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Everything posted by WastedSpaceman

  1. WastedSpaceman

    So Rocket is jumping ship? How... expected.

    Hey douchebags...no one forced you to buy the game. Most people think the game is fantastic and are capable of being sad that Rocket will eventually step down while also understanding. Claiming that you got "duped" in to buying an ALPHA game is completely baseless. You're the dumbasses for buying a game without properly researching it first. I hope you learn from that mistake or you're going to have very uncomfortable lives. Now piss off. The rest of us are enjoying the game and don't need your negativity.
  2. That's a pretty funny easter egg if that was intentional by the Devs.
  3. WastedSpaceman

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    Well, since the topic is already created (again), I might as well voice my support again. I strongly despise mouse acceleration. It is wonky and inconsistent. It doesn't add any level of realism, and it doesn't even remotely resemble realistic movement. When I turn my head to the right to look at my TV screen, I don't turn my head too fast/too far half the time and have to look back. Likewise, I don't accidentally "not turn my head far enough" and have to turn a bit more to see the screen. I believe that capping the speed at which players can turn is fantastic, as long as the maximum speed is based on reality and not simply to punish players with better hand-eye coordination. As for aiming, when I perform shooting drills at multiple targets, I don't suffer from the bizarre behavior I described above with over-compensating and under-compensating randomly, depending on my frame rate and DPI influences by this mouse acceleration as it would be within the game. A more elegant solution to make armed combat more realistic would be to simply have the reticle wobble around a little bit after moving the mouse, depending on how fast the movement is. This would simulate the time it takes to reacquire the front sight post. It is tactically stupid to switch from target to target while focused on the front sight post unless both targets are in the same sight picture. To stay "aimed down sights" is something a gamer does, not someone who is actually trained. So, to an extent, some kind of penalty should be applied. Mouse acceleration, though, is a horrible approach to that issue. So..anyway there are my 2 cents. I'm sure it will be fixed eventually and the game remains fun in the meantime but damn is it annoying when I can't aim consistently due to this mouse acceleration... :(
  4. WastedSpaceman

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    I still don't get why people care about dying. Just run into Elektro on a high-pop and knock someone out. Boom. Instant gear. There's no reason to run around for 3 hours to get gear. Grow up, OP.
  5. WastedSpaceman

    Seriously do something to the blood loss.......

    What I understand is that you would have greatly benefited from joining a Boy Scouts equivalent or maybe joining the military in your country, to learn how to control your temper and also a little basic knowledge about medicine and wound treatment. Direct pressure is the first step in a series of escalating steps for slowing or stopping blood loss. The other steps wouldn't exist if direct pressure actually worked all the time, but it doesn't. Especially not for severe, deep penetrating wounds in vital areas (I've treated my share of stabbing and gunshot wound victims in the ambulance). So to cool yourself off, just pretend that your character tried, but because you were too stupid to carry bandages/rags/dressings/etc., you were unable to treat yourself when direct pressure didn't work. Maybe what you should be asking for are tourniquet or hemostatic agents like QuikClot. Or maybe you're the kinda guy that would treat uncontrollable cranial bleeding by applying a tourniquet to the neck. I'm kinda thinking that's where you would fall in the spectrum.
  6. WastedSpaceman

    3 New pistols in DayZ Standalone Experimental

    They're both civilian weapons and also both are used as duty weapons all over the world. Also please don't refer to the USMC as just "some unit."
  7. If anyone thinks the game is boring, maybe you need to consider the fact that you don't have any imagination. The concept of a Sandbox game is for the players to make it into whatever they want. If your taste in games is so COD-ish that you need the game to tell you where to go and what to do, and you need the devs to make the story FOR you, then Sandbox style games are probably not something that interest you. Instead of trying to convince people to make the game cater to you, you should find a game that fits your play style and spend time on it instead.
  8. WastedSpaceman

    Do you taunt people after you've killed them?

