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About acidcloud

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  1. acidcloud

    Player Life Value

    I agree with both your comments , I want your beanz too. Cannibalism is a good idea but should carry infection risk. But true co-op has to be founded on mutual benefit - your beanz or your corpse have little long term co-op interest for me hence KOS ( in groups or singly) and grab what you can is all we can do for know. - I know there are some hero groups around as well trying to play ethically within current gaming boundaries - Also some hero bandit killing groups too - Then there is the guy who has so little that its worth the risk to try to take what some one else has thats ok too Dont get me wrong I love the game (so far) I am just eager for more depth of play, I have loads of FPS and looking for something more, hence my investment in buying Standalone.
  2. I think we all know where the game is right now, - Its fun but little to do once kitted up, my interest is to open discussion on what players would like to see developed and implemented next to better balance game. - I know we dont make dev decisions but maybe we can influence if there is a clear set of requests request - a major problem for forums like these is its difficult to get that clarity cos messages get lost in sea of forum messages. Maybe we could have a top 10 ideas on a sticky that can be voted for ?? But i think that making game harder ( more Zeds they are too easy when spawned singly) and introducing some form of skills / gathering / building are hot topics.
  3. Agree there will always be people who like to KOS, but there is little else to do in this early game so KOS or banditry is has become the norm.
  4. acidcloud

    Bandit Culture

    OMG , I so agree with your analogy Survivor, this early game is so Hunger Games.
  5. acidcloud

    Bandit Culture

    the early game is biased to bandit play as the only real answer to bandits is a survivor community play but there is little in game to support community building. dont get me wrong its fun to run into a military base and take a risk on getting gear or getting killed If successful then becoming a bandit, cos lets face it thats what the game is right now. everything we need to survive is spawned ( by the DAYZ GAME GOD ), food, guns, clothes AND NUBE PLAYERS so the only options are forage for these or take them by force. dont get me wrong it would be like this in early stages of post apocalypse but where is the game going after the first few days where is social survival in a post apocalyptic world going to enter the game. community play and interaction really only supports bandit culture - at present, looking forward to more SOCIAL AND SURVIVOR DEVELOPMENT play stile options
  6. acidcloud

    Growing Food/Harvesting?

    You are so right this isnt a survival game when we are all depended on the "Game Higher Power" of spawning cans of beans, dry rice or cereals, it only becomes true survival when we can start growing, hunter / gathering or making stuff. Acidcloud
  7. acidcloud

    Growing Food/Harvesting?

    Agree with Farming idea needs to be part of "Player Life Value" skills building so we can have Farmers, Tailors, Builders, Inventors, Medics, Hunters, Gathering skills eg Woodsman, Trapper, even soldier skill classes. But this needs much more in game gear than spawning guns and food, and wood, berries, seeds eg would mainly be found foraging Homoeopathic Medical supplies - ie natural remedies, ie knowledge of herbs and plant preparation Acidcloud
  8. PS agree that making environment harder will also help with co-op play
  9. acidcloud

    Kidnapping/ Slave Trafficking/ Cannibalism?

    hard to see how this would work if a captured player can just log out and spawn on another server. idea is ok but limited if you are just capturing to be cannibalistic, agree that there should be some health consequences or risks
  10. acidcloud

    Player Life Value

    No PVP is not griefing but does allow griefing. But thats not the point I am trying to make, which is that to lift the game above a FPS type of game a player must be able to develop Life Value over just the gear they carry. Humans really only co-operate because its beneficial, ie you have skills that I would find beneficial so we team up . Right now teaming is for either defence or exercising force over others, this is fine as these aspects would exist in a post apocalyptic world but there has to be more value to a player life value to the gear or blood you have
  11. acidcloud

    Safehouses +other ideas

    Safe houses or safe places can only realy work within a skill based player system where groups can build defensible sites and have "player life value" through some from of skills growth and specialisation otherwise we are all playing a poor FPS.
  12. Right now group cooperation is only beneficial for either Griefing or defence against Griefing as thier is no real value to a life in DAYZ only the gear you carry. So right now your gear has more value than your life. Game needs characters to be able to develop "Player Life Value" that supports co-op play that can be base building, medical, food, survival skills. At our most basic level humans co-operate because it is beneficial ie the other human has skills you need etc. right now the game is a semi survival FPS with a few zombies and only real aims is to hit the military bases get geared up and go out player killing. Its interesting but after a while risks getting boring as there is little else to do but roam the map and kill other players. Acidcloud
  13. acidcloud

    Player Life Value

    think it would be good to have a specific topic on this for discussion What is Player Life Value? - Specific skills built over time within game and lost if you die (thats not just gear that you can find for free in game) - Skill sets are of value to individual players but also to groups Why Life Value is important to aspirations of DAYZ - Fully understand that game is in pre-Alpha but standalone has become and attracting a griefer mentality. - Building player life value has 2 main effects or questions - - Do I kill the guy and steal his stuff / blood -- or do I recruit the guy as he /she has beneficial skills what kind of skills sets could be developed - Cooking - Clothes / Tailor - Building / Structures / fences - Hunting - Inventor / Mechanical / electrical - Medical / Doctor