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About morasco68

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. morasco68

    Felt like a Walking Dead moment

    Good catch. Luckily YOUR opinion doesn't matter to the rest of the world.
  2. morasco68

    Felt like a Walking Dead moment

    Good joke, but you're a little behind on the show
  3. This game has potential. I haven't played the mod and only have a few hours put into the SA but already had an intense experience. I walk into town, my screen saturated from blood loss because of previous encounters with the undead. After a quick look at the area, it’s obvious someone has just been through here, all the doors are open. My main priority is to find food and water, I notice no movement and proceed to check the buildings, very little is to be found. I come across a small building in the middle of town with its door still closed, I thought to myself, “Well they at least missed one!” A few cans are there and I eat as soon as I grab the cans. I start walking toward the front door, then see a person standing between windows on the other side of the wall with his M4 ready and with military gear on. I stopped dead in my tracks. I take a second to assess the situation. He hasn’t fired but also hasn’t alerted me of his presence. It is apparent he is waiting for to me come outside, either for a clear shot or to rob me of blood, because the only thing worth taking is my Mosin. Nothing about this situation made this guy out to be friendly. I realized early that he didn’t know I noticed him. Whatever advantage he had was thrown out the window. Making him surrender was out of the question, with the amount of blood I lost, one shot would probably kill me and I had no handcuffs. Killing him is my only option. I walk a few windows down to get a view of him, he still oblivious to the fact I know he is there. With my Mosin fully loaded I take aim at his body, wanting to make sure I hit him on my first shot. I fire, it’s a hit, I see blood start to pour out. As soon as he gets hit he moves out of my view. I sprint toward the exit and peek around the corner, the guy is still there and he starts patching himself up, probably believing I just ran off. I take aim at his torso and fire again… “Yes!” his body glitches and falls dead with half his body inside the building and half outside. I jog up to his body to look at it. As soon as that happens, someone else starts sprinting toward me, it’s apparent he is a new spawn, having just a shirt and pants with a motor bike helmet. Maybe he was a new player just wanting help or a veteran trying to get the drop on me while I am looting someone else, what would he have to lose. He was still a decent amount of distance away from me, giving me time to ready my weapon, I didn’t have time to reload so I have to make my last three shots count. I aim directly at him but he’s still racing towards me, knowing just one punch will knock me out, I fire before he got any closer. Bam! 3/3. Blood squirts out, then he starts running a different direction, I keep a steady aim on him until he is out of sight. I didn’t run after him because he wasn’t worth the bullets or the energy. I debated for a few seconds whether I should loot the body but worried about him coming around again and hitting me while I was distracted. Assessing that it might be safe, I turn around, immediately I see another person with his M4 drawn and all military gear come around the corner of the grocery store right next to the building I was recently in, no more than 20 feet away from me. Without hesitation I fire, it was a hit, 4/4, the blood starts to pour but he didn’t fire back. He frantically draws his bat, I back up and fire again, “Damn!”…I missed. Knowing I was out of ammo, I ran into the grocery store and draw my axe. He comes in swinging wildly but fortunately misses, unfortunately so do I. He loses his nerve and starts making me chase him around the racks. Every time I get close he just moves to the opposite side. Blood still squirting out of him, I decide to just wait him out, besides one hit and I am out, it was the best plan. He recognizes what I am doing and sprints out the back, I sprint out the front toward the edge of town to see if I can spot him, to my amazement he was hiding behind a wooden fence near outside of town, I saw him but he didn’t seem to notice me, he started to bandage himself, I sprint toward him and axe him down. He had everything a growing boy needed, a military grade vest and helmet, an M4 with attachments, defib, two pistols, a filled medkit and more. But no magazine to go with the M4, now I know why he didn’t fire back. The other body disappeared by the time it was all over…All this happened in a span of a few minutes.