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About ultra1776

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  1. ultra1776

    Daylight server/s

    Ours is 24/7 Daylight. Its on a 3 hr reboot cycle starting at 9:00 am(In Game Time) And like xAtrocity said until they implement some night vision goggles we will run 24/7 daylight too.
  2. ultra1776

    All servers on night?

    Its working again.
  3. ultra1776

    All servers on night?

    People with day jobs will be forced to always play in the darkness and I cant see them doing that it doesn't make sense. The gamma and brightness works sometimes but sometimes the moon goes away and its pitch dark even with everything up.
  4. ultra1776

    All servers on night?

    Well its not global for all servers just 98% of them there are 5 servers that have custom times, and all the rest are within one minute of each other. There has to be some setting in the config that allows you to keep up with the hive time or not. My provider just doesn't have that option and I cant see the config just the web config editor.
  5. ultra1776

    All servers on night?

    I've been playing with the start time setting on our server I had it successfully start at 9:00 am by setting time to 6:30 pm. It said 9:00 am in the server list but quickly reverted back to 1:00 am. Without even rebooting. If anyone has a solution please post it up. I see a few servers in the list that are daylight and in the USA. Something just had to be set wrong somewhere.
  6. ultra1776

    Logout timer

    I think this is a good idea too. This could kill two birds with one stone. It would stop the server hopping in the jails and military camps as well and keep people from combat logging. In all actuality if people would quit being so quick to kill on sight or just kill people just to kill people then the need people think they have to exit the game as soon as they see someone would go away as well. Personally I don't want to kill someone and ruin their day after they have spent hours and hours searching for loot. Usually I just go the way to avoid the need to kill them. If they start to follow me and it looks like they don't share the same level of consideration then ill take action. If you pay attention most of the time you can escape, there isn't a need to combat log quit being so scared.
  7. This guy has 142 games could you imagine the awesomeness if valve was like battleye and banned all his games for hacking.
  8. ultra1776

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Games runs a lot better, smooth and clean. Good job devs!
  9. BattlEye kicks us now if we use the experimental updates. BE Devs, It may be worth while to disable the if greater than check on the system while the game is in alpha.
  10. ultra1776

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Be patient. The more demanding and rude we are the more it will discourage the devs to fix things in a timely manor. If we show how appreciative we all are it will make them want to do more for us. Let them take their time so they can get it right the first time and not break more than they fix trying to rush out patches. We bought a game in alpha and should be thankful that we even get to help find bugs and choose features for the final release. If you cant handle the issues, bugs, disconnects, and resets then just don't play it for a couple months while they work out the big issues. The thread says "pending update" and "List to be fleshed out as update progresses" which sounds to me like it may be a while and we also might have a really cool things added to the list.
  11. ultra1776

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Sorry about that.
  12. ultra1776

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    yeah me too. My client is on 0.30.113953 now. I wonder if all or any of the servers have not been updated yet.