Howzit guys/girls Cool, so today or rather tonight I'd like to start the topic on getting some "rage" and pressure the local community is having when it comes to enforcing the rules that are set down by Developers of the Standalone version of DayZ. One of the many topics and yes this isn't the first but, as a supreme server admin since the day DayZ came out I rented and still am renting a server of 40 slots for the South African DayZ community. Server admin tools is a BIG must, as a admin I can't enforce the rules DayZ Developers have set out as well as our own server rules. I must say this is having major effects on the community as we are faced as admins with also the questions you are faced with and that's, "I found a hacker can't you kick/ban him" or "Is there no way to check the log files of the server for a possible hack in use". As a admin I can't ban nor can I kick without proof of the offence but there must be a way for a logged in admin to see people in the different locations. I thought maybe a command line that could mention to the admin proximity from key area's such as major points on the map to identify who is where, without giving away too much of the location the player is located in. I really speak for most of the admins that really do follow the rules to the letter, when we need some more functions to enable us to report or kick people that abuse the game either through hacking/using glitches. Even though the game is a running Alpha stage we still want to serve a stable platform for players to really see the potential DayZ could have for the future releases of the game. I know this is a chance I really hope that the Lead developer in the next patch implements more control in order for the few of the good admins to better enforce the rules of the game. Please don't play this down, we really need the extra tools, even if it is extremely limited to do our jobs even better. Any ways guys thanks for a awesome looking game I look very much forward in the future of the game. Oh btw this rubber banding on our South African servers is kinda still bad but not as much as before. Thanks Hart