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Sledgehammer (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sledgehammer (DayZ)

  1. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    The real reason why it's shoot on sight

    yes' date=' but we are all social creatures, most people probably would not run around and kill everyone they ever see without ever having a single social interaction with another human. The hysteria makes sense yes, but to the point where you are basically forced to kill EVERYONE you see or die is beyond the hysteria and paranoia that would probably occur. [/quote'] Ahh that brings up an idea... Prolonged loneliness of a player's character would render him/her mentally "unstable". This might be reflected through mild hallucinations of some harmful nature and can only be remedied by being in close proximity to another player. This would keep PvP about the same but encourage more grouping between players which is something myself and some others desire. This is kind of a lame-ass idea tbh, but a mechanic that encourages people to group with someone else would be welcomed. I mainly play by myself and don't have a problem getting decent loot or PvPing. I have no reason to group, but i feel there should be some type of incentive. grouping up doesn't help you right now at the moment which is a serious problem. I don't think you should be punished for not grouping up, but rewarded FOR grouping up.Yeah i feel ya though. I haven't ever grouped up before and have been playing for around a month now with around 100 hours played and really would like to see cooperation.
  2. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    The real reason why it's shoot on sight

    yes, but we are all social creatures, most people probably would not run around and kill everyone they ever see without ever having a single social interaction with another human. The hysteria makes sense yes, but to the point where you are basically forced to kill EVERYONE you see or die is beyond the hysteria and paranoia that would probably occur.
  3. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    The real reason why it's shoot on sight

    its shoot on sight becuase everyone else shoots on sight, and if you don't shoot first than your just gonna die... i try to be nice, but as of now becuase of the precedence that has been set for player interaction / roe its pretty much impossible to be nice.
  4. disagree. The mod itself is more about getting gear than anything else. There are really only 2 things to do in the game. Get more gear, or kill players. What happens when you have the best gear? you can only kill players. If you need gear there is also no reason to not kill that other person. Make another objective or a reason to play beside killing players and getting gear and not only will there be more to do, but also less player killing as your time and resources will be then spent on the new task. making the game have even scarcer materials will actually make player killing more prevalent as your gonna NEED that guys gear.
  5. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    then join an expert server, boom problem solved, and it doesn't adversely affect me. As Zombie pointed out most the servers are 3rd person and as I'm an Aussie these numbers are even worse as our servers are always full so getting on any server is tough never mind finding a veteran server. then get better internet, or buy your own server. Its not my fault that your latency is not great due to where you live. Why should the entire game be changed to accommodate the very few amount of nz/Aussie players that hate 3rd person.
  6. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    then join an expert server, boom problem solved, and it doesn't adversely affect me.
  7. Can server owners give unlimited ammo? Can they grant permanent relief from hunger or thirst? Why should server owners have power over one of the most powerful tools in the game' date=' the ability to communicate with your fellow survivors? [b']rocket is taking communication out of the realm of interface and into the realm of game play mechanic. It is honestly unprecedented in the world of online gaming and we should all be hailing the risk he is taken and keep an open mind about the kinds of scenarios that will arise as a result. Please? Can we, please? Just give it a few weeks. A month. Try it out and see what happens before you start treating it like it's just another interface element again. You're supposed to be afraid. Welcome to DayZ. Now, find ways to work through that fear. Triumph over it. You will thank yourself and it will be so much more satisfying than had rocket just done the work for you. well because communication can be done through 3rd party means anyway...... also comparing communication to unlimited ammo is a nonsensical usage of hyperbole. If some servers allow people to talk globally, and you are against that idea then just don't join that server. it has no affect on servers outside of a single server, and thus would not affect you in an expert server.
  8. i would say the game itself does nothing more than harbor a very hostile/defensive player base due to the very nature of perma death. that very mechanic itself also allowed you to increase your relationship with another player, but for the majority there is no community as everyone is afraid of contact with another survivor. i love the perma death, but the same mechanic also drives players to murder out of fear of what another might do to them if they were in the same situation. in essence perma death goes REALLY REALLY WELL with a tight nit clan, but makes pugs and random encounters always hostile
  9. i don't see any reason why side chat could not be regulated to servers instead of being completely taken out.....
  10. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    Top issues I believe should be priority number one.

    on the issue of 3rd person....... just join an expert server if you hate it when others have the ability to go 3rd person, don't make people who like 3rd suffer just because you don't have the will to switch servers. I can't even play in 1st person in this game for long periods of time or i get massive headaches due to the head bobbing and limited fov.
  11. Sledgehammer (DayZ) loot patterns

    i actually found like 5 maps, and no compasses
  12. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    To easy to be detected by zombies?

    i just had to kill myself becuase of technical difficulties and getting lost in a debug zone with my m4a1, 1911, meat etc all really good gear since before 1.7.1 and now right when i spawn on a beach whilst crouch walking im spotted/heard, i cant even go anywhere without getting seen or heard by a damn zombie. This change without a weapon would have been fine if zombie were where they were pre 1.7.1 but now i cant even get to a building without getting spotted.
  13. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    global and sidechat removal in the alpha phase

  14. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    Let me know when we have better starting items

    there are server settings correct? so why cant servers just take away your starting weapon if that server does not want you to start with one. Why does the entire side chat have to go away, when some people might want one, just make it a server choice, and if your ever on a server that does not take away the thing you do not want, you can either ignore it, or drop your weapon to make it harder. I SEE no point in making the game this hard when some people liked how it was, why not give those people actual choice instead of telling people to fuck off.
  15. so im invisible in 3rd person and in 1st person im wearing marpat camo, also i continually spawn in the wilderness even when i attempt to escape the next time i log in i log back to the wildie. Since 1.7.1 ive been having this problem and have tried multiple threads in order to receive help, with no one helping me. i have been using 6 updater and have everything up to date and have even attempted to reinstall dayz with the problem still persisting. 1st person view 3rd person view
  16. so im invisible in 3rd person and in 1st person im wearing marpat camo, also i continually spawn in the wilderness even when i attempt to escape the next time i log in i log back to the wildie. Since 1.7.1 ive been having this problem and have tried multiple threads in order to receive help, with no one helping me. i have been using 6 updater and have everything up to date and have even attempted to reinstall dayz with the problem still persisting. 1st person view 3rd person view
  17. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    Im invisible in 3rd person and spawn in wildie

    seriously has anyone found a solution to this yet? anyone, i have been unable to play for a whole week now =(
  18. i have been using six updater and this has been a problem since and still have not been able to fix it or find anyone who has been able to fix it still have not found any info on how to resolve this issue
  19. Sledgehammer (DayZ)

    Stuck at Debug Areas

    same here, also i cannot see my character in 3rd person, and when im in first person im wearing marpat camo. my shadow also does not appear except for my gun im going to bump because i still have similar problems.......
  20. ok so ever since the update i have had these problems. i have continually installed and updated the game through 6 updater. I have tried multiple times in six updater to fix this problem. img one img 2