    Ditto. But in those cases it's more of a PSA than taunting. To let them know what they did, not necessarily to rub anything in.
  9. WastedSpaceman


    I mean this in the nicest way possible so please don't take it the wrong way... You're a moron.
  10. WastedSpaceman

    Disruption of body functions after a gun fight

    Yeah sympathetic v parasympathetic nervous system changes would be nice to see.
  11. This is off topic but I love the .gif in your sig. That is awesome.
  12. WastedSpaceman

    Ingrowing Toenails

    I would take people hostage for no other reason than to grace them with a Cleveland Steamer
  13. WastedSpaceman

    Backpack logic (+ fetch delay)

    It's just a parody of the generally ridiculous nature of CoD. That's not a knock on the game, it was never designed to be a mil sim or anything. The point I was trying to make is that it may be BI's intent to only allow us to have one primary firearm. If they take up ample room in the backpack then I'm all for having more than one. Carrying sufficient ammo for multiple weapons plus the burden of losing over half your backpack space to a secondary rifle...that's a good enough handicap for me.
  14. WastedSpaceman

    Backpack logic (+ fetch delay)

    So it would be something like this. Brilliant.
  15. WastedSpaceman

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    I understand what you're saying but people are talking out of both sides of their mouths. On the one hand they're screaming for what they perceive to be "realism," but on the other they want the game mechanics to carry them to a level of proficiency that very few people in the world actually possess (and they spend countless hours maintaining it every week). But no, if you just pick up any old M4, whether it's a Colt or a Sig Sauer, or some cheap knock off brand, you are not going to be able to make a 500m shot no matter how good you are. You have to spend time not just zeroing the weapon to a proper distance, but also learning the behavior of the barrel and whatnot.
  16. WastedSpaceman

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    Mosins are fun to shoot but they are pieces of shit. The barrels need replaced pretty regularly in terms of a prolonged conflict (or "zombie apocalypse"). M4's are fantastic weapons but they are prone to malfunctions. They are also vulnerable to becoming inoperable due to heat in an extended firefight (just talk to the guys who saw action in the middle east recently). Are they good guns? Yeah, they're "good." They aren't great. On a side note, the primary reason 5.56 is used in armed conflict is because it is more likely to wound than kill, compared to other rounds. This is not a fault, but was very intentional. By wounding an adversary, you essentially take 3 people out of combat (the wounded man and the two that come to pull him behind cover and treat his wounds). Obviously that doesn't happen every time, but that's one of the benefits of using a smaller FMJ round. Food for thought. I've never fired an SKS so I have nothing to say about it. But nobody that "wakes up on a beach" in a zombie apocalypse is going to be proficient with any firearms. So just forget all this crap about M4's being capable of accuracy at 500m. What a gun is capable of does not equate to what the shooter is capable of.
  17. WastedSpaceman

    video adjustment?

    I can't stand the blur around the edge of the screen while running with PP on. Even at the lowest setting it's distracting, somewhat disorienting, and also makes it significantly harder to scan my area for potential threats. Is that realistic? Well, yeah. I can't see as well if I'm running as I can while standing still. But some sacrifices have to be made in the "realism" department in order to facilitate enjoyable gameplay. With PP on, I still feel like I'm playing a video game. With it off, I feel slightly less nauseous while playing a video game.
  18. WastedSpaceman

    I died being forcefed M4A1 magazine rounds...

    Some people make me sick... It's one thing to be a douche and backstab people out of revenge, but making derogatory comments like that is the kind of thing that will bite him in the ass eventually. I'm glad you didn't let it discourage you from continuing to play. For what it's worth, I came across two well geared strangers today (separately) and neither of those encounters resulted in detainment/robbery/shots fired. So there definitely are some good folks out there.
  19. WastedSpaceman

    Raw Mouse Input Is Crucial To Immersion

    1:1 input is desperately needed. I'm sick of the acceleration. It makes for a jarring experience when I go from playing other games to DayZ, and it really has been a discouraging factor that's reduced how often I play. It's not game-breaking, but there's obviously an option for it so I'm sure it will be fixed soon. And LOL @ the people who draw ridiculous comparisons between the game and reality. Instead of making idiotic arguments in support of forced mouse acceleration, go make a thread about how "realistic" it is to wake up on a beach and suddenly be able to use, load, modify, and perform maintenance on an M4 without any training or literature.
  20. WastedSpaceman

