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Everything posted by F1ackM0nk3y

  1. F1ackM0nk3y

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    Quoted the post were you began casting stones. Next time, try not insulting people when responding. It only cheapens the debate and makes you look foolish. Further, others will be more likely to be hostile to you (as we have seen.)
  2. F1ackM0nk3y

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    If you cast disparaging remarks at others, you should full and well expect to receive disparaging comments in return.
  3. F1ackM0nk3y

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    Mine is people just bitching about things they don't like in the game. Mind you, I'm not talking about constructive criticism but, folks that bitch about not finding food fast enough, or an M4 fast enough or, they were in the in Bolota/Cherno looking for a fire arm and got KOS'ed (like you were just going to run off after finding a M4 to plant flowers or whatever.) It's Alpha folks and you are paying a reduced rate for the game in exchange to help do some Q&A. If that is too much for your little hart to bare, quit until "beta" is released.
  4. F1ackM0nk3y

    Replace TTSKO Jacket/Trousers.

    Why do people always use the excuse of "it's not realistic" when they try to change things in this game. This game is not about realism; it's about the zombie apocalypse... THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. When we start having zombies running around in the real world, then the argument of "it's not realistic" starts to hold water. Until then, it's just game where things are balanced around fun and appropriate utility.
  5. F1ackM0nk3y

    Duplication exploit - need for global wipe?

    I can tell you why they won't wipe (or shouldn't.) If the patch introduces bug with the hive that affects character saves, then no one will know immediately. Better to keep characters around till they are done adding things and have everything stabilized... Then wipe. Remember folks, this is Alpha. You are helping to test the game and make it better. People being idiots and hacking/duping only show the current weakness' in said game and give Rocket n' folks a chance to fix those issues. If your butt hurt cause someone dupped their stuff, time to take a chill pill and relax. We got a ways to go.
  6. Just tried it out and yes, you do lose some of the food out of the cans
  7. Honestly, I have not tried it, just read about it online. I'll try it out when I log on later
  8. Maybe Rocket wants the M4 to be the swiss army knife of firearms, Pretty good at a lot of things but not excellent at anyone thing. Already you can slap a flashlight onto the side and with the bayonet able to open cans, you can save 2 slots in your pack. Combine that with the ability to carry up to 60 rounds before reloading, you have a weapon that can be used to clear buildings and do a little bit sniping. I do agree with your point about fixing the ACOG not sure what the hold up is with regards to fixing the magnification
  9. F1ackM0nk3y

    Bayonets useful as weapons

    So I know that Bayonets are only good for opening up cans and such but, does anyone know when they will actually be useful as weapons? I ask because they are implementing another bayonet into the game but, for the most part, bayonets seem to serve little purpose (other than looking pretty.)
  10. F1ackM0nk3y

    Bayonets useful as weapons

    Strange then that they have not put in the damage variables for it. I would understand if the animation still needed to be done but, with animation done I wonder what the hold up is
  11. F1ackM0nk3y

    Killed By An Invisible Player, AGAIN

    Look, if it happened the way you say, make a bug report and move on. Probably help to list the server you were on. That being said, You were on the coast....nothing good happens on the coast. Your either bambie trying to get off the coast and dodging bandits, a bambie looking to become a bandit, or a "Hero" shooting anything you define as a Bandit. Don't come to the General Forum looking for sympathy.
  12. F1ackM0nk3y

    It Happened Again :(

    Having had that happen to me when I was on the second floor of a building as well, I make it a general rule now to never log out in buildings at all. Knock on Wood, Has not happened to me since.
  13. F1ackM0nk3y

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    The guy was geared and got with his pants down. Went for his M4 (which was tricked out with a Bi-Pod, Bayonet, CQB Buttstock) and thought he could drop you.... I call it a day in the life of Day Z. Also, that is the reason why I always walk around with my M4 shouldered.
  14. F1ackM0nk3y

    Frying pans as weapons

    How about it? http://youtu.be/I-3K-uU9TL0?t=20s Could be an alternative to the Fire Axe and has the bonus of being a cooking item (once cooking is implemented.)
  15. F1ackM0nk3y

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    http://youtu.be/I-3K-uU9TL0?t=20s And it has the bonus of being a cooking item
  16. F1ackM0nk3y

    best strategy for hand vs M4

    Pretty much this. I won't go outta my way to kill a Bambie but, if one approaches me, I consider it an act of aggression.... period. Say what ever you want OP but, I assure you had you and your buddy tried that on me, I'd have drilled both of you in the forehead and then went and looked for a snack.
  17. I gotta say I like that Bolota/Cherno has all the military gear one could ever want. It pretty much keeps bandits and bambies wanting to be bandits on the coast.
  18. F1ackM0nk3y

    I don't think the Burlap sack is meant to do this

    Then add two sticks and it becomes a 20 slot bag...from what I hear
  19. F1ackM0nk3y

    Zombie Damage... WTF

    This is very true for the time being... However, once infections are coded into the game, You'll get infected wounds more easily by using rags.
  20. F1ackM0nk3y

    water bottle at 120%

    HAXXORS, HAXXORS. Burn the haxxor at the stake
  21. You too, I thought I was just terribad at hitting anything with the Fire Axe raised. When it's lowed, I have no issue
  22. F1ackM0nk3y

    Zombie Damage... WTF

    Once you get better gear on, you won't be injured as easily. Also, learn to circle strafe. I've killed 4 Zombies at one time with a pipe wrench and did not get hit once (although I got them to hit each other)
  23. Sorta, at one point I had two zombies chase me into a building and they used the door but, last night one zombie saw me through a chain link fence and walked right through it. Still more work to be done but they are making good progress
  24. F1ackM0nk3y

    CPU usage after 2 min is 90%

    Without seeing your computer I'd guess it was a heating issue. Is there anyway you could see what the temp on your CPU at the 90%. Also, do you have your CPU over clocked?
  25. F1ackM0nk3y

    Dayz is shitty now

    I seem to have seen that somewhere.....Can't place it at the moment but, I sure it'll come to me. to the OP, IT'S ALPHA. Quit playing till they get it to a place place your happy with