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Everything posted by InvisiMan2013

  1. InvisiMan2013

    Why does every person with a gun shoot on sight?

    It hurts to be friendly (but it won't stop me from trying). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkyVXyc3Azw
  2. InvisiMan2013

    I was robbed by lesbian bandits

    I'd totally be like...
  3. InvisiMan2013

    DayZ SA - Which headset do you use ?

    I "modded" my xbox 360 headset to work on my pc... that's what I'm using right now.
  4. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Yeah, the only social media I use to keep in contact with DayZ development is Twitter and I'm tired of seeing them patting themselves on the back while nearly everyone here in the forum is waiting for ANY info on what's being worked on - anything. If you want to emulate how a developer should stay in contact with users, take the game Survivalcraft as a prime example. That developer (CandyRufusGames) is a one man show and he develops for Android, iOs and Windows Phone simultaneously. He provides updates daily and posts to twitter, RSS, youtube and facebook. It's an absolute joy to have this kind of contact with a developer. He lets us know what's coming up, what problems he's run into with certain devices, but regardless, it's always FRESH. We understand that "this is only alpha". We get it. We really do. But this isn't a free alpha; we've all invested in its development and want to be an active part of it. When I look at the bug tracker and see over 5000 bug reports and less than 30 "resolved", it makes me wonder just what the heck is going on behind the scene. So if these progress updates are somewhere other than the official forums, please direct us to the right place.
  5. InvisiMan2013

    Cans of Food.

    I think if the damage system was working on food items, it would basically be similar to what you're suggesting - ruined cans could be spoiled, badly damaged might not be full and/or cause food poisoning, etc.
  6. InvisiMan2013

    incentive not to kill everyone you find

    I find the feeling of helping other players to be far more rewarding than KOS (I've only killed to defend myself after being attacked). That's incentive enough for me. Like just today, I was in Berezino and came across a new player running in the streets being chased by a zombie. I was armed and had plenty of supplies on me and I asked if he needed help. After he asked for help, I killed the zombie and then asked i the guy needed anything. He said he's new to DayZ and didn't know where anything was, so we took shelter in a house and I gave him liquids and a compass and we parted ways. Killing he dude on sight wouldn't have been much fun...
  7. If anything, the effect of severe blood loss needs to be kicked up, not removed.
  8. InvisiMan2013

    Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

    Most modern games will get a performance increase from HT and some won't get any benefit - but DayZ seems to be crippled by it. Something isn't right.
  9. InvisiMan2013

    Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

    Looks like DayZ needs some much needed optimization then... Hyper-threading should improve gaming performance: http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2274887
  10. InvisiMan2013

    Shooting from inside vehicle

    'Murica! I wonder how bad hit detection will be from bullets fired from a moving vehicle. Dat Latency is gonna be rough.
  11. InvisiMan2013

    fresh fruit?

    Wild berries with a 10% chance of poison berries... only way to test what you've got is to force feed them to someone and see what happens :P If hunting is going in the game, harvesting should be included too, especially since 90% of the map is fertile land.
  12. InvisiMan2013

    CPU or GPU, whats the problem?

    I'm not going to change my os for a game! LOL... they had better optimize this shit for current/future operating systems. Funny enough, if you watch "how to increase fps in Battlefield 4", they always recommend Windows 8.1 for better performance. :rolleyes:
  13. InvisiMan2013

    The reason why i kill on sight now !!

    For all the assholes in the game,meeting one other friendly player makes the unnecessary kos tolerable. Keep playing as a good guy. Some of us do appreciate it.
  14. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    To be fair, considering the game is alpha and their budget is huge due to the early steam sales, it would probably be in their best interest to hire more staff to: a) get more bugs fixed. b) get DayZ SA to a final build sooner (which will generate more revenue). c) prevents burnout from having too small of a team. d) allows them to focus on quality rather than just getting things done. Considering that they've already sold over 850,000 copies in less than a month (over $26,000,000), they could hire another 10 people and it wouldn't put a dent in their current earnings. Even just hiring an extra person part time to handle the forum/social media to keep their alpha testers in the loop would be a huge boost to the community. Fan support can make or break this game and frequent updates (not just game updates, but "coming soon" type stuff) keeps the interest level high.
  15. InvisiMan2013

    Dayz Recording.

    No idea. Never had an upload problem. Does it give you an error? I've been trying that Action recorder all night. For some reason, when I import the mp4 file into Magix Movie Edit Pro, the audio is messed up (like buzzing when there's sound). I don't get this problem playing the video in another program. AVI seems to fix the issue for this one specific program, but the file sizes are huge. :( I'm going to keep trying tomorrow.
  16. InvisiMan2013

    Dayz Recording.

    I've uploaded a few vids... it does take a long time if your internet upload speed is slow. I've been testing different recording apps and will try Action, since they also have a cool android companion app to go with it.
  17. InvisiMan2013

    I won DayZ PvE....Now what?

    Yup. It's not even really a game at this point. If you're trying to beat DayZ alpha, you're doing it wrong. Test, test, and report... let's aim for a bug free launch!
  18. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    I've seen everyone with a ping of zero since I got the alpha a few weeks ago... I thought it was just normal and not something they implemented yet.
  19. Thanks. I'll keep an eye out. I'm always willing to test new stuff :)
  20. If you mean "pending update", the last one was Dec 18 and there have been patches since. Maybe these experimental builds aren't really too active and the devs go straight to regular builds?
  21. Yeah, me too. I got the alpha so that I can get involved with bug reporting, stability tests, etc., but without knowing what's new in the experimental builds/servers, I'm just wasting time there. Can any devs put up the experimental builds changelog?
  22. InvisiMan2013

    Found a bug on the wrecked ship..

    He wasn't near the edge... his player just slid several meters aaaaand he's gone.
  23. InvisiMan2013

    Found a bug on the wrecked ship..

    That happened to me too... as I was falling, I noticed another dead guy at the bottom. LOL!
  24. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    While the latest patched helped with rubber banding <a little>, I'm getting problems where the game freezes (you can't move or access the menu) now. I also had one instance where DayZ forcefully crashed and gave a windows error - it looks like a memory leak as DayZ was still a running process using 2.7gb of RAM.
  25. InvisiMan2013

    If you don't laugh at this, you are a bitter soul

    He's a member of http://www.30bananasaday.com/ :P