For those of you wondering, if DayZ runs on weaker Laptop's / Desktop's i have tested it on my pretty Ultrabook: Desktop or laptop? Laptop Monitor resolution: 1366x768 (native) CPU: Intel Core i3-3217u (1,8Ghz) Graphics card: Intel HD4000 RAM: 4GB SSD? Both tested If you turn down the resolution to 1280x720 and use a few fps tweaks, you can play this game with 40-60fps countryside and a decent 15-20fps in big cities. You could go even lower than that to improve it more. Sure it won't look that nice (edit: it looks terrible, compared to streams and videos), but it's definetely playable on "Low-End" Devices with integrated GPU. If you use a Laptop though, be sure the cooling is good and/or set/cap the frequency to a defined amount. Otherwise you will have "stuttering", but actually that's just the CPU under/overclocking all the time due to the heat.