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Everything posted by pigglet

  1. pigglet

    DayZ goes bad

    the game has shit optimization because it is in alpha. people with i7's and dual titans cant run this game for shit in cities so you will have to learn to deal with it. setting your graphic settings lower generally doesnt help because it is the clients fault, not your pc so you can put them on medium and have the same fps as on lowest settings.
  2. such shameless advertisement.
  3. pigglet

    September Rant Topic.

    i agree with a lot of this, i still hear random zombie noises when i am walking in the middle of nowhere with no zombies around, it is annoying because everytime i hear it ii look all around me to see if there is a zombie. and then there are tons more buggs, hackers and other issues that need to be adressed. i can understand that this game is in alpha and all that shit, but they shouldn't release a game on steam, even in early acces if it is plain unplayable.
  4. pigglet

    wait what?

    so i had created a character and died with it (no big deal) and so i respawned into the world and went on with my business, after about an hour of running around i had a ton of food, water and ammo for guns i didn't have, alongside of that i had a firefighters axe and a shotgun. so i decided to do some PVP in elektro, because i had some shit and was bored. i joined a heavily populated server but then something strange happened, a few days ago i had a character that died as well and when i created a new one and ran around with it for a while i decided to call it a day, the next time i logged on the character was gone and i had to start all over (no big deal i didnt have that much shit on that character) but when i logged into the other server for some PVP in elektro, the game said "please wait" for over 10 minutes so i went and loaded into another server. and that is when shit started happening, my awesome character with his shotty was gone and was instead replaced by the character that was "lost" a few days ago. this is some utter bullshit, i know it's in alpha and blablabla but shouldn't this issue have already been adressed? anyway im just pissed about this and decided to share my experience with all of you. did anyone else have this same issue?
  5. pigglet

    wait what?

    and now i logged on onto another server, and my char is back :).
  6. pigglet

    wait what?

    it is annoying though
  7. pigglet

    wait what?

    i know it wasn't the best gear but i just came back from a long break from dayz, and wanted to have some fun, when i last left i thought elektro, cherno and balotta were the areas to kill people, has that changed?
  8. pigglet

    wait what?

    my original name was nigglet, but people hated my name when i first made a thread and so now i am pigglet, though they have taken my name away they will never take my profile pic away.
  9. i left dayz a few months ago out of boredom and returned yesterday to play some more, i explored the new area of the map and found this amazing shipwreck so i thought i would investigate to find some fatty loot. BEWARE! while exploring the ship i went down a few ladders into a sort of cargo bay and when trying to climb back up, my character glitched out and couldn't climb the stairs and kept teleport 1 meter in the air to fall down on the ground causing both of my characters legs to break. and so i had to starve to death to get out as i couldnt climb up the stairs. so stay away from this shipwreck. it will literally wreck your character.
  10. pigglet

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    i never KOS, i always talk first and if they don't respond i will kill them so i dont get any risks. got killed though a few minutes ago by a serverhopping jackass who shot me instantly while i was reading something about painkillers. jokes on him though i killed him as well.
  11. pigglet

    I can't stand this any longer.

    the amount of bitching in this thread is unbelievable, ofcourse the game isn't finished. thats the fucking thing with an alpha. people bitch that there is nothing to do yet, and that is true and i agree on that. but the bitching about all the bugs and bitching about the devs is just insane. in the 2 weeks this game is out we have had 4 patches, 1 of them fixed a major issue (corpses de-spawning) yet people still whine and cry. if you want to whine and cry go stand in a mirror so nobody has to fucking go through watching you bitch. honestly stop the bitching about the game no being finished or go play something else, like the warZ, i mean dayz alpha is more playable then warZ at launch :). now stop the fucking bitching bitches.
  12. pigglet

    mosin or m4?

    hi i didnt find this anywhere on the forum, and as i am quite new to the game (only played 12 hours so far) and finally got some gear (m4 full backpack with food and ammo, balistic vest and helmet, and a revolver with no ammo) i am wondering which one of the 2 is better cuz i have found a few mosins so far and ammo for them but didnt pick up the mosin cuz i have an m4 and dont know if the mosin is worth it. gl hf nigglet
  13. pigglet

    mosin or m4?

    NO WHAT IS THIS SORCERY. censorship has struck my name.
  14. pigglet

    mosin or m4?

    don't hate its just a name, i dont mean it to be offensive or anything, its just a pokemon card :).
  15. wow yesterdday the server was full now its almost empty
  16. pigglet


    if you want it so bad you can buy it can't you? i mean its only 24 euros, not that expensive at all compared to AAA titles.
  17. pigglet

    game needs a patch with something to do

    dat flaming. but i agree with everyone here, i am still having fun with the game and even though i would love to see a patch i can be patient.
  18. pigglet

    Having a terrible time finding a Mosin.

    elektro there is a small harbor ish area. with 4 industrial buildings, check those out also the hospital in elektro is a good place, have found 5 mosins in all of elektro in 1 day (at the harbor ish area i have found 2 at once) they dont have ammo though and i have had a hard time finding ammo for the mosin, the gun itself isn't that hard to find.
  19. pigglet

    When will there be vehices?

    lol if they implement guns, it won't be long until we see grand theft zombie