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Everything posted by InvisiMan2013

  1. InvisiMan2013

    Efficient Zombie Spawns?

    Sounds too scripted. It's far more realistic to be able to clear out a town until more zombies eventually find their way back (maybe may hours later). To be honest, until we know what the expected plans are regarding server times with restarts, dead body desync, etc. we can't offer suggestions on zombies because it would be dependent on other conditions. For example, i'd be cool to see dead bodies eventually rise into zombies, but it would obviously be limited to a) how long dead bodies take to desync and b) how many zombies servers will allow. I'd rather there be a set amount of zombies - 4000 sounds good to start with (if the map is 216km squared then that's only 18 zombies per square km.) and then afte
  2. InvisiMan2013

    More zombies less axes?

    I've found more axes the last time I played than the last week put together... but I did notice far more zombies than usual. In one small town I offed 4 zombies ALL chasing after me, and then another 3 a few minutes later. That's more zombies than I've seen in an entire large city at one time. I loved it and hope it was intentional.
  3. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I made that suggestion before the reddit post http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165765-10-min-body-despawn/?p=1679596, and I'd still love to see it implemented.
  4. I was in a situation where me and three other guys were in a firehall and we met a few other guys... one of them started attacking their friend and one guy in my group opened fire because he thought the other dude was going on a rampage. So we're all there, with weapons drawn, not knowing what the hell just happened and why people were dead - it was tense. I loved it.
  5. InvisiMan2013

    Bullet Penetration in DayZ Standalone

    Sometimes I wonder if this game has bullet penetration or if the bullets are simply going through walls like zombies do :(
  6. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    In case you missed the memo: Fixed: Niosh mask (respirator) inventory size fixed to 1/1 slot.Missing strings for BE popup for alternate languages, set to English while translations are being done.Reduced dispersion of FNX45 (from 0.05 to 0.03)Balanced stomach capacity,Added stuffed notifier (instead of sickness when full up)Eating and drinking animations properly set for tablets/disinfectants Version number in server browser and detailsSaline transfusion doesn't refill full bloodCharcoal and Tetracycline tablets won't give sick badge if you aren't actually sickPlayer aim run speed updated, weapon position changed and improved for first person viewGlitches on right hand while moving and while giving taunt fixedPlayers can't pile backpacks inside of another backpacks, backpack-inception style. You can only put one backpack inside of another backpack if the backpack that is being put inside is empty. Magnum speedloader should be spawning now Number of backpacks spawning lowered Number of .357 Pythons spawning lowered. Number of M4A1s spawning lowered Dead character cleanup performed at 10 minutes past death Removed scripted server teleporting check as now managed by engine
  7. InvisiMan2013

    why does one blow to head knock you out?

    I got into a fist fight and later realized the only way I made it out alive and the other guy died is because I had a motorcycle helmet on and he didn't.
  8. InvisiMan2013

    Mosin = Easy Mode, I love the Mosin

    I've only recently acquired a mosin, but you can't reload it from the middle-mouse click like you can the m4 - or am I doing it wrong? To reload, I have to unload the mosin in the inventory screen and reload more ammo every time... it's quite cumbersome (perhaps by design?) and I have no idea how much ammo is in it (which you can see on the m4).
  9. InvisiMan2013

    Screen randomly changes colour?

    Yup, noticed it too... if must be a bug as it kicks in at completely random times.
  10. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I can't wait until the random noises get fixed... I'm developing a stress disorder because of them... LOL
  11. InvisiMan2013

    Stealth Zombie updates

    Haven't encountered an invisible zombie in some time, but they still walk through walls... that's a huge problem. Unless, of course, we call this DayG and just make them ghosts :D
  12. InvisiMan2013

    10 min body despawn?

    Honestly, 10 minutes is shit. I can't see how leaving bodies + inventory would have such a drastic effect on these servers. Considering most players don't even die in a single session, and the servers hold max 40 people, there aren't a lot of bodies to hold onto anyways. Why not despawn in order of first killed - almost like bullet holes in games, where you shoot 100 and the first one disappears to make room for 101.
  13. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    What was the previous despawn time? I'd rather they stay there longer rather than sooner... it's always cool to find a body in the middle of the street and not know what the hell happened. Puts me on edge :)
  14. InvisiMan2013


    Whenever they come, I hope Rocket includes double-rainbows too... all the waaaay. :D
  15. InvisiMan2013

    Patch 114343 reduced loot spawn.

    Because it makes things far more enjoyable for those of us who don't cheat or use exploits. :)
  16. InvisiMan2013

    [Suggestion] New Animation Ideas

    If I (and many others) can change an ostomy appliance while laying down on our backs, surely, a video game character can bandage up his arm while laying down. :lol:
  17. InvisiMan2013

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Time to eat ALL the berries! Thanks for the update - this list is huge and very welcome :)
  18. InvisiMan2013

    Server for general testing?

    I've been testing several game capture software and different graphics settings for benchmarking, but I always feel hesitant to hop in a server for a 30 second test and then hop out - then do this several times over. a) once anti-combat logging and anti-server hopping gets implemented, there's a risk that this type of testing could result in some consequence to my character/profile. b) I want an environment where I can't be killed when all I want to do is test. Ideally, the server I'm looking for gives you "god mode", but doesn't allow you pick up items (all item spawns could be removed) or get thirsty/hungry, so you can't benefit/lose from repeatedly rejoining this server. Are there any like this?
  19. Can you put a third case inside the case inside the case? :P
  20. InvisiMan2013

    Seems To Be Tons of Friendlies On Low pop Servers

    I bet you've never met a friendly like this guy... :lol:
  21. InvisiMan2013

    Song That Perfectly Describes DayZ SA

    "I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long) Just tryna find my way back home (back home) The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone, dead and gone" :D
  22. InvisiMan2013

    Best in game recorder?

    Shadowplay would be perfect if it had PTT recording. Right now, MSI Afterburner 3.0.0 beta 18 is the next best thing - has a prerecord feature, PTT recording, many file options, etc...
  23. InvisiMan2013

    Animal Care

    Snow White's humanity level is over 9000!!!!!
  24. InvisiMan2013

    Playing the mod again..

    Got the mod today in the Humble Bundle... was a pain in the ass to setup and it's clunky as all hell - nothing like the standalone. Having said that, I'm assuming the mod never allowed for all buildings to be explored. It's frustrating to go from the Standalone to the Mod when you expect certain things to be there - zombies make it was more challenging though. I do look forward to seeing the Standalone advance with some mod features.