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About =SEC8=Manly

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. =SEC8=Manly

    DayZ Is Officially Ruined(Player Wise)

    I love/hate KoS. The hate part is because new spawning in an area with bandits means death when you are trying to find a sip of water and a can of beans. The love part is because that adds more tension to the game and if you are good you can survive and prosper in this zombie/bandit infested world. The upside for new spawns is that me and the rest of the Whiskey Company are congregating around the coast and helping new spawns with food and water and a weapon or two all the while looking for KoS'rs to kill. If you are living the bandit life on the coast killing fresh spawns for fun...more power to you. It is a survival game and people should play it however they want. Just know that we are looking for you and we will find you eventually...that is how we make the game fun for us. WCO ftw.
  2. Works like a charm. I was a bambi in the Cherno firehouse and just found a 45 when I started getting sprayed with an M4 in the back. I started sprinting out the back door to almost run right into the dude who was still popping shots off. I ran around the corner and he started yelling "Friendly! Friendly! Get on the ground! (as I was bleeding like a stuck pig)". I got the gun into my hand and came back around the corner and blasted the crap out of him. Thank you bandit for the pristine M4 with all the attachments and the full ammo box...you made my day. BTW - L2aim
  3. =SEC8=Manly

    Welcome to the War! We need your intel reports.

    The server hopping was done because we were looking for bandits. Once we cleared up the coast we would switch servers to find more. Many new spawns helped...bandits hid or died. BEWARE to any more of you asshats who are picking on new spawns...we WILL find you and we WILL exterminate you vermin. WCO ftw.
  4. I was there with you....I ran up the hill til the server crashed and decided not to do the trek again. Good spot for sure. Whiskey Company that night had a few casualties...stairs and ships with bad railings are dangerous :D
  5. I ran with these guys until the wee hours last night and it was a blast. Whiskey Company is the real deal and a great group of guys. I am looking forward to bringing along several of my friends to join up with them and help build up Eagles Nest right near Lake Blackburn :) Manly