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About MulePunch

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    On the Coast
  1. MulePunch

    Just picked up a FN FAL

    Well it came with one mag. And I believe that if you log off with at least one round in the mag, when you login again, your mag will be full. So I should technically never run out of ammo for it if I only use it in dire situations. But, I'm sure i'll unload it into a zombie sooner or later. But at least, it will be fun while it lasts.
  2. The problem is not the game...but the old saying that a few bad apples spoil the bunch. My first day playing this game (quite a while ago now) I came up on a guy in the woods who whose overlooking on a town. I was so excited I had found another player. I sat behind him for about 3 minutes trying to chat to him to ask is he was friendly. He never moved. All of a sudden I see him start to look around, so I begin to type Frien....that as far as I got before he turned around and shot me in the face. Once that happened, I said never again. From that point on, I have changed by play style from friendly to KOS. I will not actively track another survivor down; however, if you get to close to me...I will shoot you. I see so many people baiting others into helping them out (saying they are low on blood and need a transfusion) only to see the person that was going to help out die in chat. I trust no one but my real life friends in this game.
  3. I just picked up an FN Fal from a guy who spawned in Stary Sober; however, he was not moving and could not be killed. My friend unloaded about 6 M16 shots into the guy and he didn't move. When we walked up to him because we noticed he had a gun we had not seen before...it turned out to be an FN FAL...so I took it. Anyway, I thought the heli crash sites were bugged and you could not get this type of loot. Are the heli crash sites fixed? Where would I find ammo for this gun?