game at all. Bandits can still hunt their prey it's just that this way the prey will know it's being hunted. Wouldn't that give bandits a bigger adrenaline rush and sense of accomplishment knowing they got to someone who already knew they were coming? What do you think?
Yes, lag spikes all over, servers all slowly disappearing.
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Like I said in my last post, I'm done arguing. I'll just adapt to everyone's gameplay and kill (or attempt to) everyone on sight. Apparently that's the only option anymore. See you in the game. [edit] Actually, I'll elaborate. Seems to me that only the Hardcore/Elite/original DayZ Mod folks want to leave the game the way it is. That's fine. Have it your way. If you think the game will live on the way it is now, I wish you the best. I will help you do that, I will KoS everyone I meet just as it has been done to me. You see no problem there, so I won't either. I won't immerse myself in the game, in the experience, in the survival factor or in any other factor this game has to offer except for PVP. I'll just do what you think is perfectly balanced and real. Just kill everybody. If I ever meet a newbie along the way and by some chance I don't kill them right away, I'll make sure I do so as soon as I can. Everyone who's been supportive of this thread, or parts of it (I agree Survivors should be able to loot as well, first ideas are not always the best) I wish you good luck and I urge you to KoS as well, especially the new players. Let's make them feel welcome. Stop being a hero. Being a hero requires to have a conscience or at least an urge to help someone else. This is not a game for us if we can't take it, as many of the Hardcore/Elite players have said. Let's just continue the mayhem, no, let's make it bigger! If anyone is still interested in some coop game, PM me. We can go on a rampage together. No role-playing, no handcuffing, no banditing (I don't think that's a word). Just pure f'ing killing everything that moves, maybe we can get lucky and shoot some birds too while we're at it. But let's make sure we shoot at everyone. Especially the casuals and newbies. Let's make this game the BEST it can be!!! -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Actually I'm done. Just tired of the back and forth. If the general consensus is that everything is fine and dandy, so be it. -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Forget the looting part. I said it was up for debate, Personally for me it wouldn't matter but I see your point that you should be able to loot someone like your buddy if he dies or something. But like i said, forget the looting part, How else would this affect you? "a gay message pop up telling me there's bandits in like every town that i will learn to ignore." - First of all, watch your language, noone here is offending you. Second of all, you said it yourself, you'd ignore the message anyways. If it helps someone and doesn't help you, since you'd ignore it anyways, how exactly does this affect you? Because you'd get, as you say, a "gay message?" Look at it this way. You're in Kamenka. No one around. Suddenly you see someone running towards you in the distance. You have no warning message (which would have gone off a while before you even noticed he was coming). The chances that someone doesn't KoS are a lot higher now. I'm not saying it identifies the guy as a survivor, he may still KoS or stab you after a 5 minute chat, but it just gives you this better than 1/10 odds that they're actually friendly, Same would go for them. They would see you as friendly also. -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
If you help someone once in a while and don't KoS then this wouldn't affect you at all. You're fine and even if you do KoS... sometimes, that's fine too, that's your choice. But what's going on most of the time along the coast is just mayhem. I have yet to meet anyone, ANYONE that didn't want to kill me. That's just ridiculous. Everyone here talking about choices and freedom and you play as you want and so forth. It seems to me that everyone is choosing to kill everyone else. Why? Because they're pretty much forced to. Or they're just really aholes. That's the problem. -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
By the same chain of thought, if you wanted to play a game where all you do is shoot/kill other players, there are a ton of games out there that let you do this exclusively. So why do that here exclusively? Because those people who do that here is why this is being discussed in the first place! -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Of course I don't know every veteran player and their views. Like I said, it's my point of view and my opinion. I never hid from that. Whenever I could I've watched many streams of DayZ and read through the forums here before I started playing myself. And in my opinion, it's unsustainable. -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
And yet it's in the game. Put in there by Rocket himself. I wonder why he did that. -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Most people aren't spiderman either but can somehow hear erratic heartbeat of a bandit when they're close to them. -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Please look at the overall picture of this. Hardcore players are bored. They've found everything, been everywhere and are now just shooting everything that moves out of boredom. And they WILL eventually get bored completely and leave for another game. Newcomers buy the game for $30 with the thinking that it's a survival/exploration game. That's what I thought. It turns out it's a deathmatch with survival gimmicks thrown in (water/food/health) but with a beautiful map at least worthy of exploring. Those players are not interested in fighting a deathmatch with others. However, if they're forced to play this deathmatch game (as it is now) they will soon leave too. Do you see my point of view now? -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
How exactly would it give away the position? It's an AREA of 500m, Not 500m in front of you. Did you even read what I wrote? -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Wow! You can copy and paste from google! Good job, gold star! You're grabbing at straws here. -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Thank you for a detailed explanation of your opinion -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
All good ideas that will require cooperation between players. And THAT will require a rethinking of the KoS strategy that everyone is employing right now. That's my point. All of you guys saying "oh, everything is fine the way it is." "Leave it alone. It's perfect now." BS. It's not. This poll is proving this to you. -
Possible solution to KOS, hear me out
jan3sobieski replied to jan3sobieski's topic in New Player Discussion
Please be careful with words, no one here is offending you so why are you? What I meant by this is that most people when hearing the word "gamble" think more along the lines of a 50/50 chance at success. A 1 in 10 chance of success is not much of a gamble, it's a pretty sure way to lose, Unless you're very, very lucky. You used this word in a sentence implying that it's a fair gamble. It's not.