    You've Been Infected

    He's not being a troll. KoS is part of the game. If you don't like it, go play Hello Kitty Adventures Online or Neopets. I hear there's no KoS in them.
  21. Most of them probably wouldn't even be able to pull the trigger to defend themselves in a real world environment. Hell, most of them probably don't even know how to load a fiream, or even how to disengage the safety for that matter. And those that do would end up as casualties from self-inflicted wounds due to poor unloading technique prior to cleaning.
  22. If anyone wants to gain insight into the matter from credible sources (i.e., NOT reddit), there are a few books I've read recently that have been invaluable in expanding my knowledge. On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman http://www.amazon.com/On-Killing-Psychological-Learning-Society/dp/0316040932/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1390704710&sr=8-1&keywords=on+killing On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman http://www.amazon.com/Combat-Psychology-Physiology-Deadly-Conflict/dp/0964920549/ref=pd_sim_b_1 A Failure of Civility by Jack Lawson http://www.amazon.com/Failure-Civility-Jack-Lawson-ebook/dp/B00CW1TCTA/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1390704794&sr=1-1&keywords=failure+of+civility Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need To Know To Mentally And Physically Prepare For And Survive A Gunfight by Alexis Artwohl http://www.amazon.com/Deadly-Force-Encounters-Mentally-Physically/dp/0873649354/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1390704816&sr=1-1&keywords=deadly+force+encounters SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation by John "Lofty" Wiseman http://www.amazon.com/SAS-Survival-Handbook-Revised-Situation/dp/0061733199/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1390704859&sr=1-1&keywords=survival+guide Leadership And Training For The Fight: A Few Thoughts On Leadership And Training From A Former Special Operations Soldier by MSG Paul R. Howe (US Army, Retired) http://www.amazon.com/Leadership-Training-Fight-Thoughts-Operations/dp/1420889508/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1390705318&sr=1-1&keywords=leadership+and+training+for+the+fight Those are the books I've had a chance to read so far. Several of them are also available in audio book format if that's what tickles your fancy. If anyone has any other recommended reading...please share. Also, the EMT certification is not worth it. I am a licensed EMT that volunteers at a 9-1-1 agency on the ambulance. 80% of what I do is procedural and grounded in adhering to very strict protocols set by the state department of health. The other 20%, the actual skills-based part, can be self-taught by just picking up a book. If you want to go spend $500 to $1,000 for an EMT cert (depending on your state), feel free. If you're smart, just get the book and study it so you're able to render care in an emergency. The only reason I got the certification was so I could work on the ambulance.
  23. WastedSpaceman

    Lets talk about shotguns

    Oh good to know. I didn't pay a lot of attention to what they had once I realized that they were just a waste of valuable bag space lol
  24. WastedSpaceman

    Lets talk about shotguns

    I think standard variations of hunting and typical home defense shotguns would be ideal. Modifiable parts for the fancier ones (pistol grip, breaching choke, rifled/smooth bore interchangeable barrels, ghost ring sight, weapon light attachment, etc.) and more types of ammo. The shotgun I keep at home for defense is loaded with Winchester PDX1 which is a particularly nasty load for a potential intruder to catch. But I doubt they would be available in the countryside of Chernarus after a zombie apocalypse. I think typical 2 3/4" 00 Buckshot, rifled slugs, and birdshot would be perfect if scattered around various civilian structures throughout the map, and more specialized rounds at military bases or something. If semi-automatic shotguns are introduced, I would absolutely like to see them behave appropriately. Finding random ammunition scattered about the countryside should result in weapon malfunctions like failure to eject (common in those types of shotguns when using inappropriate qualities of ammunition).
  25. WastedSpaceman

    More punch

    "I know this is alpha!" "I understand it's alpha!"\ "All I'm asking for is everything that is supposed to be in the full release of the game....in Alpha!" *facepalm* Why are there so many nitwits who don't understand the purpose of Alpha gameplay <_< They are releasing things at a pretty damn good pace right now!! Personally I'm impressed. My advice, don't spend every second of your free time playing DayZ SA or you're going to burn yourself out because it's a bare bones game at the moment (and purposefully so). Go play something else between updates when you feel bored.